
Monday, June 27, 2011

Massey Pea First Harvest

Main harvest for last week was mainly chillies, tomatoes and giant purple mustards. I tried to pull out one carrot to see how much the oldest sowed-batch have grown. The upper part of the carrot is medium size but still very short. I think one of the main reason is the carrot roots are having a hard time to push into clay soil. We harvested our first Massey peas last week and the boys were so excited. Kept asking for more. See Rayyan hands reaching for more peas while the photos are being taken.
Found some self-sowed tomatoes has ripen in winter and some does not look that good. But they tasted good. Pruned some laksa leaves (Vietnamese Mint) to cook with sardines.
Last sunny Saturday we finally tidied up and organised all our backyard garden containers. Summer plants which are no more productive were pulled out. We got to harvest 2 pumpkins that were grown from containers. This is the first time we harvested Queensland Blue pumpkin, although it is smallish compared to the shops. Found 2 inches of fresh ginger rhizomes from one of the containers. We grow turmeric for it leaves as well, so we freeze some leaves to use later to make rendang. Starting from early June, we had a new target trying not to buy any potatoes from the market. Thanks to Berry Gnome for the pink fir-eyed? seed potato we received a few months ago, we got to taste our first home-grown pink-eyed potatoes last week. We saved some of the potatoes to plant back and some were used to make beef korma. We also cut some rainbow chards stems.
Snowball turnip is not something that I can grow well because I don't lavish them with enough water. Yesterday, we harvested a yellow bell pepper and our first cherrytime capsicum. We waited that cherrytime capsicum to turn red since last April. All those red chillies were given-away to my husband friend for the nice traditional cake that were shared.


  1. My goodness, another lovely harvest you have this week. Love the pumpkins!

  2. Looks like a fine harvest. Laksa leaves sound interesting, I'll have to read up on that type of mint.

  3. I love that picture of the little hand sneaking in to grab some peas! :D Darling!

    What a great variety of items you have in your harvest this week. Some good eating all lined up.

  4. Oh! It's Monday harvest again! I have one tiny watermelon and a small dragon fruit. Quite pathetic! Your family must be very happy & healthy consuming veggies of all sorts of colours.

  5. We can't always get our peas into the house, so at least they are on the counter. :-)

  6. My Monday harvest is a small piece of bitter gourd.

  7. Boy, I wish my turnips looked that good! Yum.

  8. Your garden is a good example of "bio-diversity"! So many good things...

  9. Great harvest that I would be happy with in summer.

  10. Beautiful harvests. Your pumpkins are really pretty. I missed getting much winter squash last year due to our neighborhood groundhog. I just hope I get a good harvest this year. I love squash.

  11. Wow. I'd be doing a happy dance if I was able to harvest all that from my garden. Looks great.

  12. You have so many beautiful vegetables this week. The squash and rainbow chard are very beautiful. I hope our peppers come in as nicely as yours.

  13. That's very big mustard leaves! Wild tomatoes? How i wish for it!

  14. Wow what an awesome harvest for you this week! Very nice!

  15. Your garden is just so awesome...but I have to say the highlight is the cute little hand in the first picture:)

  16. Seronoknya tgok your harvest. Geram tgok all the chillies and tomatoes..Bestnya dapat makan sayur fresh :)

  17. A beautiful harvest, I love vegetables.

  18. Allison~The small bits of summer plants left help to provide a little bit harvest last week for the kitchen.

    Mr H~ Laksa leaves are usually cook with fish for a sourish flavour.

    KitsapFG~The peas finished quickly before I can even finished harvesting them. The boys tailing behind and asking for each peas that just plucked from the plant.

    Kwee Peng~ A dragon fruit is so much exotic and amazing harvest compare with my full basket of harvest. Your dragon fruit seems very prolific, you are always harvesting the fruit.

    Barbie~Have to quickly snap pea photos as they dissapear rather quick.

    Rainfield61~Bitter gourd helps cool down the body. I heard it is very hot over there now, no?

    Rosey~ Most of our turnip has only managed to grow long woody root.

    Mark~ We decided to grow many varieties of plant so we get continuos supply. Most of the plants have different timing harvest and pest. So it is much safer this way.

    Sue~I wish we have berries like yours.

    Daphne~That is our last pumpkin. We only got 3 pumpkins this year. Last year was only one. We still have to work out how to improve growing pumpkin here.

    Judith~Thanks. Today was really a sunny day and the vegetables seems happy with the sun kiss. As it was a bit warmer this week, the plants seems to be picking up some growth.

    Jody~Hope you get many peppers this year.

    Malar~ We seems to be having so many self-sowed tomatoes every winter. I am not sure why may be the soil?

    Shawn Ann~I was kind of worried that we don't have that much to harvest last week. But the mustard that we inter-planted with potatoes come to the rescue this month.

    Charmcitybalconygarden~The owner of the little hand can't wait to have some more peas.

    TK~Syukur ada juga sayur nak diambil tiap-tiap hari dari kebun kami. Tapi get ready juga bila hari tak de apa-apa, kami ada simpan frozen veggie juga.

    Leovi~ Thank you.

  19. so nice.. envy pula saya tengok.. hihihihi

  20. Your garden is so productive. Every time I visit I feel very brown thumbed ;P But I always leave inspired. Hoping to get potatoes next season, just planted some on the weekend.

  21. Amboi, so productive la your garden!

  22. Your harvests are always so impressive. I am thrilled to have tiny tomatoes on my plants and beans starting to sprout. Hopefully I will have a small harvest of my own soon.

  23. Lucky you... rodents keep eating off my peas at a young stage, I've had to resort to plastic drink bottle collars around them... hopefully I will get some yield in spring!!

  24. CathJ~ Yang sayur daun banyak ada lubang bah tu.

    Shaz~Hope you get many potatoes!I want to plant some potato this month. But don't have space for it yet!

    Milka~ Bolehlah cukup-cukup untuk sekeluarga.

    Jennifer~Hope you have many harvest from them.

    Hughbert~Rodents were digging many holes on our veggie patch last fall. We had many plants uprooted.
