
Monday, January 21, 2013

2013 kick off harvest

 The first garden harvest for the year 2013 and I finally managed to take some pictures what we have been harvesting in this month of January. Frequently, we harvested butterfly pea flowers to make  syrupy blue drink  (popular in Thai known as nam dok anchan) for dinner. Quick to prepare while cooking dinner.
 Our winged bean plants has started to produce a lot that we have to make sure to harvest the beans twice a week. This is the first time our boys tasted the beans, I was really surprised that Ilhan like this bean very much. It is only a simple and quick dish to prepare for one very satisfied happy customer. I stir-fried the chopped beans with fried dried anchovies and just add a little bit of soy sauce. Ilhan made his mama speechless by saying spontaneously mama cook yummy vegetables. To be honest, Ilhan mama never like winged beans in her entirely life until Ilhan convince his mama that fresh home grown winged bean is delicious. Wonders how kids can change the mind set easily.  Rose apples harvest season is back in our garden for dessert. Lemons are also very generous this month. Chicken and ducks are laying eggs so we have enough supply for the kitchen. I also started to harvest our traditional leafy vegetables known to us as cekur manis and the botanical name is Sauropus androgynus (star gooseberry/sweet leaf). I like to stir-fry this sweet leaf with eggs. 
Harvested some jicama/ Mexican turnip before it gets too fibrous.
We also harvested some cassava. Boiled and ate with sambal tumis.
 Just a few strawberry fruits available. Of course the boys wants more and I said this is not like the Adelaide garden.
 We also harvested a few sponge luffa every week. I like them when the luffa fruit are medium size or zucchini size because more tender. Big ones are sometime starting to be a bit too fibrous for my taste.

What are you harvesting this month?


  1. hai awak... pagi tadi tengok 5 rencah 5 rasa, dia guna air bunga biru tu utk buat nasi kerabu... :) mmg cantek warnanya..
    banyak nye hasil.. alhamdullillah.. berbudi pada tanah dan alam.. banyak lah hasilnya kan.. jimat belanja dapor..

  2. Your garden is producing lots of variety, as always. Your kids are lucky that you give them the opportunity to try so many different types of food!

  3. buah dan sayuran dari pokok dan telur dari ayam itik. ini sudah macam ladang, bukan kebun lagi. hehe. sirap bunga telang tu rasa macam mana ye? kat rumah dah dimusnahkan sebab ambil terlalu banyak space dan tak tau nak dimaanfatkan sangat. adakah ia pengikat nitrogen juga? mungkin boleh tanam semula untuk suburkan tanah sebelah rumah.

  4. I really love the deep blue colour of the ternatea flower. I have a few strong vines in my garden for culinary uses and as eye candy.

  5. seriously banyak nyer yg dpt dituai....telur pun ada...berbaloi-baloi

  6. MKG dear,
    And when can we visit Kg Kubu Gajah ni? purrr....meow!

  7. masyallah..banyaknya hasil kebun...telur pun ada....

  8. The blue of those flowersis incredible.

    Very different harvests you are getting now.

  9. The Mexican turnip looks like what we call jicama.
    Such a variety of harvest you have, wish I could grow some of the things you grow but our climate is just too cold and growing season too short.

  10. Aha, you got strawberry at low land.

  11. singgah sini jengok kebun yg cantik =)

  12. wow, lovely harvest! From Australia back to tanah air, your harvest are all wonderful!

  13. Gorgeous harvests this week but the dark blue pea flowers are by far the most amazing part of it. Beautiful!

  14. wow! semuanya kegemaran saya.. tq kerana berkongsi =D

  15. banyaknyer harvest tuh..cassava tuh kan kalau makan ngan gulai ikan pun sedap..cubalah..:)

  16. Oh that is nice to see what you are harvesting. I didn't plant jicama this year as I have had such disappointing crops in the past. Now looking at your harvest I am really sorry.... Our rains have been late this year, so most of the wet season plants are struggling. I am getting a few asparagus, eggplant, winged beans, long beans.

