
Monday, December 13, 2010

Leek, Turnip & Squash week

We are harvesting mostly leeks, turnips and squashes this week. The weather has been like back in winter this week. So the summer veggies are acting a bit wierd. We have many beans and cucumber flowering and about to produce something for the kitchen but due to the cold weather the beans and cucumber shapes look odd (curling at the end). The fruit growth is stunted for some.
Last Tuesday morning we harvested this:
Last Thursday morning we harvested this:

At last some red choi for stir fry.
Today morning we harvested this:
Finally some summer veggies, an eggplant and some beans.
It is officially summer here but it feels like winter and summer veggies growing so slow due to the weather. Tomatoes taking a long time to ripe. Here is Ms. Tigerella and Rayyan has been the only one to taste it.

Cucumber green gem won't grow so much due to the cool weather.


  1. Still so much to harvest even though the weather is odd. I think you don't have to go to the pasar at all, how good!

  2. Strange weather you are having I hope it improves for you soon. It's very cold here but at least it's winter.

  3. Everything looks beautiful - love the colors of the squash,eggplant and beans!

  4. Lovely to see them healthy like yours. I am not into real vegetable gardening yet...., frequent travels, leaving tender veggies may not be a good thing, but papaya, ulam raja and roselle are hardy ones. ~bangchik

  5. Your vegetables look healthy!
    You have good harvest for the weekend!

  6. You seem to have an odd weather like us this summer in Japan.
    Tomatoes needs plenty of water and sunlight for getting ripe so I hope the weather in your place will get normal soon.

  7. Sydney is the same. Today was steaming hot, but tonight is cool. I can't complain. It's much better weather for sleeping, (although Imogen isn't doing much of that).

    I am always impressed by your harvest.

  8. Terima kasih sebab sudi singgah ke dapur Cm ya.Sungguh gembira.Pada mulanya kebun cm sudah hampir terbiar tp sejak Cm jumpa blog kmkg ini telah memberi semangat baru untuk berkebun kembali.Thanks ya:)

    satu soalan..bagaimana nak simpan sayur-sayuran hijau/berdaun agar tahan lama?Cm simpan dalam peti ais dan balut dgn kertas tapi cepat bertukar jadi kuning:(

  9. Good harvest no matter what type of weather it is!

    And only people as hardworking as you enjoy this.

  10. CikManggis~ maaf saya pun tak berapa tahu lagi selok-belok simpan sayur-sayuran daun hijau di peti ais sebab saya petik dan terus masak di dapur. Setakat ini saya pernah simpan bendi, broccoli, cauliflower, kacang peas dan carrot terus dalam freezer dan tahan lama serta ranggup bila dimasak walaupun berbulan di freezer.Keluarga saya kadang-kadang jeruk sayur daun bila ada lebihan yang tidak dapat dimakan. Mungkin CM ada pengalaman lain yang boleh berkongsi bersama:).
