
Friday, March 29, 2013

Water Hyacinth

Water Hyacinth

After a hot spell and now with some rain we had, has helped to trigger water hyacinth plants to bloom once again. I have noticed that the water hyacinth after a couple weeks of a hot humid weather without much rain and then finally followed by some consecutive rainy days will make the water hyacinth plant starts to produce flowers.
Water Hyacinth Blooming Season

Today we are fortunate to see 4 plants bloom at once. The water hyacinth flower only bloom for a short time. Water hyacinth plants multiplied very fast and the plants does not required a deep pot fill with water to grow well. As long as the roots are soggy and wet. Later, I probably will have to throw some plants away as it is getting overcrowded. I could not convince my mother yet to add some on her koi pond as she is worried about the pond filter system got clogged with these plants. Water hyacinth is also a good water purifying plant.
Water Hyacinth Bud

I spied some water hyacinth buds which will make a succession of flowering water hyacinth these next few days.
Have a Nice Weekend!


  1. I like those very much. Very pretty blooms.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. dont kat kbb :)

  3. Pretty blooms though they can have a strangle-hold on other vegetation. The management of the place where I lived have to get rid of them from the lake every now and then, otherwise it wouod be deprived of oxygen, killing the fish in the process.

  4. We once had a water hyacinth in our pond but they don't overwinter here. I know they can cause a problem in waterways where they flourish

  5. Salam Nadia,

    Mak Aji punya dah mati selepas dibuli oleh pegaga yg dibawa masuk ke tempayan yg sama dengannya. Not as hardy as I thought.

  6. The markings on the petals are very beautiful. Almost like candle flames.

  7. I'm not a big fan of water hyacinth as they have the reputation of consistently 'hijacking' the lakes and waterways but these close-up shots actually give different perspective - they are beautiful.

  8. These are such lovely flower. I will have to find out if they will grow here in the US.

  9. What beautiful flowers. I always love the smell of the traditional hyacinths.

  10. They do have very attractive flowers...

  11. Cher, Rainfield, Dani, Holly, Kancil8349, Lrong Lim, Amy~ Attractive to look at and much reliable in flowering compared to water lily.

    Zamzurina~ I be happy to give away the plants for FOC. The plants multiplied very fast.

    Stiletto~ Yes it can be very deadly if not controlled.

    Sue~ They really like warm and humidity. It can be a big problem if let it be.

    Ummu Madihah~ Mak Aji boleh datang ambil kat rumah saya ni sebab dah tak de ruang dekat bekas pasu tempat keladi bunting ni bermaharajalela.Oh pegaga lagi cepat biak ya.

    Kate~ Yes does look like candle flames. Sometimes reminds me of peacock feather.

    de enginuer~ Close up they look pretty and innocent. But the plants can be a big nuisance on lakes and waterways as you said. Sungai Tuaran near Tamu Tuaran is covered with these plants this month. I hope some government department will take some action to clear it up.

    KL~ I think in some state in US, water hyacinth is described in plant list as notorious weed plants.

    Kelli~ Traditional hyacinth is beautiful too.

  12. wah those flowers mmg cantik sgt2 lagh, tq share yer !
