Monday, April 29, 2013

April2013 Harvest Monday

 It has been just a few days since I returned and the garden has given many nice surprises. Mulberry trees that were just starting to fruit when I left them has provided sweet fruits which Rayyan really enjoyed as his snack while waiting for the parents to prepare lunch. I am relief to see that the butterfly pea plants keeps on providing pretty blooms everyday. Did not noticed a volunteer snake bean plant growing on one of the raised bed and suddenly found long tangling beans on the cage. Bird-eyed chillies and some juice from calamansi limes for our traditional 'sambal belacan' dipping, very nice pounded together with the fresh shrimp paste (belacan) that I brought back from my recent trip. So happy looking at our cucumber tree (tree sorrel) starting to bear fruits.
 Two of our veggie patch got invaded with volunteer Javanese ginseng plants also known as Surinam Spinach. So I pulled out most of the Javanese ginseng plants to grow other edibles. I won't be surprised if many volunteer Javanese ginseng seedlings sprouted in a couple of weeks. In a month, I will probably be pulling them out again. We harvested the roots from the Javanese Ginseng plants. The Javanese ginseng root is as potent as Korean/Chinese ginseng. Boiled Javanese Ginseng roots for my hubby almost everyday so he can work hard on the garden clearing up all the weeds to atone for his neglect.
 Like the bird-eye chillies that birds helped distributed the seeds in our garden, this pea size eggplants also grow wild in our garden. In the Malay language this eggplant is known as 'Terung pipit'. Terung in Malay is eggplant while pipit is sparrow. Therefore literal translation will be sparrow eggplant. This is due to birds that also helped distributed this eggplant. We have hundreds and hundreds of wild pea eggplant seedlings sprouting everywhere in the garden. One of the turmeric plant produce a bloom for us to enjoy in salad (chopped finely and mixed together other traditional herbs) dipping with sambal belacan. We also harvest a few lemons. Each time my mother returned she will bring back some lemons to where she reside now at Borneo Island.
 This week nam nam fruits is in season in our garden , this time is not just squirrels enjoying them but ants too. Nice Nam Nam fruit harvest week, many of the fruits were sweet. I wrote about nam nam plant life-cycle a couple weeks ago.

 A few passion fruits were also salvage under the mango tree. I did not realised a passion fruit plant is growing up on the bushy mango tree. I was very surprise when I saw many fruits under the mango tree and some were already chomped. We made passion fruit juice with this harvest.


JaSSNaNi said...

banyak nye hasil tanaman... seronok lak tengok org mengutip hasil ni... alahaiii... jelesnye di hati... :) sbb kita tanam cili pun masih terbantut je.. :)
si bunga telang tu baru kita nak semai benih ni.. harap2 menjadi..

Sunray Gardens said...

What a large variety of edible plants you grow.
Cher Sunray Gardens

Sue Garrett said...

The nam nam fruit look like walnuts (or brains).

Daphne Gould said...

I've never seen most of the things that you harvest. Much less tasted them. Your harvest Mondays are always so interesting.

Kelli said...

What a wonderful harvest. The nam nam fruit looks interesting, never seen it before. I always enjoy trying new food but don't think we have nam nam in the UK.

The Novice Gardener said...

Still can't get over how pretty those pea flowers are. The color is so striking. Most blue flowers have a tinge of purple in them, not those. And they're edible too? I'm searching for seeds now so I can grow them!

Kancil 8349 said...

terbaik...jeles plak tengok

Melissa said...

I always enjoy seeing the different varieties you can grow! Everything looks so strange, delicious and exotic to my bland American eyes!

Ummu Madihah said...

Salam Diana,

Mulberi yg masih merah belum hitam tu dah manis ke? Kalau kat rumah ni merah tu masih masam, kena tunggu agak2 hitam sikit. Ada bunga kunyit ya? Sedap tu buat ulam mentah cicah sambal belacan. Passion fruit tu first time makan masam. Kena tunggu/peram dulu ke baru manis untuk buat jus atau memang masam dan kena tambah gula??

Umm AA said...

Wah banyak betul tuaian yg pelbagai jenis tuh..siap ade ginseng lagi...
sedapnya kan jus passion fruit tuh ..

nadia rashid said...

banyak betul...cantik pulak tengok bunga-bunga telang tu

nadia rashid said...

banyak betul...cantik pulak tengok bunga-bunga telang tu

Kadazan sis.TRG said...

Hi,such a nice harvest.The mulberries look delicious.Just got their young plant from my bro-in-law in Pahang. How long would it take to bear fruits? I hardly can't wait for the fruits.I really envy your 'bunga telang'. The flowers look big and healthy.What type of fertilizer are you using?

Michelle said...

You have so many interesting edibles growing in your garden, so different from what will grow here. I always enjoy seeing what new fruit or vegetable you have that I've never seen before.

Mariez said...

aww.. nam nam fruit.. If only I could taste it.. :(

Malar said...

May free gift from nature! ;)

Kirsty @ Bowerbird Blue said...

I love looking at the plants you're eating and growing, so different and such a colourful selection.

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

JaSSNaNi~ Waalaikumsalam. Syukur alhamdulillah ada rezeki dari kebun. InsyaAllah nanti kebun awak pun ada pelbagai hasil nanti.

Cher~ We just could not resist trying our hands on growing ifferent edibles.

Sue~ Yeah they do look like brain. Maybe good food for the brain?

Daphne~Probably due to the different climate and continent we live. I am always impressed on how you can grow the brassicas so well.

Kelli~ The nam nam is also kind of exotic here not so readily sold in the local market.

The Novice Gardener~Yes the butterfly pea flower is edible and can be eaten raw or as salads. Really blue flower :). Can also dry the fliwer for tea.

Kancil 8349~ Terpaksa kongsi gambar sahaja ;).

Bee Girl~ I am always impressed on how well you preserved your home-grown.

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Ummu Madihah~

Salam Mak Aji,

Mulberry yang merah tu masih sweet and sour. Tapi budak-budak ni suka yang macam tu pula. Hujan hari tu banyak jatuh terpaksa ambil.Dapatlah merasa satu bunga kunyit, kami cicah sambal belacan dan buat masak lemak cili api.
Passionfruit tu kami biar buahnya jatuh sendiri baru kutip buat jus. Ambil isinya blendar letak gula sedikit dalam 5 saat. Supaya biji hitanmya tak hancur.

UmmuAidan~ Jus passion fruit memang sedap buat ketagih.

Nadia~ Bunga telang tak payah baja, cuma nak rajin tiap hari kutip bunganya.

Kadazan.sis.TRG~ We actually has never give food to the bunga telang after it has grown. Just has to pick the flower regularly and not letting them produce seed pods. Mulberry needs to be prune to initiate them to flower and fruit.

Michelle~I too enjoy looking at your harvest since some will be difficult to grow here in the tropics.

Mariez~ Sweet when ripe nam nam ;) .

Malar~ Very lucky to receive free gifts.

Kirsty~The butterfly pea flowers does make the harvest more attractive.