
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Black Pearl Anyone?

From our observation, leaf amaranth (Chinese Spinach) flowers attract many tiny critters, the bad and good garden companion.  There are still many big ladybirds around in our garden now which will be good to control aphids that is trying to stay on our brassicas. 
Growing and collecting Chinese Spinach (bayam) seeds is easy. The male and flower are on the same plant. Pollination is by wind. We are only growing one amaranth variety last warm season. So we hope the seeds that we have collected by open pollination will not be cross hybridised with other amaranth. However, walking at the reserve land at the back of our backyard fence less than 50 metre away, we saw that one of our backyard neighbours has green coloured amaranth bolting as well. So is our amaranth seeds a pure strain or not? I had to do some reasoning;
  • Amaranth plant not tall and tall fence can perhaps act as physical barrier.
  • Not only one amaranth are blooming but others as well in our garden, so the winds will carry the nearest pollen to the nearest available female which is around our garden.
  • I won't know until I tested the seeds, but this mean have to wait until spring.
  • Ours are red flowers, neighbours are green flowers which I am hoping that it is not closely related.
What do you think?

Chinese spinach does not required many space to grow which is very suitable for gardeners that have small space to grow. Also looks very ornamental leaving them bolt to collect seeds.
Bolting Chinese amaranth scattered in different containers in this winter month.
I would like to share some of our Chinese Spinach black pearl randomly to 3 person interested to have a go with this plant (just leave a comment). I can't promise that it will be true seeds. However, I think with all the reasoning, it is true Chinese Spinach seeds. So I will be sending different kind of black pearl along such as angled luffa and lemon basil just in case. One plume from Chinese Spinach plant does contain so many seeds.


  1. Your Amaranth is beautiful. The photo with the Ladybug is also lovely. I don't blame you for wanting to have the red ones, they are a standout.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. Lain pula spinach di sana ah.. ^_^

  3. Beautiful shots! I like the cute yellow bug.

    Happy RT!

    Mine's here.

  4. My amaranth never grows those long stalks of seeds, I wonder if it is a different kind? Maybe it is because i keep cutting it back. I noticed that the first year it got lots of bugs eating it, but has lately become more resistant. I originally got the seeds from Kate in Tasmania, so they had a bit of adjusting.

  5. Your top photo is amazing, really pretty! Your Monday harvest looks fab.

  6. You are having a lady bird of different color.


  7. Gorgeous!

    Ruby Tuesday at my page, please come and see.

  8. Wah, so many seeds.... again....
    Going to sow the seeds you gave tomorrow hehe. Hope the vegies grow up as healthy as yours.

  9. The red looks pretty, but I think the green is more tasty... I have both, and shall be going green this time...

  10. Beautiful photos. An attractive species of spinach. Greetings.

  11. Very very pretty! I thought when you said Black Pearl you were talking of the ornamental pepper; which is great too.

  12. Those seeds look beautiful. Someday I'll probably grow amaranth. So far it hasn't made the cut with new things to grow.

  13. MKG dear,
    Red or green, I like them all. Taste wise, I mean. Just lightly stirfry with ikan bilis and onion and garlic. gravy (from the red variety of course) on white rice looks so tempting. purrr...meow!

  14. Cher~ The red plumes bring some colours in this winter season here.

    CathJ~ Bayam merah. Puas mencari benih sayur pahit tapi ndak ada.

    Maria~I like them too as they are benificial to maintain a healthy garden for us.

    Africanaussie~Maybe because of the cutting it back. The ones that we always cut, those plume are usually much shorter.

    Kelli~ Thanks,I wish I have that many cottage flower like yours.

    Rainfield62~Ah yes a bit different than the ones on your header.

    Chubskulit~ Thanks.

    Milka~Ah wednesday is your day off from work. Hope you had a fun time.

    Lrong~Actually I am not very into spinach yet. I still need to find a way to cook them that I will enjoy.

    Leovi~A different colour than green.

    Tina~Oh yes now you remind me about black pearl pepper. I have not the chance to grow them yet.

    Daphne~They don't need space. You might get away with inter-planting them with other vegetables.They don't mind being squeeze into small space.

    Cat-from-Sydney~Bayam always remind me of the raja bersiung tale;).

  15. Beautiful red vegetables!
