
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Container gardening ~ September

Oh my its already end of September.


Radish and brown onion grown from seeds. Self-seed viola I transplanted from one of the vegetable patch overshadowed with celery.


2 days ago we harvested our first Bloomsdale spinach. Heated up some butter, saute garlic and then spinach. That is why not much leaves on the spinach plant. We have to wait the new leaves to grow from this cut and come again spinach.


Carrots are hiding brown onions.


Inter-planting brown onions with fast crop choy sum.


Garlic with friends~ red onions and carrots.


  1. Looks like a good harvest is on the way. I love coriander and spring onions.

  2. A Malaysia kebun in a Australia garden...

  3. I like the carrots leaves. Look like fine ferns. :) How many varieties of veggie do you have? Countless?

  4. Autumn Belle~ Many of my corianders are bolting.

    Rainfield61~ My Malaysia kebun is incomplete. I cannot find any pandan here to grow.

    One~I don't know how many varieties of veggie I am growing at the moment. It is so hard to resist not to buy vegetable seeds that you cannot buy vegetables in the supermarket shelves.For example last year I grow only one type of cucumber. This summer planning 3 types:)

  5. gardening is one of great therapist.
    Referring to 1st it wood mulch?

  6. Your containers are doing fantastic! How deep are most of these containers? I haven't had the best of luck with some of my containers, and I'm starting to suspect that they were just too shallow/small.

  7. I like your idea of having more than one kind of vege in a container. Looks pretty nice this way :-D

  8. Good use of onion plants! I would like to try out carrot someday and do the same like you- to plant onions around to keep the pest away!

  9. Wow, I have a lot to learn from you I think. My veggie patch is quite small,(like my garden), but I think containers may be a good idea.

  10. Yuzie~ Its compost but shredded wood thats a long time to break into compost.

    Thyme2garden~ It will depend on what type of vegetable you are growing and the depth of the container. For example, I have no problem growing Asian leaf vegetable(Pak choi, Choy sum), radishes,lettuces, spring onions in a container at depth of 10~15cm (Pic1&2). Containers with soil depth ~25cm, I had success with leeks, garlics,carrots (pic 2,3,5). I found that broccoli and cauliflower does not like to be grown in container even though the soil depth was at least 30cm. They don't grow big and you just got small heads.

    Stephanie~ I just have to make a correct combination. Some can be friends, some dislike each other.

    Milka~Just make sure you grow the onion first than leave some space for sowing carrots later. Onion takes a long time to grow.

    Paul~We start using containers because we don't have much space to grow them on the ground and because we are renting too.
