
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mini Murtabak Day

my cooking_1

I was browsing through Cikmanggis archive last Friday to have some ideas what to cook for the family this weekend and found this simple recipe of mini murtabak. It is simple and almost instant to make it as I don't have to prepare the roti dough the day beforehand. This recipe uses spring rolls sheets that you can get from Coles or Asian groceries in the freezer section. It was fun and easy to made. A Malaysia version of beef pie or chicken pie which is a very popular snack and you can get them at pasar malam (night market).
All the vegetables except for the onion and garlic were not from our garden. No chooks in our garden so not sure which farm the eggs came from.
Ingredients (adapted from CikManggis):
200 gm mince meat/chicken
1 Big onion (finely diced)
3 garlic cloves (finely diced)
2 Tablespoon curry powder (add just a bit of water into paste)
1/2 teaspoon white pepper powder
Coriander (coarsely chopped)
1 spring onion (coarsely chopped)
1 capsicum (diced)
corn kernels (1cup)
2 chicken eggs
spring rolls sheets
salt and sugar (to taste)

Heat oil. Saute diced onion and garlic. Then add curry powder. Stir until the heavenly aroma of curry powder is fill in the air around your kitchen. Add mince beef and mix well until cook. Add salt and sugar. Cook until dry, no more liquid. Add in corn, capsicum, spring onion, coriander and mix well. Let it cool down before breaking 2 eggs into it and mix. Put the fillings on top of the spring roll sheets and fold. Heat the pan and just brush a little cooking oil on the pan. Not too much oil as spring roll sheets absorb a lot of oil. Pan-fry till cook. Eat with curry or red onion vinegar.

The outer layer was very nice and crispy. Here is a peek of what the filling look inside the fold.


  1. yum!!! I can not wait to make these.. and in the Statesm egg roll wrappers are available in most regular grocery stores!

  2. Yum they look good. I'm vegetarian and thinking I could try them maybe with lentils instead of meat?

  3. Wah pandai Diana masak! Sedap nampak nya tu..Cikmanggis memang banyak resipi yg sedap2 dan simple. I did try her cencalok prawns, though must wash the cencalok a bit or else too salty...very popular with my 3 sons!

  4. Yes..I have tried this one too..a very popular dish here. But I haven't made any one these for quite a long time and now.Your idea has become an eye-opener....yes!! I got something for my family tea time...tnx dearie :)

  5. Oh wow! They look so delicious. I think I would need some Sweet Chilli dipping sauce with mine. Do you do Take-Away???

  6. MKG dear,
    Adopt me purrrrlease! Mama only cooks murtabak segera that she buys at Pasar Tani. har har har *evil laughs*

  7. Those look yummy! Thanks for the recipe, I might try this.

  8. They look so yummy and sound so easy to make!

  9. I'm hungry!! Looks delicious! I may have to try this at home!

  10. This is sooo yummy!!! My son will love this.. different way of having the spring roll.. ^_^

    Will try this soon.. ^_^

  11. alamak lamanya tak makan murtabak segera ni..anak bongsu Cm selalu tertukar Murtabak dengan "mentadak" hehe...kesihatan masih belum pulih sepenuhnya...kadang kadang ok..kadang kadang tak ok...dalam kepala macam-macam nak masak..

    Mula-mula Wan Cm meninggal terasa sungguh sedih sekali tetapi sekarang ini rasa sungguh rindu pula......rindu yang tak dapat nak jelaskan dengan perkataan....rindu yang teramat sangat......

  12. Your post made me extremely hungry. Seriously hungry! I am stopping my blog crawl to go get me some food to much on. LOL!

  13. Sedap nya....terasa lapar lah pula. Bulan puasa hampir setiap hari menjadi hidangan wajib. Thanks for sharing...and thanks also to Cik Manggis kerana sudi berkongsi resepi ini.

  14. Wah, sedapnya! This is delicious for any meal of the day, knowing us Malaysians, we could eat this for breakfast, lunch, tea-time snack, dinner and supper too!

  15. That murtabak looks to die for - I shall have to try to make it this weekend for brunch! Have just discovered your interesting blog :)

  16. Your dish looks very tasty!

  17. Mom of M&Ms~It does not take a long time to prepare which is great and delicious too.

    Veggiegobbler~I think you can change it to lentils. I would like to try lentils too next time.

    p3chandan~Resepi simple2 yang menarik bila asyik tak cukup masa dan tangan nak memasak...hehehe...rasanya cencalok tengok brand kut ada yang masin sangat ada yang ok. Dekat sini tak de pilihan brand cencaluk sangat tapi yang kami beli tak beberapa masin.

    UmmiRosma~I think you family will enjoy this. finished up too quickly.

    Cat-from-Sydney~If I am in Malaysia, I will probably never cook my own murtabak. Beli je kat pasar malam...hehehe...

    Alison~ Hope you like it.

    Malar~ Take not a long time to prepare so we can spend more time in the garden.

    Holly~Hope you have fun making murtabak!

    CathJ~Very crispy with the spring roll.

    CikManggis~Harap CM cepat sembuh ya. Nanti nak dekat puasa ni kelam kabut nak siapkan kuih raya lah pulak. Mama saya pun selalu cakap walaupun arwah nenek dah lama pergi, dia selalu rindu kat nenek tak boleh nak cakap macam mana rindunya tu.CM jaga kesihatan ya nanti pakcik risau tengok CM. Batas pun pakcik dah sedia:).

    Bom~Do you have something similar like this in Filipina?

    Orchid de dangau~Dekat pasar ramadhan boleh rambang mata nak pilih.

    Joyce~Bila-bila saja...hehehe...

    Dim Sum Gardener~I should have make more, it wasn't enough here. Thank you for visiting.

    Kelli~Nice hot dish straight out from the pan for this cold weather.

  18. I must make this soon! It sounds delicious. Wonder if it would work with frozen rotis instead of spring roll wrappers?

  19. I know this word has been used many times above and is not original, but .... yum

  20. That looks delicious - all my favorite things - ground meat, curry, and a fried outside. what is the red onion vinegar? I think I'm going to try this!
