
Friday, September 28, 2012

Succulent Flower

This year it was the first time all of the adopted succulent plant in our garden produced flower after 3 years growing them in our garden. We only have 4 different succulent plants in our garden. We don't really need to take care of them. The succulent plant seems to be happy provided with sun and does not require much water to grow well, with these the plants do grow really fast and needed re-potting or divide in dormant season. It is a new experience and fun learning to watch how these plant have grown. Most of these succulent flower colour interestingly are bright orange-red. 
 I think this is an aloe plant type flower, I might be wrong since I adopted them without knowing anything.This is a new bird which adopted itself in our garden since autumn. The birds like to follow us around in the garden and caught our attention. The bird did not fly away as I get closer to take a photo.
I am not sure what succulent plant this is but it has grown quite large. Almost 50cm in diameter. Do you know the name of this plant? 
Sue from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotment has helped me to identify this cotyledon plant
Not sure either what succelant plant this is. A volunteer calendula plant sharing the same pot caught in between.
A memory photos of our succulent plants, as I might forgot how they flower.

Have a lovely weekend.


  1. Nice garden.. :) sejuk mata memandang.. :)

  2. That bird is succulent enough for me.....yummmm.....har har har *evil laughs*

  3. cantik-cantik. saya tak pernah tau yang pokok lidah buaya (aloe vera) berbunga n__n"

  4. That is a little honey eater, they love the flowers this time of year in the garden....they are dear little birds...

  5. What a fabulous flower! I wonder how long it will last, after taking all this time to appear.

  6. Great photos. I love the different succulent plants that are available here too.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  7. They are gorgeous plants, reliable and heat-resistant. I think, the last one is some kind of sedum ...
    Have a lovely weekend, Diana ! Hugs !

  8. Both the aloes are pretty with their orange flowers. Comel ya burung yang hinggap pada tangkai bunga Aloe

  9. I love your second photo with all the plants growing in the background in the containers. Looks so tidy.

  10. Flowers are always beautiful, no matter who they are.

  11. I wish the little bird would turn around.

    I agree with dani that the last looks like some type pof sedum and the prickly one looks like a different type of aloe.

  12. Your garden must be very nice to stay , thatswhy the bird like to stay, hehehe .. Have a nice weekend.

  13. I love the picture of the aloe with the bird in the foreground... charming!

    The last one looks almost like hen and chicks (not the official name) that my mother used to grow.

  14. succulent flowers are always extra amazing. That little bird found a choice place to rest.

  15. JassNani~ Tak lama lagi makin panas kering makin kering-kontanglah kebun ni.

    Cat-from-Sydney~Tom not coming often now that mice are no more here. So the bird is safe at the moment.

    Wani SC~Mula-mula saya pun tak perasan pokok lidah buaya tu ada bunga tersorok dengan pokok lain.

    Enchnted Moments~Probably we have more flowers blooming this year that the honey eater stays a bit.

    Mark~The bud does take sometime to open and the bloom does last longer than annual plants. At least almost 2 weeks the bloom last.

    Cher~ Water-saving plant and green during drought.

    Dani~Thank you for the identification. Very easy to propagate too.

    Sean~Burung tu jadi penghibur hati :).

    Kelli~Just tidied up a bit those plants in the containers before it got overgrown. The plants will be entangled between each other by the time they mature.

    Rainfields~Hati berbunga-bunga tengok bunga.

    Sue~Thanks. You are always very helpful with identification.

    Sonia~The bird stats because of free food...hehehe...

    KitsapFG~That is an interesting name!

    Wendy~Beautiful and only bloom once a year extra special.

  16. Where are you growing your plants? I believe the 2nd to the last is called Hens & Chicks, the first is an Aloe and the 2nd sword aloe, or so mineare called.

  17. Hi there,
    Thank you very much for helping me to identify these plants in my garden. Really appreciate it. I am living in Adelaide.
