
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Squid with Chilli, Garlic and Crisp Lettuce

 Ohoho....This is a record for this blog, I have not updated for more than a month. I have been a very bad blogger. My hands are really full now and its very tricky to type with one hand. For friends that have known me from this blog, will probably guess right what has kept me away from posting or visiting. There are many waste going on in the garden and into the compost heap. We are blessed with many self-seeded edibles this year and with only 2 mouths to feed in the house now, we can't managed to finish the goodies by ourselves. Lettuce are nice to be pick now in the garden smack straight between sandwiches.  There are still a few left of red chillies dangling outside for us to make our favourite squid dish.
~Squid witg Chilli, Garlic and Crisp Lettuce~
(Recipe from Your Place Or Mine by Gary Mehigan and George Calombaris)
2 squids (about 400 gram each)
500ml peanut oil, for deep frying plus a little extra
1 head garlic, finely chopped
35 gram cornflour
75 gram rice flour
2 teaspoons sea salt flakes
2 teaspoons freshly grounded white pepper
1 egg white
2 spring onions, thinly sliced
2 fresh red bird's-eye chillies, thinly sliced
2 fresh green bird's eye chillies, thinly sliced
1 fresh long red chilli, thinly sliced
2 teaspoons finely chopped ginger
2 tablespoons chopped coriander
1 small iceberg lettuce, washed leaves separated (optional)
2 small lebenese cucumbers, peeled, cut into strips (optional)
Coriander sprigs, to serve

(1) Rinse the squid, then separate the hood and tentacles. Rinse and remove the contents of each hood and rinse again. Remove the head and beak from the tentacles and rinse again. Remove the quill from inside the hoods and discard. Score each hood lightly on the softer side on the diagonal with the tip of a sharp knife then repeat in the other direction to form a neat criss-cross pattern.  Cut each hood into 4 cm pieces and set aside with the tentacles.

(2) Heat a splash of the oil in a wok over low heat and fry the garlic until just golden. Remove that garlic with a slotted spoon and transfer to a paper towel to drain, then set aside.

(3) Mix the cornflour, rice flour, salt and pepper in a bowl and set aside. Place the egg white in a stainless-steel bowl, then beat until light and foamy. Place the squid first into the egg white, then lift out, wipe off the excess and toss through the flour mixture. Set aside.

(4)Heat oil for deep-frying. Working in batches if neccessary, deep-fry the squid for 4 minutes or until crisp, then remove and drain on a paper towel.

(5)Heat a splash of extra oil in the wok and fry the spring onion, chilli and ginger for a few seconds over medium heat, then add the squid and coriander and toss together. Tip the lot onto a plate and serve with lettuce, cucumber and coriander sprigs.

Hope to catch up with every one soon.
Take Care!


  1. hehe tak apa tak apa slow slow menaip ok?...nampak sungguh yummy..banyak pulak tu boleh tumpang sekaki hehe.

  2. Dearie me, that looks like sotong goreng tepung taken to another level. Yum! Coincidentally recently I made a similar dish with prawns, supposedly cucur udang but more udang than cucur. *wink*

  3. Yum! That looks fantastic! And how is the little one going? And I hope all is well with you, too. :)))

  4. Hi Diana !
    Your dish is looking great and I loove squid ...
    Hugs, my friend and wishes for a great weekend !

  5. That squid dish sure looks inviting, served with freshly harvested lettuce, heavenly.

  6. that looks so delicious, lettuce is great this time of year

  7. That squid is exactly how I eat mine too! Love it! It's so nice to have fresh veggies you grew on your own to go with it.

  8. Look crispy and must be very good. Ya, family always come first , we will wait for you.

  9. You are now far more busier than before.

    Happy gardening, happy blogging and happy baby-sitting.

  10. You've really had a wonderful harvest this year. You always make your meals look so good too.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  11. Congratulations!!!!! i want to eat that squid dish right now! Sounds absolutely delicious. I have lots of lettuce at the moment - so perfect timing.

  12. Hi Diana, congratulations! All must be well with you and your new little one.

    We want to send you some strawberry popcorn seeds. Just email me your address and we'll get them to you as soon as they are dry.

  13. Wow I love this recipe. Lots of tasty and hot stuffs mixed together. Yum! Thanks for sharing. Btw, coating with egg white is new to me.

  14. these must be so crispy crunchy!! your dish looks wonderful, i like the colours too, golden crimson! great with a mug of beer! oops!

  15. Makcikmanggis~ Baby ok asyik nak berkepit dengan mama dia :). Jarang dapat makan sotong sekarang sebab papa baby dah lama tak turun ke laut.

    Hernyhafiz~Terima Kasih, dah kurang masa nak belai anak-anak pokok dekat luar ;-).

    Mama Pongkey~Sounds like your cucur banyak protein lagi sihat dari banyak carbohydrate. I bet Pongkey and the geng like that way too.

    Veggie Gnome~Its the same squid dish we brought over to your place last year. You have so many new interesting thing happening in your garden each time I visit you virtually.

    Dani~I love squid too. You have a great weekend this week. Take a lots of lovely photos ya!

    Norma Chang~Crunch crunch crunchy lettuce and squid, very heavanly :). The weather a bit warm this week, our winter lettuce might go to flower.

    Kirsty~Yes time to enjoy lettuce before the hot weather comes.

    Tina~Yes save a lot of time and money for groceries when the garden has been generous with the fresh supply.

    Discovery School at First Baptist Health~ Hope you like it :).

    Sonia~ Its nice that our whole family like this dish and usually no leftovers.

    Rainfield61~Hope I can manage my time once I return back to school.

    Cher~I found taking dish photos are much harder than plants.

    Kate~ Thank you :).

    Liz~Hope you enjoy this dish. Nice snack with lettuce.

    Jody~Thank you for the seeds. I will email you address. I also have some fresh harvested seeds for you.

    Stephanie~The garlic and chilli does make the sotong goreng tepung more delicious to eat.

    Lena~Yeah best makan lagi if near the beach and you right with a cold beer.

    Baguznet~Sedap hingga menjilat jari...heheehe...
