
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Da Cheong Chae Harvest Week

Most of the harvest last week were from our backyard container garden.
Last week, we harvested our last batch of parsnip harvest for this year after growing them for almost 10 months with the leeks. Not much parsnip this year due to heat wave earlier this year the ones growing on the soil all perished and had to be harvested earlier. Only the ones growing in container survive, although some of the leaves got burned. However, it revived. The first purple vienna kohlrabi harvest for this year for us.
Main harvest of this weeks which is almost on every harvest photos is Asian greens Da Cheong Chae from only one small polystyrene container. Da Cheong Chae has very dark green and big leaves. Since only 3 of us now, harvesting 3 da cheong chae plants each time is more than enough for one meal.
 Afghanistan carrots that were harvested this week were from our home-saved seeds collection.
Parsnip and sweet potatoes.
Parsnip for the chicken korma.
Sweet potato fritters for Sunday breakfast.
Both dishes prepared by dear hubby.
Some chillies and Italian Sprouting broccoli sprouts for fish curry. Hubby the temporary chef (I am on leave from the kitchen until not sure when) asked for eggplants or okra which not going to fruit in this cold winter. So broccoli were use as substitute for his fish curry menu. We eat what is in season and learn how to improvise. We harvested some baby kailan (chinese broccoli) because we need to thin them as they were sowed really closely to each other. Finally, for 2 years now we don't have the need to buy kailan seeds anymore as kailan seeds collected from our own garden has been sufficient enough up till now. Germination rate of these seeds is also very good so I am very happy with it. The benefit of growing non-hybrid plants. So, I can allocate my seeds shopping budget for new plants each year.
This is the dish my husband cook for us last Saturday, fresh from our garden.
This is his version of Stir-fry kailan with salted mackeral fish.
I have to show my appreciation to my husband since I rarely cook these days (I only cook once a week due to my health state at the moment)...hehehe...Last week went for an ultrasound because I was a bit anxious wanting to confirm again our baby I am carrying is in good health. I am 34 weeks pregnant and baby doing good about 2.1kg now. Rayyan was born at 37 weeks with 2.3kg which was more than a kilogram lighter than Ilhan was. To be honest, I am a little bit scared and alone without other family to lean on except hubby. Hubby really happy at the moment as we might have a girl this time and I am getting more extra pampering. Baby birth estimation date is the same day as my PhD completion date (18th August 2012) in total of 4 years. Very ironic and unlucky with date I am. However, realistically I don't think I can finish before that date. In actual, I have taken more than 3 months of  leave of absence due to Rayyan medical reason. So, I should get another 3 months extra for it to be 4 years. Sigh...worry...but see how much I can do this month. Don't want to dwell too much on it yet of the uncertain things.


  1. MKG dear,
    Whoa! What a harvest! My Mama is green with envy. Hey....we love kailan ikan masin too. Altough Mama doesn't allow me to eat anything salty know....due to my illness a few months ago. We'd love to see what you do withnthe parsnip. har har har *evil laughs*

  2. Beautiful harvests. It's so nice that your husband will cook for you. I don't remember my husband ever doing that when I was pregnant. But then I didn't have any trouble except really bad morning sickness.

  3. Wishing for good outcomes for you Diana, on both the academic and family fronts!
    I expect your husband is enjoying the opportunity to shine, and display his cooking ability! :)
    He will certainly have some fine ingredients to work with.

  4. Indeed your kailan seeds have superb germination rates. I have been putting them into pots and up they come in three days. Pretty fast too. Love baby kailan.

  5. Oh, it's weird to read a post dated the next day! AND it's showing harvests that are opposite from the season you're in!

    Congrats on your academic success and your upcoming addition to the family! (And on a nice harvest :) )

  6. Very nice vegetables this week! Best wishes for your new child and your studies.

  7. jaga diri...all the best k mar doakan...

  8. What a bountiful harvest, Diana! The kailan dish looks good so I'm sure that with your harvest you'll be enjoying more delicious and nutritious food.

  9. It's always a pleasure to see your bountiful harvest. Just enjoy the colours will do hehe... Some say our health will benefit from eating vege and fruit of different colours... and you have lots of them :-D

  10. Beautiful harvest, congrats on your academic achievement and the new baby.

  11. Very good harvest!
    Don't worry!I wish you will delivery healthy full term baby and finish of your PHD on time!
    Congratulation for getting baby girl! ;)

  12. oh my .. sgt2 suka! fresh one always yek!

  13. Glad to hear that you are being pamapered.

  14. All the best with your baby! Don't worry too much about the PhD. The baby is the most important right now. Glad hubby is pampering you. Enjoy!

    Oh, and great harvest! Looking very good. :))

  15. You are so patient waiting 10 months for a vegetable but then I bet those parsnips tasted good. I need to borrow your husband to teach mine to cook - looks like he's doing a good job.

  16. Glad to know that you are expecting a new family member.

    That is a good "harvest" indeed.

  17. What a lovely harvest and how nice to have someone else do the cooking! sounds like the baby is doing good. I'm sure you'll get your schooling done all in good time.

  18. Sanag gembira bila dgr pengumuman diana pregnat. Semoga semuanya selamat hendaknya.. Dae cheong chae tu Ada tak ditawarkan dalam kebunbahagiabersama. Kalau ada saya minta reserve utk saya satu..

