
Monday, October 4, 2010

Viola befriended who?

In winter I found many self-seed violas. I reckon there were more than 30 seedlings that I have transfered in pots and veggie patch around the house.

DSC09023Viola will have to look up to the young evening sun sunflower.


Viola and pansy hugging leek. Viola attacked by pest.


Viola filling up all the space between leeks in container.


Viola side by side with radish.


Bush bean leaves like a parasol for viola.


  1. It looks great. And the fact that they have self seeded gives them a more natural look than if they had been laid out in rows like many people do with them.

  2. I love it when the violas pop up. Every year the patterns look a little different!

  3. Looks like viola is a good companion plant. Love to see their flowers. They have really striking colour and markings. I saw in the supermarket here, they are selling the flowers together with dianthus at the salad vege section... they are edible :-D

  4. Natural beauties and pleasant surprise too.

  5. Flowers always look great in pictures.

  6. Novice lady indeed! you are doing a storm with the pansies.

  7. Is the damage - slug nubbling? We have trouble with slugs nibbling pansies in our garden.

  8. Very pretty. I need to be better about growing flowers in the garden. I find myself being way too preoccupied by my vegetables that I forget about the flowers, which I'm sure would attract more beneficial insect.

  9. Viola looks so beautiful! You must have a very pretty garden!

  10. They are pretty. I agree with Thomas, flowers look great in the veggie patch. I'll have to plant a few more in mine too.

  11. Very lovely flowers..can they be grown here in the tropics? I would love to have them in my garden if its possible.

  12. Viola....very nice flower. Cannot plant here in Malaysia...i think.
    Spoiled by bugs?
    You can use natural pesticide/insecticide...
    What you need?
    1-inch of turmeric, 3 pieces of garlic, 1-inch of ginger and 1 piece of small chili (cili padi)
    Blend it together and dilute with 1.5 liter water and you can spray to the plant.
    I already tried this recipe and it's works to my orchids!

  13. The violas are really pretty and they seem to become a beauty accessory to the vegetables that you are growing.

  14. Seems like violas have the same self-seeding tendencies all over the world. I'm very fond of them for cheerfully popping up all over the place.
