
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Flinders Chase National Park

On our second day to Kangaroo Island we visited Flinders Chase National Parks which have the island two most popular landmarks ~ Remarkable Rocks and Admirals Arch. There was a bush fire on 2007 cause by lightning strike and the results of that can still be seen today in this National Park.
Before reaching the Admirals Arch, we passed by Cape du Couedic Lightstation which is very closed to this site.
We can see many revegetation area in this park.  The Admirals Arch magnificent archway sculpted by wind and sea for many hundred thousand or million years. There were many New Zealand Fur Seals relaxing on the shore and we can observed them from the platform.

It is very interesting that the sea lion colony here is a different species from the ones at Seal Bay Conservation Park which is located not that many kilometres away.
The Remarkable Rock viewed from a far to soak the sight of nature. It was raining, if it was sunny it will be more magnificant to look at.
The Remarkable Rock.
Do not attempt this when it is raining and slippery. The rock formation from this view looks like a giant parrot head.
While we were driving out from the park, we were lucky to spot 2 wild echidnas crossing the road. Echidnas is not the same as porcupine. Although both are mammals and resemble closely to each other, echidna lays egg.
If you like to see many koalas in one area do visit Koala Walk which is very close to the Flinders Chase National Park. The entrance fees were only $2. You will see not only koalas but wallabies. The money goes for conservation.


  1. There must be a lot of mysteries lying inside the Admirals Arch.

  2. Very beautiful scenery. I can see your family loves sea side a lot :)
    Glad you received the gifts, i thought they had lost in post. Hope you like them :)

  3. Very beautiful scenery. It's seem you have very good holiday there.
    You are very lucky to explore this nature mysteries.
    Have a good time!

  4. I enjoyed the tour, what a fascinating rock formation. It looks as though everyone was having a great time.:)

  5. Rainfield61~ We wish we can do more exploring but the force of nature prevented us that day.

    Milka~ I really really really like them.

    Orchid de dangau~ It was a fun holiday. We wish we could stay a bit longer.

    Mr. H~Thanking you for participating the tour:)

    Mr. H~

  6. The parrot head is really unique. Echidna looks like a porcupine.

  7. Now I am facing the busiest season in my workplace since the Christmas to tomorrow so I can be relaxed by seeing your photos of views of the mother-nature.

  8. Im fascinated by the rock formations there, where nature's work is at its best where water, wind and sun combined to create a legacy for us to marvel and enjoy! Great family outings!

  9. Those are really magnificient rock formations!
    Echidnas? I never hear about them before. I thought it's porcupine!
    Happy holidays and happy new year to you!

  10. wow, how cool. I love the rocks and the animals. The sea lions must have been an amazing sight. Looks like a really fun trip!

  11. What amazing scenery! I love the photo with the airborn human in it, too. I've never seen sea lions before but I'm hoping I'll get to when I visit the New England area of the US someday.

  12. Kwee Peng, Malar~ My first thought of Echidna when I came to OZ that it is closely related to porcupine. But fortunately a part of my PhD research is related to echidna and their genetic are so much different from porcupine.

    Takaeko~ I am glad you feel more relax after reading this post. Hope you will have a long holiday for shogatsu with you family.

    P3chandan~ It was interesting exploring the rock formation and taking photos. Sometimes it is scary when the wind blew so strong and you are on the Remarkable Rocks felt the strong wind pushing you especially near the edge of the rock near the ocean.

    Wendy~ I was so delighted watching the juvenille sea-lions playing that I did not realised at my back not far away a male was running towards me. Luckily the tour guide realised the situation and pull me out of the male sea-lion pathway.

    Eliza~ I hope you visit the New England area of the US someday for sea-lions sightseeings.
