
Saturday, July 16, 2011

First Jonquil and Black Pearl Winner

This is the first time I ever grow flower from bulbs and it took some convincing to try growing from bulbs this year. To be honest, I don't know much about flowers compare to vegetables. Thanks Sue for the encouragement! Berry Gnome gave me no reason of not trying flower bulbs this year. No chance of backing away from the original plan when suddenly you are given a paper bag full of flower bulbs last autumn. I was so speechless at first because I was so happy of receiving those flower bulbs. I think I bombarded Berry Gnome with a lot of questions on how to grow them. Berry Gnome you given us some sunshine in the middle of winter! The first bulb to bloom in our garden is jonquil. I spy buds last week but was so busy to keep track on which day will it bloom.
Tadaa~ Our first jonquil bloom. I still cannot pronounce the word "jonquil' properly.
Many of you have wonder how cold is our winter is. I guess by now you will probably can estimate how our weather is here for us if you grown jonquil before. Jonquils have just started blooming in our garden. If you live in very snowy winter region, our mid-winter will probably be your early spring weather.
I have not forgotten about the black pearl give-away last month, I was just waiting for those black pearls to be polished that is the main reason. Drum roll please...and the winner is
~Lrong (Potager Y @ Japan) who has a beautiful potager and living in a neighbourhood where the people are always very generous with their produce. 
~Africanaussie  has a garden for beautiful butterflies which like to visit her place.
~CathJ, a wonderful and caring mom who always find the time to help other people in need of help. 


  1. Is a Jonquil the same as a Daffodil?
    Even if it isn't your one looks very pretty.

  2. As Mark says jonquil is our daffodil or in the case of your flower narcissus as daffodils tend to be yellow with longer trumpets. They start flowering around March time for us although some early varieties start at the end of February. They're easy aren't they and if you leave them they will make more bulbs a flowers for next year. Are you growing any other bulbs.

  3. Just notice you have exactly the same number of flowers as me. SNAP! Do you have the game of snap over there?

  4. Those looked like daffodils...lovely!

  5. Thanks for the beautiful-refreshing photos in the middle of my summer heat!

  6. You have one of those beautiful pictures.

    Thumbs up.

  7. So beautiful..really nice. The color remember for something ;)

  8. How beautiful. We started growing flowers in earnest this year too. Right now our gladiolas are in bloom. You're blooms are beautiful!

  9. OMG! Cantiknya bunga tu!!! I tak pernah tengoklah..Penah pegi Australia dulu skali and rasa winternya. Bila angin bertiup.. tu yg tak tahan sejuk tu.

  10. I love the cold though, the colder the better. Just came back from KL and Singapore and I can't stand the humidity. Great pics and such lovely flowers!

  11. cantiknya!!!pakcik dah mula siapkan tapak semaian untuk bunga matahari:)

  12. Hooray! I love jonquils, especially the scented ones. Glad you grew the bulbs, they're pretty easy huh? I've even accidentally dug up a few (because I forgot where I put them), and they still survived. I've had some yellow jonquils bloom too, they really are like a burst of sunshine in the cold.

  13. Jonquils were part of my childhood. They popped up every year in everyone's garden and I remember their smell (not so wonderful), and for a short while they were in vases in the house.

  14. Jonquils are such a childhood-memory plant for me, they grew everywhere around my old town. But it's obviously a lot warmer at your house than mine even though we're in the same city, because some of mine only have buds and others not even buds yet! They smell so lovely, but if you bring them inside the house in a vase I think they can be almost too strong.

    For others who wondered, jonquils are a sub-set of the daffodil family which are very strongly scented, among a few other differences, but that is the one that stands out.

  15. MKG dear,
    Mama's not into flowers at no jonquils for us except in neighbours' gardens. But we take pleasure from ogling your pictures. har har har *evil laughs*

  16. Mark~ I google the other day how to differentiate daffodil and jonquil. Because I recieved daffodil and jonquil bulbs together so I was not sure which bulb is blooming first. The bulb size of daffodil and jonquil are really different. The easiest indication is said that daffodil has one blossom to a stem. Although jonquil bloom look similar to ad daffodil, it has more than one blossom to the stem.

    Sue~I am only growing ranunculas, daffodil, jonquil and iris from bulb. Yes we have SNAP game. It was really popular during my childhood. I think I must find the cards, I am sure my boys will enjoy it.

    p3chandan~They are the same family.

    Rebecca~Your summer heat makes your zinnia happily dancing.

    Rainfield61~Aiya malulah.

    Orchid de dangau~Ah they do look like your yellow orchids.

    Jody~I have never tried growing gladiolas. But I just bought some bulbs for my mama yesterday. They are on the seeds rack now here in the nursery.

    TK~Angin bertiup tu memang sejuk. Saya pun tak berapa gagah nak menghadapi tiupan angin tu.

    chopinandmysaucepan~I don't mind cold on a sunny day. But not the rain:).

    Cikmanggis~Nanti raya mungkin dah lebih paras lutut bunga matahari tu.

    Shaz~I was worried about accidently digging them up too....hehehe...

    Catmint~My neighbour frontyard are fills with rows of jonquils at the moment. It was really lovely to walk beside her fence on the way to the bus stop.

    Hearts_in_Asia~Its a wonder isn't it how different our garden micro-climate is even a few minute drive-away. My next door neighbour jonquils bloom 2 weeks earlier than mine. I think because my neighbour jonquils are really well establish. It has been there since we moved in here.

    Cat-from-Sydney~For 3 years I took pleasure ogling my neighbour jonquils. This year I don't have to step outside the cold to ogle jonquil just from the window...hehehe...

  17. Never seen a jonquils before! Such a beautiful flowers!

  18. Never heard of jonquil before. The blooms are really beautiful!

  19. Malar, Joyce~ They cheer up the garden when it is mostly cloudy day during winter. I am contemplating whether I should cut some to bring inside the house.

  20. Oh.. I missed this post... yey I won't something... Can't wait to have that.. I was thinking of planting something... and this will be perfect.. ^_^
