
Monday, September 27, 2010

Future offspring the product of reproduction preparation this spring

 Alpine strawberry producing many white flower that will give sweet fruit which Ilhan love so much. Strawberry is unique the seeds are outside on the skin rather than inside which is more common. The one we grow on the veggie bed have to share with other creatures, found many of them has already been eaten this month.

Apline strawberries

Coriander flowers that will give seeds that can be useful in the kitchen. Fresh dried coriander seeds can be one of the ingredient to marinade beef satay. I still have plenty of coriander seeds from my first batch of home save seed coriander. Friends visiting during Raya happy to take home coriander seedlings from us. I had too many seedlings glad that my seedlings had someone else to take care of them.coriander (1)

Telephone peas just enough for Ilhan. I did daydream of freezing them if I had too many.  However it seems not enough maybe plant more next year since Ilhan is a fan of peas.The seeds  are very easy to collect because of the seed pod size. Just leave them dry and collect later.


Asian leaf vegetable also produce seed pods similar like peas but smaller version. Choy sum seed pods for another collection of choy sum seeds.DSC08923 

Chinese broccoli (@kailan) also in the process of developing seed pods.DSC08937

Hon tsai tai (@purple flowered choy sum) producing purple colour seed pod. DSC08954 

Our first batch of tomato fruit from “Stupice” variety that died due to last year heatwave and start regrowth in winter. This tomato plant type actually is not suitable for Adelaide summer from last year trial. It is not heat tolerant. It is early variety type produce many nice fruit for us in the beginning of summer. However, later cannot withstand the summer heat in Adelaide.I think it is more suitable for cooler region in Australia. “Stupice” variety is from Chezkozlavakia. Two plants survived but did not produce fruit until now from last summer. I will let them fruit and collect the seeds. Maybe this type I can grow well in autumn  here when the weather is much cooler in full sun.DSC08899


  1. Each time I thought I've seen all your vegetables, you surprise me with another long list. Your strawberries are lovely and definitely prettier than mulberries. Healthy for Ilhan. He is a clever boy for liking all the healthy stuff.

  2. I have only seen strawberries plants at Cameron Highlands. They are so beautiful with all the "red dots", very photogenic.

  3. I've just picked a lot of alpine strawberries but soon the frost will put an end to the fruiting

  4. How i wish im staying nearby to you so that i can get some seeds from you, haha. Nice strawberry plants!

  5. Lovely strawberries..i wish mine will grow fruitfull like still teenie weenie seedling.Mulberries pun ada kat rumah i..tapi squirel yg selalu mkn.

    hmm i think i should blog about my garden i can share with you and other i only have photography blog..that i'm so lazy to update.hehehe

  6. Nothing tastes better than what we can pick from our own garden. My two daughters love peas and strawberries too. This year we had so many peas we had to give them away.

  7. You have a lot of seeds now! You really have a green thumb!

  8. うちの娘が「いちごおいしそう!」と叫んでいました。

    My daughter said "That strawberry looks so delicious!!".

  9. This looks very impressive. You're growing a range of stuff, and getting seeds and working out what grows well in your garden. You might have to delete the 'novice' from your description of yourself as gardener!
