
Monday, September 17, 2012

Most Anticipated 2012 Harvest

I would like to introduce you to our anticipated harvest of this year Abbiyana Ariel born on 9th August 2012 at 2 PM through waterbirth normal delivery. She is our biggest harvest for this year but she only weight 2.99kg at birth. Four hours after birth we went home. Abby face resembles her brothers when they were babies. She is the reason why there are no posting in this blog for a while. Her father wanted to name her Abigail which means a father joy but I was not keen on it. Because my husband hometown family will pronounce the name different as suppose to be due to the dialect going to sound very weird. Abbi means a father's joy. Yes, Abby father is really happy now he has a baby girl. Her middlename is Ariel is not because she was born under water and related to Disney little mermaid is just a coincidence. But Ariel was chosen as her middlename from one of the archangels. Her brothers middlename are also from one of the archangels ~ Mikhail and Haniel. According to Chinese calendar this is the year of water dragon, born in water she enjoys her bath very much.When she demands for her feed she sounds like a little dragon as well ...hehehe...
September is really a busy month for harvesting and sowing seeds. I am very behind with the sowing schedule due to postnatal birth confinement and care and could not keep up with edibles need to harvest ASAP. 
Main harvest for this early spring month from our garden are broccoli and carrot. I am hoping now that we entered spring this year carrot won't flower that quickly for us to enjoy them.
Although, we have only one Italian sprouting broccoli plant, I cannot keep up harvesting the shoots. The plant is very generous providing so many shoots to harvest continuously through this month.  I keep on giving-away the harvested broccoli shoots because we can't finish them and I can't managed time to blanch and freeze them. While I am writing this I think maybe I should make broccoli puree and frozen them for Abby when she starts to try solid food. A few of chillies were picked half ripe and brought inside to ripen them up.
Totally forgotten to harvest one Kent pumpkin last autumn. I found the pumpkin amidst the weeds at the back of our backyard fence last week. Fortunately, it was in good shape. Kohlrabi also needs to be harvested this month before it starts to flower. Noticed how long the grass on our backyard.
Autumn-sown radishes need to be pick quick this month as many of them are starting to give the sign of going to flower soon, Peas are also one of the main harvest this month, a luxurious fresh snack while in the garden. Self-sowed celery plants are abundant for picking as well.
Cherrytime capsicum and self-sowed yellow currant cherry tomato are also available from the garden.
We also have spinach and Touchstone Gold beetroot readily available from the garden this month.
This early spring is our chamomile peak harvest season. Nice to have fresh chamomile tea to make us feel more relax. I am just a bit concern whether chamomile tea is fine for breastfeeding mother.
Last Saturday, while cleaning up one of the neglected patch fill with weeds at the back of our backyard fence found some potatoes and leek. I was pruning some of our over-wintered bonica brinjal plants, surprisingly found some small fruits on the plant. We were also clearing up some containers and harvested some unnoticed bush peas and cape gooseberries. Its like treasure hunting for goodies this month with the weeds going wild everywhere.
Another face of a month old Abbiyana Ariel.
I am enjoying motherhood at the moment.
Thinking whether I should give her a first hair cut now that her hair is passed her shoulders.
Join in Daphne's Dandelions Harvest Monday.


  1. Abbiyana is beautiful! She is the best harvest of all. The other is pretty darn good too though.

    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. She's absolutely beautiful. Your edible harvest is looking great too. I didn't cut my sons hair until he was about 2 and attacked it himself with a pair of scissors, I like long hair on kids - very cute.

  3. Congratulations on your special harvest - born on our wedding anniversary too!

    I think under the circumstances you have done incredibly well at keeping your garden going and producing such a fine 'other' harvest.

  4. Oh, congratulations, Diana, to you and your family! Welcome to the world, Abbiyana. xx

  5. Beautiful harvests indeed. Abby is lucky to have such a wonderful variety of veggies to enjoy when she is a little older.

  6. Congratulations on the new addition to your family! Abbiyana Ariel is a very beautiful name for a baby girl. May she be blessed with good health, good luck, great beauty and brains. Bountiful harvest indeed.

  7. Awwww! She's beautiful! Congratulations!

  8. This is the most successful thing of the year.


  9. Welcome to the world Abbiyana Ariel! Congratulations on her arrival and good work because she sure is beautiful.

    The harvest this week is pretty amazing too. I am so jealous of that beautiful broccoli. Yum!

  10. Congratulations! Abbiyana Ariel is beautiful. Great garden harvest too.

  11. Congratulations on your new family member! And your veggie harvests look good too :)

  12. Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful daughter. She has the most expressive dark eyes. I like the names you have chosen for her very much. Your vegetable harvest is impressive as always. I wonder if the camomile tea will make her more relaxed as well.

  13. What a beautiful baby girl.... and the hair cut cracks me up.. My girls needed no hair cut until they were almost 4 years old... Blessings to you and your family

  14. Many congratulations on the latest addition to the family, Diana! As you say, a truly wonderful harvest.

  15. What a beautiful baby girl! Congratulations!

  16. Hie Abby baby! Eeeeeee....geram tengok pipi tembam dia. Kalau dekat memang dah terkam. As we say in felinedom, CONGCATULATIONS!!!!!! har har har *happy laughs*

    Brad the most handsome

  17. very nice harvest, especially that cute little bundle of joy!

