
Sunday, April 28, 2013

"Antelope" Dendrobium

 After I returned back from my stay with my parents at Borneo Island, I got very upset seeing how the edible garden became like when I left it on my husband to look after it. I can't say my blood pressure when up since I never had problem with my blood pressure. But the colour red was very significant. So I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me when I saw this orchid/dendrobium species blooming at first. Why are the orchid flower petals has horns? Is it because I was getting really mad and growing a pair of invisible horns myself made me started to imagine things. So I got closer to the blooming orchids and inspected. I have never knew that there were orchids species with a horn-like African Antelope petal flowers before.
 Sean owner of Half A Pound Of Treacle helped me again to identify this dendrobium. I think this flower is so cute like some animation characters. It does really look like an African Antelope face.
 I think I will have to put a tag on the plant, it might be easy to get it mixed up with other orchids in my mother collection. I don't think she even remember what type of orchids she has and which is which. This is the tree that my mother has train the "Antelope" Dendrobium plant at. I don't think there are only one type of orchid but several variety on the same tree. 
 One of the reason, I have not started getting any new orchids is that I might bought several plants that is already in our garden just waiting for its turn to bloom. At the moment, I think it is best if I just record the orchids we already have in the garden collection for future reference. I also need to increase my knowledge in the Dendrobium world.


  1. Kadazan sis.TRGSunday, April 28, 2013

    Hi, you have a very cute dendrobium over there. Yeah, sometimes we do not notice the 'special part' of the plants that we see everyday.Suprisingly, when we got time to take a real closer look at them....da,da...then we notice that there are something special in every plants.....
    Hey, will you be around for the coming election?

  2. That certainly is a wierd flower!

  3. This is like you are so rich, so much so you lose track on what amount of land you are having.

  4. Leave it to a pretty flower to make you forget what's not right in the garden.
    What a nice surprise!

  5. Lovely unusual flowers - has it a perfume too?

  6. How fun! You have a whole year of surprises waiting for you. I look forward to seeing each one.

  7. Kadazan ziz. TRG~ Sorry for the late reply. We did balik kampung to Terengganu during the grand election.

    Mark~ Yes a fusion of plant and animal.

    Dewberry~ Its fun to discover this plant in the garden.

    Daphne~ I like the colour combination.

    GoSS~ Yes it did give some distraction.

    Sue~ I have not sniff the plant. Will do so with a fresher bloom next time.

    Kate~ I look forward to discover other new dendrobium in our garden too.
