
Sunday, January 30, 2011

“Seed Week” Home-saved seeds Give-Away Winner!

First, I would like to thank everyone of you that has participate and share their experience during “Seed Week”. I have learn so much during “Seed Week” reading through all your inspiring posts and your comments. I hope all of you had a fun reading as well. From the year of  2011, I believe all of us will have more home-saved seeds in our collection. There are 54 submissions from 25 bloggers.

Here is the compilation of inspiring post links from around the world:




I will try to make a special button for this “Seed Week” on the side bar later, so it will be an easy access for anyone who need to find some information that available in this “Seed Week”.I mentioned that I will pick 5 winners randomly. Instead we picked 11 winners since we just enter the year of 2011. I heard that we can use some program to generate random picking on the internet but I am not that internet savvy. Maybe you can teach me how. Since yesterday until tomorrow we are experiencing more than 40 degree Celcius, I need to distract the kids with something fun to do indoors. So we write each submission on a small piece of paper and put it into a bowl. Shake the bowl, and pick the winners with Ilhan help, the old-fashioned way. Here are the blog winners:

Moj Vrt

Bonnie Lassie

Subsistence Pattern

Our Plot at Green Lane Allotment'

My Little Garden in Japan

Appallachian Feet

Milka’s Jishiben


My Garden Haven…A Fine Romance

My Little Potted Garden

My Obsession, My Compulsion

Please email your address to me:


  1. Woo-hoo! Thanks to Ilhan for picking my blog. Thanks for the good news! I've emailed my address to you, and am so excited.

  2. How exciting Diana - I look forward to my seeds arriving.

  3. Tahniah pada yang berjaya..wah bagusnya ilhan tolong mummy :) dah tahniah pada Diana kerana berjaya menganjurkan Seed Week:)Makcikmanggis dapat banyak pengetahuan tentang biji benih dalam Seed Week ni.Akan baca berulang ulang:)

  4. Congrats to those winners! Though Im not one of the lucky winners, Ive had so much fun participating in the Seed Week and learnt so many new things about plants and saving seeds! Thanks Diana for hosting this great program!

  5. Diana, Seed Week is great. All of us learnt some useful information. I'm sure all the recipients are waiting for your home-saved seeds excitedly. Congratulations to all the lucky winners!

  6. OMG! My heart almost missed a beat, this is so exciting haha.. thank you dear Diana for your time and generosity to organize this fun thing *muak*


  7. Interesting what you have started here.
    And, my, lots of links to check out.
    Love looking at the pictures with seeds and things that are growing in your garden. Seeing Bob the Builder on one of the pictures cracked me up. Makes me think of my kids and things they leave around my garden.

    Thanks for your kind words on my blog.



  8. Thank you! Thank you! To Ilhan too! I am extremely happy and excited. Gosh! I'm really looking forward to receive the seeds. Linking the "Seed Week" on your side bar is a brilliant idea! This would certainly be extremely helpful for 'green horn' gardeners like me, to refer to! Sometimes searching information from the internet is not the same as reading and learning from the more experienced gardeners. Thank you, Diana, for hosting this wonderful event. You are a great hostess and an inspiration to us. Thank you again!

  9. This seed week was a wonderful idea and very rewarding for all of us that either participated or read the posts and links. I love your idea of adding it to the side bar so that even more people can share in this collective knowledge. Thank you so much for all of the time and effort you put into it. This was a very enlightening experience.:)

  10. I think i'm lucky!!! The biggest 'angpow' i get for this CNY!! THANK YOU SO MUCH DIANA!!! :)))

  11. Yay! I won! so lucky. Thank you very much Diana.
    So nice, now I will start planing how to do with the seeds and where to put them. So exciting!

  12. Hi, its' me again. Just dropping by to let you know that I have extended an award to you. Please do drop by and pick it up when you can. Goodnight!

  13. Thanks for hosting a fun topic! I loved everyone's contributions!! Thanks for being an awesome hostess!!

  14. Oh my... I never won anything, until now! Thanks, I feel very lucky now! And thank you very much for hosting this very educational and fun seed week!
    Congratulations to all other winners!

  15. So you have completed your thesis and ready for the PHD degree.
