
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Arigatou Around the World

I would like to thank everyone that I have met and become friends in the bloggingland Thank You very much for all the advice, support and encouraging words. It  made me very happy and got through my problems a lot easier. Although, I sometime cannot release all my stress with gardening because I am coop up in school, visiting other blogs help lessen the stress. I received many nice surprises this year in our mail box from around the world and like to say Thank You.
We will start with the closest place from our little garden.
Berry & Veggie Gnomes that have given me so many things for the garden (So hard to say no to them).
Many thanks for many beautiful flower seeds from Catmint.
Joyce author of My Little Potted Garden~ Thank you for your support letter and kind words when we were going through Rayyan surgery phase.
Autumn Belle~ I will try to be a better cook learning new recipe from your gift and study smarter with the lovely tag.
Kwee Peng ~ Thank you for a very early Birthday wish;-).
Starting from here, we will travel to countries that have first time visit our mail box and we were so excited.
At first I was shocked to see why are the stamps missing. Did not know that my husband was secretly collecting stamps.
I received an envelope from Mr. H & Mrs. H (author of Subsistence Pattern), who has been my inspiration on collecting our own home-saved seeds since we started gardening in Adelaide. So happy on receiving so many seeds that I can't wait to sow this month. I let the photo do the talking, see the yellow tape.

Lucky! I did not know that my name automatically entered Laura's give-away and won. What a lovely give-away presents. Laura have a very big heart and always cheer people up with her wonderful e-mails.Those teddies was not originally in the give-away. But she included them for Rayyan and Ilhan.
Rayyan was so happy having a new friend for him to play.
I am happy that at this moment since Rayyan is born. He is in his very best form and health.
But, I guess I wear myself out...hit rock bottom.
 In this coming August, it will be 3 years since I started my studies for PhD in Science program as a full-time research student. I was in a very nervous state last Thursday because Rayyan had appoinment with his dietician. Hoping that Rayyan did not lose so much weight after the surgery and he don't need to put on nasalgastro tiub again. So happy that he actually put on weight and the dietician was happy with how things are going for him. Yeah!Bye-bye nasalgastro tiub. The realisation of that I have only a few months to complete my research and think about writing my thesis made me stress, hit me hard on Thursday morning. A friend encouragement to me, that I would never have imagine before that I managed to survive studying my PhD up till now after all sort of a problem that I have been through. I did think of giving it up after Rayyan was born but I do know that I will hate myself for giving up and will come a lot of IF thinking later. Meeting up with my supervisor also help to clear up my mind as well with all those doubts that I am having. I was kind of surprise that he actually thinks that I am on track in finishing up my PhD, on top of having problems and burden which is not usual for a full-time research student to manage.
I should feel encourage.
Have more confidant and faith on myself.
What am I thinking?After I gone through alternating spending time in school and hospital.
Take a deep breath, I can do it.


  1. You have undertaken a lot, just take one day at a time and keep trudging forward. Someday you will look back on all of this and smile at your achievments and all of the courage it took to keep moving forward. Glad you finally received the seeds, I tried to put all the right Latin names on them so they would pass customs...hopefully they all did.:) Enjoy your weekend!

  2. You can do all thigns through Christ, who strengthens you! Your blog is such a blessing to me and so many others... I admore all that youhave been able to make me want to be a better person!

  3. Bagusnya kerana dapat kawan seluruh pelusuk dunia.alhamdulillah Cm rasa lega bila baca n3 Diani ni.Cm dapat agak bila baca n3 beberapa hari yang lepas.Perkara yang sama hampir berlaku pada menantu cm semasa diperingkat akhir menamatkan pengajian phd ,banyak halangan dan tiba-tiba fikiran jadi buntu dan sebagainya.Alhamdulillah dengan berkat kesabaran yang tinggi akhirnya berjaya juga.

    Cm doakan agar Diana akan melepasi ujian ini dengan jayanya.Ujian demi ujian membuatkan seorang itu jadi lebih kuat.Jangan cepat putus asa ya.Best of luck:)

  4. Like you, I have derived a huge amount of pleasure from blogging, and "virtually" meeting so many people from all around the world. I love following your blog because the stuff you grow and write about is so different to what I grow. I also admire your positive attitude in the face of such adversity.

  5. I like your last sentence, "I can do it." Good luck with the thesis, I'm sure you will do it.

  6. Diane You are an inspiration to women, mothers and gardeners.

  7. Keep on keeping on! You are doing amazing things with your life and family.
    You got some wonderful treasures in the mail! Lucky and blessed you are.

  8. When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place. We know you can do it :)

  9. Hi Diana,
    I'm glad I discovered your blog on 25th July last year (yes,I checked!). I'm really happy that Rayyan is doing well, as whenever you came to mind, Rayyan will automatically do too! You are truly an inspiration to all, as a loving and caring mother to a dedicated gardener and an optimistic student. What you are going through now is not an easy task, but yes, you can do it! You are one strong lady underneath all that bucket crying! Wish you all the best and good luck!

  10. I'm amazed with your strength and dedication to whatever you do. You've done a great job.

    I just harvested 3 papayas and a sugar apple and thought of you...When I sowed your choy sum seeds just now, I thought of you... a strong, efficient lady.

    I thought the seeds were confiscated but you still receive the card? Goodness! So they read what I wrote?

  11. Tahniah Diana,

    Semoga anda mencapai segalanya yang diingini dalam perjalanan pengetahuan anda. Terima kasih dan salam mengunjungi blog saya :)

  12. I am truly impressed with the courage and determination that you have... a Phd student, a mom(with Rayyan's condition-it must be worrisome), a gardener and a blogger(regular one). Keep it up !! I'm sure you will be successful !!

  13. Dear Diana, I am so pleased that Rayyan is better, and that you are on track with your PhD. This reciprocal blogging business is so rewarding. Thank you for your warmth, friendship and generosity. cheers, catmint

  14. Diana, you're a gem and a treasure for so many of us. And you are right - yes you CAN do it! Wonder woman you are, best of luck and I'm so so glad Rayyan is improving in health. Lots of hugs xxxx

  15. Arigatos to every corner of the world.... A fine gesture. Nice to see Rayyan smiling....

  16. Yes you can do it. Just think of how happy you will be when you have your diploma in hand.

  17. You definitely can do it - you are amazing.

  18. You are one strong cookie! I'm really inspired by you!
    The picture of Rayyan is so cute! Do you have to spoon feed his milk? Hope he will grow up to be very strong and love his mum so much!
    You ahev receive beautful gift all around the world!

  19. I salute you. You bole buat semua at a time.
    All the best with your PHD. I know you can do it:)

  20. wow - it is definitely a lot and I bet you're so glad you've kept active with your program. I'm really happy to hear that Rayyan is doing well! He's a gorgeous growing boy!

  21. Dear all, Thank you for the encouragement. I will do the best that I can. yes, I can do it :).

  22. Diana, you have done a great job with your life. Do not give up your dreams. Whenever you are at the cross road, do not turn back, do not loose your focus. You can only go forward and the rewards of success will be sweet.

  23. Diana, so happy that Rayyan is healthy again. You have been through so much! I'm in awe of you, managing a family, health issues, and studying at the same time. No wonder you're exhausted. Hang in there, we're all cheering you on, and wishing you well.
