
Monday, October 1, 2012

Spring Cleaning

 We did a little bit of spring cleaning around our container garden at the backyard on this long weekend. The last year and autumn sowed plants are going to flower any moment, so it is best to harvest them ASAP or it will become woody/bitter once the plants starts to flower. Most of the rainbow chards in our garden is flowering, same as kohlrabi. We harvested some red romaine lettuce, purple top turnip and leek. All of these veggies were given to young student friends visiting Abby last Saturday.
 We also give-away these root crop vegetables- carrots, boltardy beetroots and black spanish radishes to Abby's young bright scientist visitors.
 Our Italian sprouting broccoli and peas still continue to supply food for our kitchen supply. We harvested all Western Red carrots grown in the same polystyrene box this week. I am quite satisfied with the number of carrot that we get from only one small container.
It is ranunculus blooming season in our garden at the moment, cut some to bring inside. Surprisingly, found some ripen capsicum cherrytime fruits on the plant hidden surrounded by beetroot leaves. Florence fennel bulbs are also good size ready to be pick in the garden. It is exciting at the moment to pick cape gooseberry fruits and eat them straight away in the garden. 
Enjoying fresh pick chamomile for tea almost everyday now. 
Our 7 weeks old Abbiyana is also putting on weight nicely and chubbier.


  1. Looking good. I've been cleaning up the gardens myself. The baby is looking adorable.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. I hope I can be your neighbour to receive some of the fresh veggies.

  3. Abbiyana is so adorable. The ranunculus blooms are really pretty.

  4. Everything is glowing with health, including the baby!

  5. uikss comeynya amoi ma hehe.pagi tadi Aqeel selamat menjalani satu pembedahan.Sekarang masih di Nicu..tolong doakan...

    banyaknya hasil kebun Diana...

  6. wah..comeii comeii si abby nie..bestnya ada baby kecik,
    byk hasil tanaman tuan kebun nie, cukup lengkap segala mcm, jeles jgk tgk..hehe..

  7. Hi Diana, Sweet Abbiyana is not opening her mouth for veggies yet, but she soon will! Your harvest looks great - except the cape gooseberries that didn't make it to the basket to be photographed (lol)

  8. Sweet carrots, and even sweeter little one!

  9. Your sweet little girl is adorable. All look so fresh and good.

  10. Yep, garden cleaning time. Lovely carrot harvest. A gorgeous little girl you have there.

  11. I am dreaming to have a garden like this.

  12. Must be nice to visit your house - lucky student getting all those lovely veg.

  13. wahhh.. bestnye.. dah tuai hasil tu... menjadi betul hasilnya.. segar dan bugar semua.. :) syabas ye.. berbudi pada tanah.. ini lah hasilnya kan.. :)

  14. spring cleaning sis memang best! macam baru balik dari pasar. macam-macam ada.

  15. Lovely, lovely, so lovely. And colourful. And healthy.

  16. Abbiyana is getting big in a hurry - and such a sweet face!

    Love the abundance of your garden. So much variety of produce and flowers too. The root crops are looking particularly nice this week. Your containers seem to be a really good growing environment based on the results you get from them.

  17. Wonderful colours and nutrient-ful vege. I am delighted by those carrots :-D

  18. MKG dear,
    Am thinking of mashed up carrot, carrot juice and carrot cake for Abby already....yummm..... har har har *evil laughs*

    Brad the most Handsome (and loves babies)

  19. I bet your visitors will be coming back frequently with the excuse that they are visiting Abby

  20. Gorgeous harvests, including the last one. She is cute.

  21. Nice Harvest! Enjoy your goodies..

  22. Very good harvest of spring cleaning!
    Your daughter looks so sweet!

  23. wow! very nice harvest from the spring cleaning. what a wonderful day...

  24. Abby really resembles her brothers a lot :-)
    I am salivating at your harvest. Now if only all types of spring cleaning is as enjoyable as this one, I will happily do it almost everyday. LOL

  25. Abby really resembles her brothers a lot :-)
    I am salivating at your harvest. Now if only all types of spring cleaning is as enjoyable as this one, I will happily do it almost everyday. LOL

  26. What a splendid and varied harvest; love that fennel. I'm still trying to figure out when to plant mine. Might try now and see what happens

  27. Your veg looks fantastic and Abbiyana looks a real cutie!

  28. Beautiful harvest and that cutie is sure getting bigger and bigger! Bless you sweet Abbi!

  29. Cher, Kate, Susan Zentmyrer, Sonia, Norma Chang, Aishah, Stephanie, Daphne, Skeeter, Malar, Baguznet, Kelli, Holly~Cleaning up the garden during spring certainly feel very refreshing and give a new perspective of things in life. Abby getting heavier and bigger everyday, she is also developing many characters and facial expression :).

    Rainfield61~ I am sure we be good neighbours:).

    Sean L~ Wish they bloom longer. though not all last year bulbs make a comeback this year.

    Makcik Manggis~Doakan moga Aqeel kembali cepat pulih dan boleh balik ke rumah CM.

    UmmAidan~Tak self-sufficient lagi kebun kami, potato, garlic dan onion tanam tak pernah cukup.

    Catmint~Cape gooseberries make a nice snack while we wait for tomatoes.

    Sm Forestgarden~ Soon you will have one.

    Liz~I hope this will spark their interest to grow organic veggies.

    JaSSNaNi~Syukur alhamdulillah dapat rezeki dari kebun sendiri.

    Olive~Jimat sikit tak banyak keluar belanja bila pergi pasar cuma beli ikan, daging dan buah.

    KitsapFG~ The containers does much better with the root vegetables as the ground are mostly clay soil and in partial shade. The container garden received morning sun during our harsh summer which help prevent them from dying.

    Cat-from-Sydney~Good idea that sounds really healthy for Abby.

    Sue~ I don't mind them visiting often because they can help babysit and play with Abby :).

    Mama Pongkey~ Yes she does resembles her brothers very much. But they seem to have different characters.

    Mary~ I found fennel easy to grow but they need plenty of water like celery in their early development to avoid the stalk becoming hollow.

  30. oh, now i know abby is about 2 months now. im sure ryan cant wait to play with his sister!

  31. Lena~Abby 2 months now and she growing really fast. Makin berat.
