
Thursday, October 7, 2010

2010, a new record for cauliflower

I have been busy with my research update at school this week that I unintentionally left some of the cauliflowers curds grown a bit too matured when I harvested them. This year so far we have harvested from 39 cauliflower plants starting from end July till now. Some of the cauliflower parts have been munched by snail and slug.Now we don’t really mind sharing some with them.I think the snail and slug is not keen on munching the cauliflower curds that much, they already have their fair share. I think the snail and slug are nipping on the cauliflower to provoke me.


At least every 2 or 3 days cauliflower will be in our menu. Our objectives this year is to prolong the cauliflower season. Last year the last cauliflower harvested was before Mid-September came. However, it seems this year we have success in extending cauliflower season in our patch. The key factor of this success is successional sowing. The first sowing was end March, Mid-April and Mid-May. The last transplanted seedlings was in Mid-June.DSC09066 We still had 3 areas in our place where  cauliflower is still growing. This is one of the patch. Hopefully our cauliflower season could  be extend until this end of October.



  1. It is so interesting to learn from your experience.

    We never grow cauliflowers, we have a Longan tree in our garden. It has never grown fruits yet.

    Still waiting.

  2. You do seems to have great success with your vegetable patch. Wiser each year, ya?

  3. What a beautiful border! I'm not a fan of cauliflower, but I sure can appreciate your gorgeous harvest.

  4. Rainfield61~I do like to have a longan tree too.

    One~ I have beginner luck with cauliflower last year.

    Jen~ Thank you.

    Wendy~ The border are poppies. I can't wait to see them bloom.

  5. でかいですね~!!(^_^;)

  6. Congrats on your success with the cauliflower! If I could succeed in growing just one, I would be over the moon!

  7. I love to eat cauliflower since young... just stir fried with snow peas... yum!

    Btw, your cauliflowers looks as good as those I see in the market. Your basketful of harvest is marvelous.

  8. Have you tried the coloured cauliflowers - we grew some with purple, yellow, orange and green heads as well as the usually white. When we have a few we use some to make piccallili

  9. Wish I can grow one too here then it will be the talk of my kampung! Congrats on your good harvest!

  10. Takaeko~野球のボールぐらいのサイズもあるよ。Cauliflowerはポートあまり好きではないです。

    Kitchen flavours, Stephanie & p3chandan ~ Terima kasih.

    Green Lane Allotments~I would like to try coloured cauliflower next year.
