
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

At the other side of the fence

“It’s hard to imagine civilisation without onions.” Julia Child (1912-2004), American cook.

Updates on the plants that were growing and depending by themselves at the other side of the fence of our backyard from this post. These onions were grown from sets. This is our first attempt at growing onions by sets. The nice thing about this onion patch, I forecast—weeding not needed.


After a month of total neglect with those onions growing at the other side of the fence, I decided to have a look at how they are growing. Thank goodness no broken leg from climbing those fence. I was surprised on how much they had grown in just a little after a month from the last time I look at them.


Some of self-seeded tomato seedlings that I had transplated at the back also has survived without any tender loving care.


The sunflower seedling here are much taller than grown near front of the house.DSC09044

Sniff…the smell of beef satay at the other side of the fence.



  1. The onions are looking very nice as are the rest of your plants. I guess the gardening season is just beginning in Australia while it is coming to an end where we live. Hope you have an excellent gardening year.

  2. 大根についての説明よくわかりました! 有難うございます。

    Thank you for your lecture on "White radish"! I could understand well.

    I love beef so much and your skewered beef looks so yummy.

  3. I'm more interested in your beef satay this time.. yummy!!

  4. I can smell the meat up here. It's time to eat :)

  5. Oh those satays... yum! Your onion plants, I am just wondering when you will be harvesting the bulbs. I hope they do not need to take a long time to form onions.

  6. Satay looks delicious. Hope 1 day can try your satay ;-)
