
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Festive Harvest & Catch

21/12/2010~ After returning from our trip from Kangaroo Island there were several types of vegetables that were ready to harvest. I did not realised there was a cauliflower curd forming from one of the plants at the other side of our backyard fence. I thought it will not give us its anticipated white cauliflower curd as the weather is warm now, smallish size but not complaining because it is edible. After 3 days on an island, I miss my fresh vegetables. The vegetables harvested this day ~ Chinese celery, lettuces, cauliflower, Lebanese eggplants, broccoli shoots, carrots, cucumber, squash, tomatoes and our first capsicum for this summer.


22/12/2010~ Instead of harvesting the whole water spinach, I harvested them with cut and come again method. Our first time growing water spinach in Adelaide and so far this veggie like the summer weather here. Sometimes I like to eat tomato which is just about to turn red. I grew some ‘topweight’ carrots in clay soil during winter and I was surprised when I was pulling it out from the soil it was actually medium size and in good shape as well (no forking or weird shape roots). Moreover, it was growing in very partial shade, in winter growing among calendula and broccoli and before harvested were squashed by potato plants. I did not remember them until I was tidying the potato plants did I saw this carrots. Previously, I tested many times growing ‘all year round’ carrot in clay soil but it did not grow well. Why oh why our cucumbers do not grow even and straight like the one sell in the market.


23/12/2010~  The hidden vegetables or in hiding? Better harvest this hidden vegetables before they got too mature or completely forgotten. Vegetables harvested on this day : Bush beans, carrots,Chinese Broccoli (kai laan)., turnips and tomatoes.


24/12/2010 ~ Shopping & Barbecue. Did not have time to cook so vegetables not required this day.

25/12/2010 ~ We went fishing at Port Victoria and on the way home stop at Adrossan to do some crabbing. At the moment in the freezer we have enough seafoods to sustain us at least until we wish farewell to 2010.



  1. You have such nice vegetables it looks like your gardens are doing very well this year. Our cucumbers never ever grow even and straight either. What a great seafood catch too, you will be eating very good this week.

  2. Fresh vegetable and fresh fish, that is a good life.
    Merry Christmas to you and to your family.

  3. I see kangkung in the basket!...that calls for a lovely stir fried kangkung belacan. It was due to kangkung too that the legendary Hang Tuah managed to see the face of Maharaja China.......
    Have a great weekend!
    ~bangchik and kakdah.

  4. Cm amat berminat pada karot tu:) tapi sangat sedih all my pokok karot habis tumbang ditimpa hujan semasa ketiadaan kami 2 hari yg lepas....Seronok lihat hasil sayur sayuran dalam bakul tu:)

  5. My mouth is watering. Nothing is better then fresh garden picked fruits and vegetables.

  6. Really a good harvest in those baskets I wish mine will be like yours next time! Have a good 'makan' days with your veggies and seafood!

  7. I can only think of steamboat (hot pot) looking at your veggies and fishes and sotong, great in tomyam soup...

  8. What a basket full of harvest. I need the tomatoes and red chillies for my curry.

  9. That's basket full of harvest! I really love to see carrots!
    Hope you enjoy cooking all the vegetables and seafoods!

  10. Full of harvest...healthy veggies. Enjoy your veggies with delicious recipe...might be from kitchen flavors ;-)
    Happy New Year and enjoy your holiday!