  18. congratulations !! this is the most wonderful harvest of the year!! it's a beautiful name 'abbiyana'! really happy for you!!

  19. Congratulations on your precious little girl's arival!

  20. Congratulations! I couldn't imagine keeping up with a garden with a newborn. Both my births were very long and I took a long time recovering after.

  21. I am so SO happy for you. May all your years of motherhood be joyful!! Congratulations.

  22. How wonderful! Abbyana is so beautiful. I'm so glad you posted her picture. She's a joy!

  23. That's the best harvest this year!!! Congratulations to the newest addition to your family! Welcome to the world Abbiyana Ariel!!

  24. Congratulations - your new addition is beautiful! When I had my second child I went to a naturopath and she had me actually feed my baby chamomile tea so I think it would definitely be fine for you to drink it. she was the calmest baby, and even now at 29 is a tea lover!

  25. She is so pretty! Yes biggest harvest haha... and yes enjoy motherhood. Nice and beautiful harvest from the garden as well. Btw those cherry time capsicum seeds you sent me earlier, one little plant grew and now fruiting but sadly the fruit fell off. Nonetheless, every experience counts. Happy gardening!

  26. comel sungguh Abby, nama pun cantek..indeeed the biggest harvest..alhamdulillah..

  27. COngratulations. She is beautiful.
    Your garden harvest are put to shame, and they are magnificent as well!

  28. Welcome to the world sweet Abbiyana, your mama did a great job! And the rest of the harvests look great too.

  29. Congratulations !!! She is a wonderful baby !!! And you are a super-mother !!!

  30. What a precious baby girl! Congratulations again, and thanks for posting her photos.

  31. Hi Diana, Congratulations! Your baby girl looks so so so cute...! I am so happy and excited for you. All the very best with your three kids and adding another page of joy to your motherhood.

    P.S. Great harvest!

  32. Congrats on the new baby.

    Very nice harvest of vegetables, make me feel jealous... ha ha haaa

  33. Well isn't she lovely! Gorgeous baby girl, congratulations! Loving the garden treasure hunt xo

  34. Some really interesting points you have written. Aided me a lot, just what I was looking for : D.

  35. Hello my cute little dragon hehe:)salam from Tok mama & aqeel dari Putrajaya......semoga membesar bagai juara:)

  36. Hi dear! Congratulations on the safe arrival of your beautiful baby girl! All the boys in the family (including dad) must be head over heels :)

  37. I really zoom in at the small fingers, trying to see if there is any hint of colour GREEN. haha....

    Tahniah, moga dia terus sihat, cergas, bijak dan membesar dengan penuh kasih sayang...

  38. She's extremely beautiful, congratulations! Your harvests look super as well.

  39. Such a cute baby! Congratulation! That's good harvest! ;)

  40. Congratulations, Diana! Abbiyana is so adorable! Her brothers must really sayang their little baby sister!
    Take care!

  41. Best harvest EVER!!!! She is beautiful. Congratulations! WAter dragon born in water. I love it :)

  42. Cher, Heart in Asia, Mama Pongkey, Autumn Belle, Tina, Rainfield61,L from 500m2 in Sydney,Norma Chang, foodgardenkitchen, Mark Wilson, Alison, Cat from Sydney, Shawn Ann, Lena, Jenny, Crafty Cristy, Jody, Holly, Susan Zentmyer,Ummuaidan, Barbie, Michelle, Dani, Kate, Sri Ranjani, Baguznet, Jetsetterjess, Cikmanggis, Shaz, Kelli, Malar, Joyce, The Bok Flock~Thank you. Abbiyana is occupying most of her mother time at the moment. So the garden is neglected, we are just lucky with the volunteers.

    Liz~I like to let my sons hair long too when they were little. People usually thought they are girls even wearing boyish cloths.

    Sue~Happy belated Anniversary. Abby decided to see the world on the same day :).

    KitsapFG~ Here I am always struggling to grow gorgeous cabbage like yours:).

    Jennifer~ It will be good to drink camomile tea a few hours before sleeping time so we both get good sleep.

    Discovery School at First Baptist Heath~ Her hair kind of get stuck between her neck at the moment.

    Daphne~ My sons contraction and labour was very fast. This time with Abby contraction was more than a day. It was a totally new experience.

    Africanaussie~ Thank you for sharing. I am starting to drink chamomile tea everyday now.

    Stephanie~ Yes every experience count :). Hope you get the knack of growing veggies too soon.

    Bangchik and Kakdah~Hahaha...nanti midwife tengok tangan hijau ingat demam hijua pula macam "demam kuning"

  43. oh my gosh!!!!!! She is so incredibly beautiful!!!!! She has such a sweet and angelic - and feminine little face. I'm in love. Great work!!! :) CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!

  44. congratulations and she is so so cute!!
