
Monday, October 29, 2012

Flowering Harvest

 Many of the autumn-sown veggies are starting to flower so its a chase to harvest all those veggies ASAP. We harvested all of our Florence Fennel bulbs and carrots last week. Our pea season are ending this month. From self-sowed autumn tomato plants we get to harvest some ripe cherry tomatoes.
 The warm weather this week has hastened tatsoi to flower and got to harvest them. We harvested a few left overs chiogga beetroots.
Our only surviving chamomile plant is still producing flowers which we welcome very much.
 We also harvested boltardy beetroot last week. The last edible purple vienna kohlrabi was harvested. This kohlrabi has very long-ish thick stem but still edible.
 Golden nugget cape gooseberry and alpine strawberry fruits are still in season here in our small garden. We had volunteer garlic small bulbs sprouted in container last autumn and I pull them out all for immediate use in the kitchen.


  1. Beautiful harvests. I have a love hate relationship with chamomile. I do love it, but it flowers so much and the flowers take so long to pick, that I get tired of it after a while. I do usually get enough picked in spring and summer for the year before I give up. But not always.

  2. salam,,, how's ur raya...
    banyak nyer sayur.... segar2 balaka...

  3. So how do yo use your chamomile?

  4. I love chamomile flowers - they are so delicate and beautiful. You got a good harvest out of all the items that are wanting to bolt. I had a lot of bolting in my spring garden - luckily the same crops that raced to seed in the spring, seem to have calmed down this fall so I am getting spinach and turnips - just later in the season.

  5. Glad to know you are harvesting again.

  6. Nice harvests. The top fennel is rather impressive. Looks like it would be bigger than my head! :-)

  7. Beautiful harvest -- your fennel in particular is lovely.

  8. When I grew Kohlrabi last year it went long and thin like yours - it didn't produce any "bulbs" at all. do you know what causes this?

  9. Lovely harvest, your fennel in the first photo is so well formed.

  10. You've got a good variety! I'm hoping that now the weather is starting to warm up properly I might get some good crops soon. Otherwise I will just keep harvesting lots of greens.

  11. So beautiful and bountiful :-D Those camomile blooms... ummm... nice!!

  12. Diana how's everything..semoga beres yer..banyaknyer harverst..pelbagai pulak tu..chamomile pun look good..strawberry pun best kan dr kebun sendiri

  13. macamanalah rasa florence fennel tu ye... tak pernah rasa lagi.. terlalu byk sayur yg belum pernah rasa bila melawat blog u ni... rindu sgt nak 'main' dlm kebun macam zaman akak kanak2 dulu waktu late father berkebun... hee...

  14. MasyAllah banyak nye sayur, seronoknya berkebun macam ni. berkebun ni pon kena ada ilmu juga kan, seronok saya tengok.

  15. So geram over your wonderful harvest! And beautiful chamomile flowers, what do you do with all the flowers?

  16. Your autumn harvest is impressive. My garden has gone to sleep for the winter. I sent you a very small baby gift in the mail- a long overdue thank you for the flower seeds you sent. It is coming by boat and so it may take awhile to arrive. (I mention it so when a mysterious parcel arrives from Canada, you know where it has come from.)Thanks again for those seeds!

  17. such a bountiful harvest!! i'm growing cape gooseberries too!

  18. That looks like a great harvest. This is the first time I have seen chamomile flowers, although I am a fan of the tea too. I am wondering do the fennel bulbs and kohlrabi store well at all?

  19. hi diana, OMG you have so many harvests and they look so beautiful too-love the sunflowers and chamomiles (envy you on this)the vienna kohlrabi, beetroot, even your garlic look pretty. happy for you :) . have a nice day

  20. oomak..banyaknya hasil.Cm dah semai banyak benih kat tepi rumah tetapi dibawa arus habis ke dalam longkang besar..malang sungguh.Rasanya batas dah tinggi tetapi hujan di sebelah malam tak sempat nak selamatkan tapak semaian...

  21. The purple vienna kohlrabi looks so interesting. All of your veg looks so inviting.

  22. Wonderful harvest....So beautiful and bountiful...

  23. gorgeous harvests! I was just enjoying my camomile tea thinking it would be so lovely to grow my own. I will have to check and see how it does in my zone. How are the babes?

  24. That's another handful of harvest! I receive your seeds! Thank you so much!

  25. impressive harvest Diana - kohlrabi is one veg I have never eaten or cooked.

  26. Beautiful pictures and harvests. I've followed your blog.

  27. my goodness!!! so lovely. I wish I am as good as you :( Anyway my friend asked do you have chamomile seeds?

  28. Am very impressed, as usual, with your harvests... especially the fennel...

  29. That's yummy harvest for your boys! ;)

  30. Your harvests are gorgeous. I love your photos!

  31. Daphne~Yes I agree, harvesting the chamomile flower really takes a lot of time.

    JaSSNani, Rainfield61, Kancil8349, James Missier, Petite Nyonya, Sonia~Syukur alhamdulillah murah rezeki di kebun sendiri.

    Sue Garrett~ Pick them an put in boiling water straight away for tea.

    KitsapFG~It really can be surprising how the plants bolt really fast and the same time. It can be hard to race with them is just this year I don't have much growing as we were moving.

    Barbie~ That was the biggest fennel we harvested last spring.

    Lisa and Robb~ Thank you it is my second year attempt at growing fennel.

    Mark~ KohlRabi really needs lots of direct sun facing its stems to develop globe bulb. Lack of sufficient direct light will make the lower stem go long and thin.

    Norma~ Fennel does need direct sunlight on their bulb part to form well.

    Liz~I see that you have starting to harvest summer crop now.

    Stephanie~ We enjoy the chamomile bloom very much.

    UmmuAidan~Strawberry petik makan terus paling nikmat.

    MaDiHaA~Saya nampak Florence fennel di Cold Storage dan di Jusco 1 utama tempoh hari. Harganya boleh tahan mahal.

    Mat Jon~Kena banyak bersabar dan berani mencuba dalam berkebun ni. Tak takut nak fail bila berkebun.

    Joyce~Buat teh bunga chamomile tu fresh atau keringkan untuk stok.

    Jennifer~ No worries with the seeds. Oh no...I moved already and unfortunately the parcel did not came on time. So sorry.

  32. Mama Pongkey~You have to keep fennel and kohlrabi in the fridge crisper to keep them long. fennel about 1 week if stored well and kohlrabi a bit longer.

    Cookingvarieties, Kelli, JR, donnyien, Lrong~Terima kasih (Thank you) was lucky that the garden has been very generous at us.

    Cikmanggis~Mungkin semai biji benih di pot kecil di bawah lindungan sementara tunggu mereka membesar untuk dipindahkan.

    Wendy~ Abby seems to enjoy the tropical weather and its not hot at the moment because we have rain almost everyday.

    Malar~Happy Gardening with the seeds!

    Catmint~ I always just chopped the kohlrabi into soups.

    De engineur~ Thank you for visiting and following our humble blog.

    Sasha Tan~ Will check my seeds box later when they arrived by sea shipment,
