
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Who am I?


DSC08980My husband bought a plant from garage sale last year before I gave birth to Rayyan to cheer me up. I think the plant he bought was supposed to be begonia. However, after a while this plant decided to grow side by side with the begonia in the same pot. I thought it was weed at first because it wasn’t there at the time my husband bought it. The begonia plant looks sad and never even flower. But this fern-like leaves plants grows healthy and enjoying it stays with the begonia plants through all different seasons.

DSC08978 After a year it produce beautiful pinkish flowers. Luckily we decided before to just let it grow not to pluck that weed? out. But I have not seen this flower growing anywhere to think of it as weed.


Does anyone know what plant this is? What should I do with the begonia?

Have a nice weekend.


  1. Looks like a geranium to me. Does it have a lovely scent when you rub the leaves? It could be a rose geranium or any of the other scented ones.

    No idea about the begonia. Sorry. :)

  2. I don't know her name but i think it is very sweet of your husband to buy you a plant :)
    Happy weekend.

  3. It's beautiful regardless of whether it is a weed or not.

  4. I'd go for a scented geranium too

  5. I think google points to Rose Geranium. []
