
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Vagina Bulbophyllum

 Hope the first word in this plant name will kind of alert that after a long break from this blog that I have finally write a posting after almost 6 months. Sean the author of 'Half a pound of treacle' helped me identified this orchid species when he visited our place last Wednesday with Bob who came all the way from South Australia. The flower picture is not clear because it was drizzling when I noticed that some weird looking thing pop out from the bark of my mother favourite red bottlebrush tree when the rain season started again in Klang valley.
 I will leave it to your imagination why this orchid is called 'Vagina bulbophyllum'. Before it flowered, with the leaves condition or physical attributes I thought it was some kind of a parasitic plants. Lucky, I did not get rid of it. According to my mother, the plants were taken back from her hometown (forest) in Borneo island. When Sean visited these plants were not flowering, but he is really an orchid expert, he knew exactly what kind of species it is by just looking at the plants without its flower.
 One of the main reason, Sean and Bob came to visit us was to give a home for 2 fig plants (Double Happiness never thought of receiving 2 plants). Surprised me they did and we are very happy. Especially that these plant cuttings came all the way from Adelaide giving more a special feeling because I gave birth to 2 babies in Adelaide. I did not expect the plants were already this big after looking at the pictures in Sean ' A Long Figgy Tale'.  Furthermore, after I came back did not realised that 'Growing Fig' has a become boom in Malaysia. If you a newbie in the fig world and want to grow fig in Malaysia I would advise reading Sean thorough review first.
 At the moment I am thinking of planting one of the fig plant between the Murraya paniculata and the outdoor chair (What do you think Sean, Bob?)
 I kept on forgetting that my husband had brought me a White Genoa fig from his business trip to Japan last month. I planted the White Genoa fig near a night blooming jasmine plant. Then I realised those 2 fig plants will be facing each other, planned unconsciously. 
 The main reason I had a long break from this blog is that I could not make myself open my email account which is the same with this blog until today. I still have problem with panic attacks connected with my 'PhD' related things. I stop contacting my supervisor since last June and lost the courage to reply his last email to me. A few days ago, I was sorting some mail, I found one mail for me got mixed up with my parents, posted all the way from Bulgaria. The seeds and the wonderful hand-drawings from Annie and her family made me so happy that almost made me drop tears of happiness. So sweet of you Annie. It gave me the courage to finally get in contact with my supervisor again today. Reminded me to keep pursuing my childhood dream. Thank you to Liz at also has kindly shared some of my favourite seeds that I used to grow in Adelaide. This year I was also happy that seeds that the Aquilegia we grown before bloom in Mark's Veg Plot. When I opened my working email, I had email from Sue 'Our Plot at Green Lane Allotment' giving me more support to try my best to get in contact with my supervisor again.
 So after I replied Sue email. I tried my best the overcome that not nice feeling of having panic attack, feeling the red flush on my face, labor breathing and so on. Took me almost an hour to write just a few sentences to my supervisor and clicked send. Then I had my dinner. Checked my email again, yes my supervisor has replied :) . 
 The kids are growing up very fast and made me busy. It has been a year since we came back. Abby had straight hair when in Adelaide, but after we returned her hair slowly became natural curly. I had few strangers approached me and asked which saloon I went to get her hair perm. How time fly fast. Next year Ilhan will start going to primary school.
 Thank you very much for the warm supports. I hope I will be able to push myself to get that 'thing' underway soon and some progress.


  1. Glad to see you back in the blogging world, Diana! Have courage and faith in yourself and you'll be OK. I have a fig tree too now - though not one rom Adelaide! - so we can compare notes.

  2. You make me realising that I have a big garden on Cerok Tokun.

    I have many ferns over thee.

  3. Well Done Diana!! and Welcome Back...we've all been waiting for you:) You're a very talented lady and you are so blessed with beautiful children too:)

  4. Hi Diana ! Welcome back and don't worry, everything will be ok, I'm sure :) Your kids are gorgeous !

  5. Hi Diana! I am so glad to hear that you are doing okay. I was really concerned about you. I am so happy to see you are still blogging about your beautiful garden and children. (=

  6. Nice to see you and your adorable children. All the best!!!!


  8. Bob says the spot looks lovely, and they will get a lot of sun. Wah, kat depan rumah Diana jadi meriah dgn pokok tin :-)

  9. Welcome back Diana, I have missed you! Those seed packets are beautiful - so lovely that she went to the trouble to send them to you.

  10. So glad things are improving but don't push too hard too soon. Take it steady. Your brood are certainly growing - can't believe Abby.

  11. Nice to see your post. The Orchid is lovely. Nice that you can grow the fig trees. And the photo of the kids is beautiful!
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  12. Nice post really looking great thanks for sharing nice post.

  13. Welcome back! I missed your very interesting posts. Glad you're feeling better too. I've been sickly as well, but had surgery and will recover by Spring. It will be good to get on with it, won't it?

  14. Glad that you come back to blogging world! Looking forward to your garden update! Hope you're feeling better now! Lovely photos of your children!

  15. Welcome back!
    Its been ages since I heard from your side of the garden.
    And so glad to know that you are still gardening amidst of the silence in the blog world.

    nice to see all those lovely orchids blooming in your garden too.

  16. Ah! you are back. Got to read this soon. In the mean-time, wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year.

  17. So glad to get your visit and to see your blog active. When mine rests it is because of 30 grands, 7 greats and another grand on the way...Babies, babies, babies and yours are so precious!!

  18. So glad to get your visit and to see your blog active. When mine rests it is because of 30 grands, 7 greats and another grand on the way...Babies, babies, babies and yours are so precious!!

  19. Hi Mark,

    That is great, yes can compare note on figs.

    Hi Rainfield61,

    Your garden is much bigger than ours :).
    You will never get bored with Cerok Tokun always something happening there.

    Hi Simple Living,

    Took a lot of courage.
    But I still can't focus on the writing though.

    Hi Dani,

    Taking one step at a time at the moment.

    Hi Jay,

    Blogging about the garden also a good therapy. I don't feel isolate much with good blogger friends like you.

    Hi Gardener on Sherlock Street,

    The kids always keep the mother busy :).

    Salam Paridah,

    Di dalam kebun daku selalu berada.

    Hi Sean.

    The fig is doing great. I spied one of the plant today seems to have small fruits on them. Hope it get well-pollinated.

    Hi Liz,

    Yes her daughter is really talented. Gave me the courage I needed.

    Hi Sue,

    Hope the time comes when I feel ready to get back to work again. Abby growing really fast especially on mental development or social is much faster than the brothers.

    Hi Cher,

    It was surprising that the figs don't need much care here.

  20. New Year Partids indore,
    Thank you for visiting.

    Dear Kate,

    I hope you are recovering well.
    You are very strong mentally and emotionally and I am sure your recover will be much faster with the positive spirit aura you have.
    I was very surprised to hear that you were ill. But relief that you sound very determine strong.
    Hope spring will bring a lot of beautiful things to you.

    Dear Malar,
    I am so eager to catch up with your garden progress after a long silence here.

    Dear James,

    A lot of things going on in the garden. Just not time to tell a story or update about them.

    Dear KL,

    Hope to catch up with you soon.

    Dear Judy,

    Oh my you are more busier than I am with big family you have there!
