
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Aerides odorata

 I have been trying to write this post when the "Aerides odorata" on the biggest durian tree on our yard bloomed that has been in line "draft" post. I am feeling much better, lose a bit of weight (burn the baby fat), enjoying motherhood and watching the kids growing up. Still totally passionate and busy in the garden. How time flies, and I have not written any post this year yet. It has always been in my mind to fullfill my promise for showing this orchid to Sean when it bloom last February. Believe me , I have missed you all. Thank you so much for the sweet messages.
This orchid plant perked Sean interest when he visited end last year. It was not even forming a long flower stalk yet but Sean seems to sense what it is. 
 Kind of interesting to watch how the flower buds look like before it blooms. As you can see sometime I can't catch up with the garden and they do look unkempt with scattered dried leaves all over the garden.
 I was really surprised when this type of orchid bloom, The shape kind of remind me of Rhino or Elephant? How about you, what does it remind you off? This type of orchid is so fragrant you can smell them metres away. No need to sniff at them at close range. I really enjoyed hanging the washed wet launrdy every morning when the Aerides odorata was blooming. The scent is really nice greeting you each morning even 3~5 metres away.
 At first I did not know there was a plant of the same species of Aerides odorata on the Jujube tree on the frontyard until the plant also produce flower blooming almost simultaneously with the ones on the Durian tree.


  1. Such a gorgeous flower. Welcome back!

  2. What a phenomenal flower! Simply gorgeous!

  3. What a beautiful garden you have Diana! It's all naturally unkempt..and that's what makes a beautiful garden:)Glad to hear you're better and enjoying your family too:)

  4. Dear Diana,

    I am so happy that you are able to post.

    Those are some very beautiful orchids. It must be wonderful to be able to see orchids like that in your yard.

  5. Wahh dh update. Welcome back ;)

  6. Lovely orchids! You must had enjoyedg the development of the flower buds! ;)

  7. What a beautiful orchid. It does look a bit like an elephant, or maybe a shrimp.

  8. Oh what beautiful orchids, and isnt it lovely when you have a sweet smell out in the garden. Glad you are doing well.

  9. Indahnya... Really beautiful orchid!

  10. Oh gorgeous! One time I lost my balance and nearly fell when I was admiring and sniffing the wonderful scent from such orchid that were above me...

  11. They remind me of sea horses! I have to tell you - We're visiting my daughter in Trinidad soon. She said fresh fruit is available there on just about every corner, but that very little of it is familiar. She's been trying them one by one. She likes some and others, not as much. I'll be looking on your blog to identify them when we get there!

  12. cantik sekali sampai beberapa tangkai mekar bersamaan...