  19. Congratulations, you have much to be proud of!

  20. Congratulations about your pregnancy and baby on the way. You are indeed a superwoman gardener, being expectant mom and mom to small kids and studying is no easy task. I wonder if I can handle all that in one go. My best of luck wishes to your for a safe delivery, healthy baby and success in your studies. May you reap the benefits of a good 'harvest'!

  21. dear Diana, what exciting news - your veggie harvest looks great, the fish curry with the bok choy (?) looks wonderful and now you're expecting a baby as well as your PhD completion. You're amazing -I understand it all feels daunting at times, but I know you'll manage. You just might find yourself doing less gardening for a while though I suppose. cheers, catmint

  22. Congratulation for your expecting baby :-). May I know your topic for PhD? I also have a PhD. Wow! you are harvesting a lot during this winter in Australia. How severe is the winter in Adelaide?

  23. I've never had kailan but now you have me interested. I'll track down some seeds because it will soon be time to plant the for our fall garden.

    I'm sending you all good wishes for your health, your baby, and your Ph.D. So much at once! Tell your dear husband he is a jewel, and he is being admired around the world!

  24. Wah suka tengok keledek tu..sedap jika di goreng.Alhamdulillah tumpang gembira sebab Diana bakal menimang cahaya mata perempuan.Insyallah Cm doakan agar semuanya selamat dan Diana akan berjaya menghabiskan Phd Diana.Kejayaan berganda..ganda,,dapat anak perempuan dan dapat pakai topi Phd..Insyallah..insyallah..

    Aqeek blom boleh balik ke rumah buat masa ini kerana belum dapat bernafas sepenuhnya tanpa alat pernafana.Insyallah.Mudah mudahan Aqee cepat sihat.Terima kasih atas doa Diana tu.

  25. Good luck with your new baby... and your potatoes look good...

  26. Your harvests are looking good - particularly since the majority are coming from containers. You really have mastered the art of getting good production out of container gardening. It's very nice of your husband to do the cooking to help you out. You have your hands full with the upcoming birth of your second child, caring for Rayan, and pursueing your PHD. Not to mention growing a superior garden!

  27. Your harvests are looking good - particularly since the majority are coming from containers. You really have mastered the art of getting good production out of container gardening. It's very nice of your husband to do the cooking to help you out. You have your hands full with the upcoming birth of your second child, caring for Rayan, and pursueing your PHD. Not to mention growing a superior garden!

  28. i also love kailan with salted fish and when i read, sweet potatoes fritters, yum..sedapnya! wishing you all the best with your studies and also with the upcoming new arrival of your baby!

  29. Wow! You have so much going on in your life at the moment. I didn't even realise you were pregnant. Wishing you all the best for the safe arrival of baby number 3 :)

    Take care and enjoy the feasts prepare by hubby!

  30. You can do it! We're praying for your health, and Rayyan and the baby!

  31. wow..great harvest for 34 weeks pregnant lady, with 2 lil boy, and phD student.! congrats diana. im so proud of you,...

  32. I have gievn you an award. Feel free to take at my blog!

  33. hi so many harvests- love to see the real fresh veggies in your wok.. parsnips for kurma -must try this.
    selamat berpuasa and wish His Blessings for you and family always

  34. Cat-from-Sydney~In winter when I am out of home-grown potato stock, we usually substitute parsnip for potato in korma. Its good to reduce salt.

    Daphne~I don't have much problem pregnant with my 2boys. But pregnant with a girl baby now is totally different, mood swing really bad...hehehe...

    Mark, foodgardenkitchen, Kate, Kak Mar, Bom, Stephanie, Mac, Malar, Kesuma Angsana, Sue, Veggie Gnome, Rainfield61, mary Hysong, Michelle, Autumn Belle, Lrong, KitsapFG, Lena, Shaz, Jody, Hernyhafiz, cookingvarieties~
    Aww thank you so much for best wishes and kind thoughts. So sweet.

    Sean L~ Those kailan must be very happy with your balcony view.

    Liz~ Some veggies are easy to forget especially when they are hiding behind others. My husband is pretending to play masterchef in the kitchen and plenty of googling for recipes. Surprisingly he does much better using up left-over food than me.

    Shafirul Suffian~ Diana belum lagi kumpul benih Da Cheong Chae. Bulan ni tengah kumpul benih hon tsai tai dulu.

    Catmint~ The dish is Chinese broccoli fried with salted mackeral fish. Less gardening this year for me. But we are lucky that so many volunteer plant this year that the garden thrive by its own.

    KL~ We only have mild winter here in our garden. But extreme summer weather. I am studying genetics and my research project is 'sex determination in mammal' but as the project goes deeper it seems that I have to study and add chapters involving placentation. My animal model is platypus (monotremes) but I do comparative genomics as well with outgroup species.

    Patricia Burroughs~ I hope you have a fun time growing kailan this fall. Thank you so much for the good wishes.

    Cikmanggis~Kami gembira dengan Aqeel dah dapat keluar dari NICU. Lepas ni Aqeel akan cepat membesar lagi.

    Malar~Thank you so much for the award. I am very honoured with your kind thoughts.
