
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

ACAR lagi

Made another ACAR dish again this week on my cousin Lenay request as a side dish with Chicken Rice. Don't have to use the stove to prepare this dish just cut bite size of chili, capsicum, carrot, red onion, pineapple and cucumber . Then add in vinegar, sugar, salt and lemon juice, mix well, its done. Less cleaning up to do in the kitchen.
Harvest some carrots (Topweight variety) that were growing in clay soil look kind of pale but surprisingly it did managed to grow through that compact soil. Early Long Purple Eggplant start to produce prolific now. Last year this eggplant plants managed to produce until Early winter.
Last week, I did said that I would like to try P.F.Chang's Stir-Fried Spicy Eggplant dish which I saw in Kitchen Flavours with my next eggplant harvest. It was so delicious, a must try recipe and it only take less than 15 minutes to prepare the dish (including some distraction from the kids). Thank you Joyce for introducing this recipe to me, my next harvest will be this dish again. Minimise cooking time for other agendas.

Cleared up some patch for fall planting and harvested some baby size leeks planted in spring. One of the leek were so long, plus the top leave will be almost the same height with Rayyan.
Harvested some kangkung (water spinach), capsicums, beans and volunteer potatoes. Cucumber early gem season is almost over for us.

Finally after weeks of waiting, I got the chance to eat some kacang panjang (yard-long bean/snake bean). Just a simple dish with the beans, fried them with a little bit of soy sauce thats all. Another round of bitter gourd and apple juice anyone? Run out of apples, my husband keep on forgetting to buy them every time he went to the market (on purpose?).
Hope we are lucky for another round of Snake Bean harvest next week.
What is your favourite dish with Kacang Panjang?


  1. They all not only look delicious but I am certain they are healthy too.

    I received the seeds just now. Thank you so much. I'm surprised that mammoth looks small. Can't judge a book by its cover.

  2. Sedapnya acar tu terutamanya bila bahan-bahan fresh dari kebun.Kacang panjang sangat sedap dimasak dengan telur.Bawang besar di dadu,kacang panjang potong kecik,telur,garam dan lada hitam.Dadar guna sedikit minyak..yum yum:)

  3. It's so nice to see such a nice variety of veggies in a harvest. It's just so cold here. Everything is absolutely beautiful!

  4. My fave kacang panjang is when it fry with eggs. Eh your brinjal dish looks yummy, but it is too little for me- i eat double the size everytime, ha.

  5. It's interesting to see you casually harvesting veg that to us here would be considered "speciality veg", things that are hard to buy (and are never very good because they have been shipped half way around the world.) I like the sound of the Acar; what sort of vinegar do you use?

  6. Look at all those wonderful harvests. It really make me dream of spring. I know it is supposed to be spring already, but with the ground freezing solid every night it doesn't feel like it.

  7. That spicy eggplant dish sounds good. I've made something similar before but that recipe is a bit different. I love how eggplant soaks up other flavors.

    Your veggies all look great! I'm going to grow yardlong beans this year. I will be looking for new ways to cook them.

  8. The salad at the top looks delicious although I would have to pass on the chilli.

  9. Gosh, everything looks soooo good! The harvest and the dishes. :)

    Go to the farmer's market on Sunday morning and get a bucket of organic apples from the Kalangadoo stall. It's 15 dollars a bucket and there are about 5 kilos in there. They are extremely nice! Sweet, juicy, freshly harvested.

  10. Acar is my favourite. I cannot let go the smell of vinegar.

  11. Every time you post a harvest, I am blown away! They are amazing!
    Thanks for the recipes too, I'll try the eggplant one!

  12. What an interesting and varied harvest! The recipes look totally tempting too!

  13. I have no idea what some of the things you harvested are! How fun is that!?! Bitter Gourd? Snake Bean? Kankung? Whoa!

  14. What a great harvest!! I love that dish you made up. It's so colorful and amazing! Your eggplant is making my mouth water!

