
Sunday, March 6, 2011

7west ward,RCH

Rayyan was so thirsty when he woke up, but still was restricted with his fluid intake. He was unhappy about that so we had pacified him with wet cotton buds.
Rayyan was moved to cardiac ward from ICU yesterday afternoon. His Pottasium level was very low than normal range but he is in stable condition.He look a bit overwhelm & quiet yesterday, so serious face. He was very brave yesterday, did not even cried when the nurse pricked his finger to take some blood sample.
Took out his oxygen tube & nasal gastro tube this morning. Hopefully we won't have to rely on the nasal gastro tube to feed him or put on weight. He did have a big appetite this morning and no fuss during feeding. A very rare photo of Rayyan without tube on his face. He wants to be carried but not possible at the moment with all those wires attached at his neck & other part of his bodies. To be honest, Rayyan really surprised me this time, he acted more mature for his age.He has gone through a lot at a very young age.


  1. Such good news! Congratulations. I hope all continues to go well and that Raayan will be home soon. XX

  2. WE continue to pray and Thak GOd for answered prayers... HE is so beautiful!

  3. Rayyan is a brave warrior and a hero. Mama will be proud of him. Diana, remember to rest and sleep when Rayyan sleeps. You don't have to visit me. Give all your energy to care for him and to rest yourself. I know how it feels like having gone through a few operations with my son in hospital when he was little (he was naughty and he injured himself a few types - broken bones, appendicitis, cuts, scalded!). As I type this there are tears of happiness seeing Rayyan's pictures here. The recovery of kids are better than adults. Rayyan has his teddy bear to accompany him while my son had his bantal busuk and doggie waiting for him when he was pushed out from the operation theatre. The surgeon blew a balloon out of his disposal gloves and drew a clown for my son just before he was given anesthestic. Poor doggie was given injections and was operated on many times by my son later when we went home.

  4. alhamdulillah.Rayyan nampak lebih handsome tanpa wire tu:)cepat cepat sembuh ye agar dapat berlari lari dikeun mama.

  5. So good to see him looking so alert and without all the tubes! He will continue to get even stronger and healthier.

  6. What a relief it must be for you and husband by his excellent improvement since the surgery. Kita semua tumpang gembira tengok dia dah beransur sembuh.

  7. Oh... I think he's a strong kid.
    My prayers !

  8. I'm glad knowing that he is recovering fast. Rayyan is so strong and brave.

  9. Really glad that Rayyan is recovering and on the road to get well. Rayyan is a strong boy, he will be up and running soon, and you need to catch up with him then! He is a very cute and adorable little boy, will continue to pray for this speedy recovery.

  10. Poor wee soul so tiny to have to go through so much, those photos bring tears to my eyes! So happy that he is on the road to recovery. When will he be allowed to return home? Huge hugs xo

  11. my heart & prayers go out to rayyan, you & yr fmly. may all of you, esp rayyan, emerge stronger and more well than ever.

  12. We are so very happy to hear that Rayyan is doing well.:)

  13. andu ba rayyan. semoga cepat sembuh from aunty mimi n family ok. Aminn~

  14. Hi Diana, It's heart aching to see Rayyan in such a situation. I am so glad he looks so much healthier in the last photo, without the tubes. May he have a speedy recovery. Yes, he has gone through a lot at such a tender age.

  15. This is really very good news! You are such a strong mummy! May Rayyan have speed recovery and discharge soon! Sent my hugs and kisses to him! Muah!

  16. He is looking great. Our thoughts are with you and your family. Hope you will be able to take Rayyan home soon.

  17. So broken hearted to hear he was thirsty.. This is the big reason why I don't like to go thru an operation.. you will not allowed to have any food or at least drink after that..

    I am having phobia for my coming c-section soon , just because of thinking of this.. I hate that I cannot even drink after the operation..

    reading this.. make me so broken hearted, that a small boy like Rayyan have to go thru that.. *tears*

    Rayyan is a very strong boy..

    I will always pray for Rayyan recovery..

    take care..
