
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Kitaran Hidup Pokok Katak Puru

 Before I went off to Borneo island, our Nam Nam tree fruit season has returned and this was the last edibles I harvested. At least, I got to satisfy my craving for nam nam fruit before my flight to Sabah. I hope the boys at home will continuously pick butterfly pea flowers so that the plants will not get old by producing seed pods. No one going to remember to harvest sponge luffa fruits, and I think I will find some old fruits when I returned. Nevermind, I can used them as sponge if the fruits did not get rotten with the frequent rain.
 Nam nam can be grown easily from fresh seeds. Nam nam seedlings just sprouted from seeds. Nam nam tree is native to Peninsular Malaysia. However, it is not a plant native to Borneo island. Not many people from Borneo island will recognise this fruit. On the other hand, Borneo island also have many native fruit plants which only distribution is on the island and not growing wild here in Peninsular Malaysia.
 Nam nam seedlings must be handle with care when transplanting, they have really long taproot. Even the older seedlings, have very strong long taproot and hardly any small tiny hairy hair attached to the main taproot. I fell back on my butt several times to pull out nam nam seedlings which grows like weed in our garden.
Nam nam flowers.
 For a tropical fruit tree, Nam nam tree is categorized as small. It is suitable for terrace house if you regular prune the tree. My grandfather which lives in a single storey terrace house grows Nam Nam tree outside of his front gate. Underneath this canopy...
 Nam nam tree fruits all year round. They don't seem to have a specific fruiting season. Although, usually it is eaten raw, I have cook Nam nam fruit in Curry, yellow curry and Assam Pedas dishes and my family likes it (gambar makanan lawat sini).
 Squirrels also like nam nam fruit and here is a fruit that has been munched by squirrel. Nam nam fruit does not have tiny seeds but one big seeds.


  1. Facinating! I've never heard of the nam nam tree! Thanks for teaching me something new today!! =0)

  2. How does this fruit taste? It would be really nice if some fruit tree or vegetable tree got spread out in the garden like weed. Think how much free food :-).

  3. Never heard of it before. You have some interesting things there.

  4. kecur air liur tgk. ada ke anak pokoknya diana....

  5. Somehow, I think squirrels and people like the same stuff.

  6. Those nam nam fruits are very interesting. The butterfly pea flowers are beautiful!

  7. Another new one on me - what does it taste like?

  8. I've never seen that fruit before either. Or tasted it.

  9. Ever since you started writing about plant's lifecycle I am always amazed by your observations. And this one, I am surprise you know so many kinds of plants/trees. I think I saw a nam nam tree in one of the parks here still, not sure if it is really so. The tree has the same kind of flowers but I have never notice its fruits.

  10. I am a local guy, but have not heard of this Nam Nam before.

    The world is so big in terms of new things.

  11. Never heard or seen Nam Nam tree before!
    It must be very sweet fruit!

  12. Hi,your Nam Nam fruit looks delicious.How does it taste? I have seen them in TRG but not in my hometown-Penampang. Can we kueh from Nam Nam fruit?

  13. Holly~ I enjoyed learning new recipes from you too :).

    KL~ When ripen taste sweet. We have one very big self-seeded nam nam fruit growing outside of our fence. Easy access to anyone.

    Cher~ Sadly not many young people know about it either.

    Zamzurina~ Ada anak pokoknya.

    GoSS~ Yeah good food have lots of competition ;).

    The Novice Gardener~ The butterfly pea flowers are really blue.

    Sue~ The taste range from sour (young) to sweet (mature fruit).

    Daphne~ Nam nam fruits is not easily available at our local market here too.

    Stephanie~ You can wait until the fruit form to confirm :) . Maybe the squirrel took the fruit away quickly.

    Malar~ A fruit suitable for Malaysian bud taste.

    Kadazan sis. TRG~ I think Sabahan will enjoy this fruit . Sour when young and sweet when mature.

  14. First time for me to hear of such a fruit... interesting...

  15. Pokok buah Nadir -Katak Puru dalam bahasa LrongLim Sensei. When fully riped it does taste a bit like pear somesays.