  15. Goodness, Diana, your harvest is just fantastic! I wish I could have one like yours too! My kacang panjang seems to take forever to flower and my kangkung is just starting out! I have never had acar with chicken rice before, sounds good. I'm glad that you've enjoyed the egg plant, simple, quick and really good!
    Tell hubby, if there's no apples, they are just gonna have to drink the juice as it is! Then wait for your apples! He! He!

  16. amazing harvest Diana, I intend to try out the salad with pineapple, cucumber, etc. and the eggplant dish although they won't be as good with bought veggies. cheers, cm

  17. I can have acar everyday, like sambal belacan and kimchi. After that, we can dance the cha-cha, hahaha!

  18. Kwee Peng~ Hope you get many mammoth size sunflowers in your garden.

    CikManggis~ Nanti nak try buat kacang panjang dengan telur dadar untuk Ilhan. Tapi macam pokok kacang panjang tu tak tahan lama dengan cuaca makin sejuk malam je ni.

    Robin,KitsapFG~Thank you.

    Milka~My hubby macam tak suka terung, so I don't cook that much terung, I always have to finish it;-).

    Mark~White vinegar for the acar. I am happy that the Mediteranean climate that we have here is suitable to grow South-East Asia vegetable during summer.

    Daphne~ I know it is hard to be patient. As I need to practise patient for fall planting now.

    Villager~Good Luck with growing yard-long bean. The flowers are very pretty purple.

    Sue~ You can use mild chili variety;-).

    Veggie Gnome~ That is a great idea. Last year in June we went up to the hill for an apple picking trip. It was so much fun.

    Rainfield61~ First time I know someone like the smell of vinegar.

    Phoebe~ I hope you will like the eggplant dish.

    Lynda~ I had so much fun trying to grow this warm-loving Asian vegetable and see that it can actually grow here in Mediteranean climate.

    Holly~ I am glad that I tried the eggplant recipe it was so delicous.

    Kitchen Flavour~I don't have any lettuce for the Chicken Rice so we made some acar. After I posted this, I found some apples in the fruit basket.

    Catmint~I hope you will like this dish.

    Autumn Belle~Acar is very healthy as we don't lost the nutrient from cooking.Thats why more cha-cha?

  19. Yum I have to make that acar! Your garden is sooooo productive Diana!

  20. I quite like the taste of spicy food but after my experiences last year with chillies I think I'm a bit phobic of them - they were mild chillies but made my hands sting for days so what would they have done to my insides?

  21. Wow, nice... the achar and all...

  22. Those dishes look and sound so good, I can't wait until we have fresh from the garden eggplants, and cucumbers, and peppers, and....:) I'm curious, did you ever recieve the package I sent?

  23. I also like terong masak sambal goreng. My favourite kacang pjg dish is hot sambal tumis plus big prawns or sotong..emmm finger licking good!

  24. Wow acar.. my fav!! consider salad sudah ni kan.. ^_^

    and so envy to see all your beautiful vege.. great harvest..

  25. I second Veggie Gnome... apples are delicious right now, Royal Galas and Golden Delicious now in season, we have been enjoying those from the farmers market very much.

    That is a lot of snake beans, my 2 plants produce consistently but not in great quantity like that.

  26. Mrs Bok, Lrong~ Thank you.

    Sue~Have to be careful with the chilies. My eyes sting sometime when I take out my contact lenses if I cook using chili that day.

    Mr. H~ The package have not arrived yet. I wonder if you are able to finish your last year supply when you start to harvest this year.

    p3chandan~That sound so delicious.

    CathJ~ Salad style Malaysia...hehehe...

    Hughbert~I am going to get myself a bucket of those apples this weekend. I have 4 snake bean plants but they kind of looking a bit sad now as the weather get colder and it is difficult to see the flower bloom.

  27. I wear contact lenses too Diana which was a worry when my hands were stinging!
