
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

3 S veggie patch

This is a very small veggie space about 1 metre X 0.5 metre which in last September, Telephone peas and leeks were grown. The trellis were broken by wind.
telephone peas
In October we sowed many plant seeds which spell with the alphabet ‘S’ first directly on this veggie patch soil ~ Sunflower (Evening Sun-home-saved seed), Sweet Corn (Early Gem – Eden seeds), Snake bean (home saved seeds).
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In Early December, the sunflower grow tall faster than sweet corns. We planned to make the sunflower as natural trellis for the snake bean to climb. Direct sowed okra plants are hiding between the sweet corns and not growing that fast but that is fine with me because I want the okra to establish on this veggie patch before it is really summer. By then the sweet corn will be harvested and cleared. Your turn next to produce then Okra dear!
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Returned from fishing trip some of the sweet corn leaves were badly sun-burned and the male flower part too. I was not hoping for a good fertilization between male and female part of the sweet corn to form any ears by now. Am I surprised a few days later, I saw some silk on the sweet corn plants. More more more silk please on the cobs so hopefully we got a perfect sweet corn a full kernel please.
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The sweet corn plants are not even taller than my waist at the moment and producing cob. Picture taken today.
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A close up shot of the first ‘Evening Sun’ sunflower growing on this patch and first bloom today.
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  1. Fingers crossed that you have cobs - lovely colour of the sunflower.

  2. It's beautiful, to see how everything grow so well in your garden.

  3. Very well planned garden! so huge and beautiful sunflower!
    Answering to your question, I haven't receive any post mail yet. I will inform you once i receive the seeds ok!

  4. Your sunflower is so huge with deep orange color, hope the seeds you gave will give me such pleasure too next year. Happy weekend Diana!

  5. Hi! Guess what! I did the same thing. Corn first, then okra but my last one is sunflower. My corns have ears now. Okra just begun to flower. I just sow the regular sunflowers on the same patch yesterday. Your evening sunflower is on a new bed. There are about a dozen of them that germinated.

  6. So this is the sunflower that im going to expect for. It is tall and beautiful!!!.... Just some updates, The first batch of seeds i sowed in the small pots all have not sprouted yet(maybe i shouldn't put the pots in the container, i thought that would keep them moist): While red onion which i sowed direct to the ground is doing well. And the 2nd batch of sunflower seeds are sprouting too!

  7. It always feel so good to watch your vege grows. You are really clever in craming plants here and there. Oh the natural trellis, sunflower, it's a wonderful idea :-D Btw, your hollyhock looks amazing!

  8. Sue~ I hope we have 2 cobs per plant. I am being greedy. LOL.

    Ellada~ Thank you.We have some failure too but other things compensate:).

    Malar~ I hope you received those seeds soon.

    p3chandan~ When here is too cold for sunflower, I will take so much pleasure looking at yours then.

    One~ I hope my okra will flower too. But we had cold nights so our okra stop growing for a while. Hope th warm weather this week will boost their growth. Wow good germination with the sunflower seeds.

    Milka~ Oh the red onion already sprouted early thats wonderful. I myself have not tested this new batch fresh seeds yet. I have to wait till april or may next year. Sunflower seeds needs a lot of sun. The bloom will follow where the sun is.

  9. I do enjoy very much the sweet corns I used to buy at Cameron Highlands.

    But your garden is amazing. Small in size but provides very good harvest.

  10. Your garden never fails to amaze me! Love all your veggies. I'm hoping your corns will yield more for you! Imagine biting into your own homegrown juicy sweet corn! I have no luck in growing corn, I don't think I'll try it again. I'll just watch yours grow with envy! Ha! Ha! Have a nice day!

  11. That really is a very pretty colored sunflower you have there. Your peas should be coming on fun. I will have to wait at least 6 more month before we have any so I will simply have to enjoy your pictures until then.:)

  12. Good looking corn and sunflowers! It's so odd thinking of a garden growing on the other side of the globe... and comforting, since everything in my yard is icy and gray. :)
