
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Waltzing Snake Bean

 When I am following the snake bean first stage of developmental growth, in my head I keep on hearing Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake classical music. I am not good with playing the piano but this is the only Tchaikovsky’s music note that I can play and remember it. Last year, we did not get much produce from the only 3 snake bean plants that survived from heat waves. So we start early sowing this year so that the plant can be well established before we have continuous heat wave. Last year they germinated at end October. This year we used home save seed from this year last produce (April) to grow the first batch of snake bean. I was hoping that the home save seed has adapted a bit with the cooler weather in April compare with summer temperature which ideally suited them. Furthermore, we directly sowed them to the most sunniest patch in the veggie garden. To our surprise the first germinated seeds were end of September, one month earlier than last year. I always like the sight of young shoots trying to push itself out from the soil.

snake bean home seeds (3)

Looks like a swan head with its graceful neck.snake bean home seeds (4)

Like in a ballet spreading it wings.snake bean home seeds (1)

snake bean home seeds (2)

The weather is still cold for the snake bean. We hope it is strong enough to survive outside with the fluctuating day and night temperature.



  1. Once it grows up, will it become a snake?

    Then you can have a snake soup.


  2. You're absolutely right. It suits swan lake very well. I never thought of it like that before.

  3. I like the pictures. It does remind one of a prima ballerina slowly rising up and preparing to dance. I hope the grow well for you.

    The cauliflower in your previous post is amazing, it makes me wish I would have grown some this year.

  4. Very nice pictures. And i like how u described it. But what is a snake bean? Sounds eerie haha

  5. Rainfield61 and Milka ~ It is the same kacang panjang we can get anywhere in Malaysia, the longest one in pasar (about 30cm) with black pod or white inside. I never known that beans have so many varieties before. Orang putih call them snake bean.

    Paul ~ I don't know much about classical music but the notes just came into my head when I look at them.

    Mr. H. ~ At your side of the world, when is the perfect time for planting cauliflowers? Is fall suitable?

  6. Who would have thought that a bean would grow so gracefully.
