
Monday, March 7, 2011

march container gardening

This is how the backyard container look like the day before we left Adelaide for Rayyan surgery at Royal Children Hospital,Melbourne. We all feel very homesick now and missing Ilhan very much who is in good hands with my cousin, Lenay.I feel very guilty towards Ilhan on the same day Rayyan having his surgery, he was not feeling well.But he feels better now and missing Rayyan.I think our whole family caught the same bug,my husband had it first.Then passed it to me and the kids. Rayyan had a bad night yesterday with bad cough, constipated,heart rate beating  fast and feeling sore.Both of us finally catch up some sleep in the afternoon when we were transfered to isolation room for a while. 

Okra burgundy has just  start to produce those edible pods. Hopefully when we returned, we have many Mei Qing Choi F1 to harvest. I tried sowing many supermarket bought rockmelon seeds last spring and many bear small fruit before we left. I hope we have some ripe rockmelon this year. 
Bitter gourd has many fruits at the moment from my phone conservation with my cousin. I wonder if we can preserve bitter gourd. I asked my cousin to freeze one bitter gourd and I try cooking it later to test whether it can be frozen. The JAP pumpkin has also finally produce female flower. I planted 2 sweet potato shoots in 2 containers, growing really well but have come very invasive. 

Sweet potato plants taking over adjacent containers. I think we will sow many leek this autumn because it can be left in the garden growing for a long time and harvest when you need it. Leek in curry and korma taste very sweet.
We are missing fresh organic  vegetables very much. Rayyan is refusing vegetable puree at the moment, only takes fruit puree or yogurt. I think I spoilt the kids with  organic veggies.Rayyan have been very brave & a good patient probably want to go home ASAP too.


  1. I see. You are in Melbourne now. Very far from home. Poor you. Must be really tired. Rayyan can taste the difference between organic and inorganic food?

  2. Your kids are so lucky to be able to consume organic veggies everyday.

  3. Sending Rayyan many healing thoughts and prayers! I don't blame you for missing that beautiful garden. I wonder if bitter gourd could be pickled as a way to preserve it?

  4. So nice to see your garden.. and hope Rayyan will be recover soon..

    take care..

  5. Nice healthy garden to leave behind is sad...luckily you have someone to look after those plants. Now Im quite reluctant to travel away from my garden for more than a day, Im afraid my veggies will die when I come back!Hope Rayyan has a speedy recovery!

  6. Not surprised that Rayyan doesn't like hospital food. I think they must deliberately make it unappetising so that you will go home quicker!

    Your home garden looks in fine form - so much squeezed into a small space. That's what I like to see - Productivity!

  7. Hope you are all together again soon and enjoying those lovely vegetables.

  8. So sorry to hear that all of you are under the weather! I can understand your homesickness. Hope everyone gets better soon.

  9. Your garden is so productive! I love seeing pics of it, you grow all the things I love to eat :) Poor little Rayyan, his body is taking a while to return to normal function and no wonder with all its been through. Huge hugs to all of you xoxo

  10. Kwee Peng-Ilhan is a better organic veggie detector than Rayyan.Maybe because they have more new cells on their tongue than adults ;).
    Rainfield61-people who live before chemical pesticides and fertiliser were invented are also very lucky.
    JGH-pickle bitter gourd what an interesting idea, I wonder if it will taste less bitter.Thank you for your kind thoughts.
    Cathj-you take care too.
    P3chandan-I am very lucky to have my cousin and Ilhan looking after the garden now.Ilhan help collect big caterpillar to dispose or feed the bird.I have delegate them the first batch of winter vegetables sowing.
    Mark-LOL hospital food just make patient hope for speedy recovery.
    Sue-I hope Ilhan won't be too stress with this time separation.Hopefully next week if all is good we be back home.
    Joyce-Terima kasih.It is more restful at home than here in hospital.
    Mrs Bok-He still not fully himself yet but more smile today.

  11. You have a beautiful garden, take care !
    Again my prayers ...

  12. Your vegetable patch in the backyard has grown into a beautiful garden. Gives me inspiration to plant more veges this year. Wishing you all the best to tide over this critical period and get well soo to baby Rayyan.

  13. Your vegetables patch looks so green and productive!
    You are strong mummy! Take care of yourself!

    Hope Rayyan will get very well soon and be discharge so that all of you can be under the same roof again!

  14. Wong Ching Wah, Autumn Belle, Malar~ Thank you. Hopefully we be in Adelaide soon, counting the days.