  17. Beautiful harvests. I love those flowers.

  18. Great harvest photos. Love the purple flowers and the look of the luffa fruit.

  19. I didn't know you could eat young luffa! Did you know that tiny pumpkins are very good too? Here's a funny story: a few years back I noticed a vine coming up under the deck of the house we were renting. I watched it for a while, and thought it might be a volunteer from some squash I'd grown the previous year. My family was coming to visit, so I picked the little green fruits and sliced them up and served them with ranch dressing. After a few months I noticed the fruit left on the vines were turning orange. A pumpkin patch had come up after seeds from our jack-o-lantern carving party had fallen through the cracks in the deck!

  20. Great collection of garden harvest. The flower on the first pic is really beautiful; love the vivid colours.

  21. i also have blue colours flower. but i never did syrup :) i mist try after this!

  22. These blue flowers are gorgeous! I wish I had such flowers in my garden.

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    Greetings from Poland!

  23. I am not harvesting anything now :-( as the outside is covered with snow. Where are you now? I thought you are located in Adelaide? But, have you moved back to Malaysia?

  24. Yay for Ilhan! I was looking forward to some winged beans soon but the plant got mistakenly beheaded by the guy who cuts the grass. Ooops. Now I have to plant them all over again. I notice your loofah gourds are longer and skinnier than mine. Mine tend to be fatter and shorter, like dwarves from LOTR ;-) Yours is Gandalf and mine is Gimli.

  25. You already moved back to Msia?
    The blue color of the butterfly pea is so radiant... envy your chicken and duck eggs...

  26. Wow Diyana! How did you grow strawberries in the tropics? Are you in the highlands? Also, your bunga kacang telang so beautiful. I have a plant growing on my balcony now but so far no flowers :(. You certainly have a green thumb.

  27. JaSSNaNi~ Syukur Alhamdulillah memang banyak jimat dapur tanam sendiri ni. Makanan pun selamat. Memang cantik guna bunga telang sebagai pewarna.

    Mark~ Its fun to watch the kids trying new things in their diet.

    Wani SC~ Masih kebun lagi. Cukup untuk kami sekeluarga. Bunga Telang rasa macam sirap heheheh...selamat sikit sebab takde guna pewarna dari beli sirap merah cordial di kedai. Bunga Telang juga pengikat nitrogen sangat bagus.

    Stiletto~ I love how the ternatea flowers cover up empty old fences magnificently. It does make it look like a Cottage garden.

    Nadia~ Syukur alhamdulillah rezeki tak perlu keluar rumah selalu beli makanan.

    Cat-From-Sydney~ Oh PM me whenever you like to visit dear.

    Cikmanggis~ Mula-mula balik tak perasan ada banyak telur rupanya kat belakang. Sekarang ni dari December tak perlu beli telur.

    Sue ~ Yes very different. But I do still grow some plants from my old garden from the seeds we save.

    Norma ~ Yes it is jicama. Jicama does love heat and humidity.

    Rainfield61~ Boleh cuba tanam di low land.

    Emaa Hasnah~ Terima kasih singgah nanti kami singgah sana juga.

    Joyce~ I am happy that I got to harvest some edibles which was in my wish list.

    KitsapFG~ I really appreciate the dark blue pea flowers as the more we harvest them, the more flowers we get everyday.

    Donny Len~ Sama-sama kongsi.

    UmmuAidan~ Nanti saya cuba dengan gulai ikan, banyak tak terambil lagi.

    Africanaussie~I have not sowed asparagus yet. I hope it does well here like your place. Jicama loves humidity, you might want to try when humidity season is high in your area.

    Daphne~ I am planning to plant some more of those flowers.

    Kancil8349~ Bunga tu memang cantikkan.

    Kelli~The purple flowers relatives to sweet pea. Although not as fragrance as sweet pea but edible.

  28. Kate~Yes you can eat young luffa and I like them smaller as they can be fibrous when there are more than arms length. Thank you for sharing your tiny pumpkin story! Put a big smile on my face :). Self-seeded plants are really vigorous.

    De engineur~ Not many flowers are blue in colour compare to other colours.

    Hernyhafiz~ Cuba-cuba jangan tak cuba.

    Dewberry~ Thenk you for visiting. I will come and visit your garden soon.

    KL~ Yes we have moved back to Malaysia.

    Mama Pongkey~ Cute comparison. Actually the luffas are long and fat but I only pick when there are young and tender.

    Lrong Lim~ Sudah balik kampung for good.

    Shaz~ Nope am in the lowland close to the capital city. Don't give them baja so much as it will only promote leaf growth.
