
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Our First Kohlrabi dish?

We harvested our first kohlrabi last weekend.
All of us have never eaten kohlrabi before.
So of course the first taste of our home-grown kohlrabi should be raw right?
Not even an idea how to prepare kohlrabi raw or cook.
I am very busy at school this week.
Too many presentation and reading to prepare.
You can't prepare a presentation without reading and imagine the questions your listener will ask.
I have many many many butterflies in my tummy since earlier this week.
So, 2 days ago when I was eating dinner which Lenay prepared.
I ate kohlrabi without noticing before Lenay asked have I not taste anything different.
Lenay made Green Mango and Kohlrabi Sambal Salad.

Surprisingly the combination of green mango and kohlrabi was really good with this sambal dressing.
I did noticed the different taste of green mango (sour) and kohlrabi (mild).
Although my mind was elsewhere, thinking of my presentation slides.
Sambal dressing (all crushed together in the mortar): Chillies, shrimp paste, a pinch of salt.
Jullienne green mango and kohlrabi (matchstick).
Optional: Crushed peanut, chopped coriander leaves, peeled cook prawn.
Mix all the ingredient together and squeeze some lemon or lime juice. Mix again.
Will be blog walking again after one of my presentation finished tomorrow.
Wish me Luck!


  1. good luck and all the best to you..semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar.

  2. Good luck with school!!

    This is funny because I just tasted my first kohlrabi and have a post about my experience for this week. That salad with green mango and kohlrabi looks delicious!!

  3. I've never eated kohlrabi either, I didn't even know you could have it raw! Actually I don't know what you'd do with it. But I loooove green mango salads, usually have the Thai versions :) Yum!

  4. Well done! Your kohlrabi looks great!

    Slightly envious here. Love, love, kohlrabi, but haven't been successful in growing it yet. Your dish sounds fantastic!
    It's nice as soup, too. Or sliced, then crumbed and fried. Or raw, sliced into 'fingers' with maybe a favourite dip.
    Or added to any stew, curry, etc.... Enjoy! :)

  5. MKG dear,
    Kohlrabi and green mango? What a possibility. Haha...some plump green caterpillars have been attacking Mama's daun limau purut. The kitties helped by attacking the plump pests! Aren't we clever? Mama got to save on pesticide, the plant remains organic. har har har *evil laughs*

  6. Not sure how that salad taste like since Ive never eaten a kohlrabi before...but the mango and sambal sounds hot and sour! Good luck in your presentation!

  7. hi...
    i pun belum pernah rasa kohlrabi ni.. tapi pernah tengok gambarnya dlm catalog atau magazine my late father dulu... dia sangat minat berkebun.. anak2 pun jadi minat sama.. tapi sayangnya i tinggal di apartment skrg ni.. tak dapat nak berkebun.. masa menyewa dulu.. belakang rumah i pun tanam macam2 sayuran & cili.. depan rumah pula penuh dengan pokok bunga & coleus pelbagai jenis.. baru tahu kohlrabi ni ada rasa masam2 sikit ye..

  8. We grew kohlrabi ages ago but I can't remember how it tasted or what we did with it.

  9. How can I keep seeing your delicious dishes but am not able to taste them?

  10. The kohlrabi plant looks very pretty. Good luck with you presentation and work, it'll be fine!

  11. I really like kohlrabi. It seems very versatile in the kitchen. I like things that can be both eaten raw and cooked.

  12. I've never had kohlrabi, must try some. Sounds yummy. Good luck with your presentation!!

  13. That looks good! I've never cooked kohlrabi. We enjoy their crunch raw. I have a few small ones left in the garden that I need to pick as it has gotten too hot for them to do much anymore. Maybe this fall I'll plant some more and try your recipe.
    Good luck on the presentations!

  14. How exciting to try kohlrabi for the first time, looks like it grows well in your garden. Best of luck with your presentation, I know that you will do well.

    "Nerves and butterflies are fine - they're a physical sign that you're mentally ready and eager. You have to get the butterflies to fly in formation, that's the trick."
    - Steve Bull

  15. I have seen kohlrabi in the Farmers' Market but never grown it. What a beautiful plant!

  16. Hope the presentation goes well! I work as a Lecturer so I am always doing presentations, but I do still get nervous sometimes. In order to calm myself I often think nice thoughts about my garden - so maybe you can do the same by contemplating what to do with your next Kohlrabi!

  17. Oh I have also planted kohlrabi too without ever tasting it. that salad sounds great, but no green mango here, maybe by the time mine are ready there will be green mangos.

  18. CikManggis~Terima kacih.

    Holly~ Can't wait to read about your kohlrabi post and how did you prepare them.

    Heart-in-asia~I saw some kohlrabi in Asian grocery store.

    Veggie Gnome~That is the only kohlrabi that develop those globe part. I am not sure about the rest of our kohlrabi though. Thanks for the ideas!

    Cat-from-Sydney~Do you think I can ask Tom help with green caterpillars as well. Tom look a bit skinny nowadays. I think his mama went away somewhere. I am a bit worried to feed him in case we gave him the wrong food. But we did gave him some milk.

    p3chandan~What better to boost the appetite if not green mango and sambal...hehehe...

    Ratna~Saya pun tak tahu perkataan apa yang tepat nak describe rasa kohlrabi ni. Banyak buku kata rasa ada macam sengkuang. Tapi bagi saya kalau nak bandingkan dengan senkuang, sengkuang lagi juicy dan manis rasanya. Kohlrabi ni rasa tak kuat sangat, mungking bagi separuh orang tawar, kurang manis sikit.

    Sue~Are you planning to plant them again in the future?

    Rainfield61~Is it musim buah-buahan over there;-).

    Kelli~Kohlrabi plants does look pretty in the garden. I was surprise that kohlrabi had less attack from caterpillars compare with my other brassicas in the garden at the moment.

    Daphne~Hopefully you can post about how you prepare them in the kitchen.

    Shaz~Looking forward on how you will prepare kohlrabi.

    Gardener on Sherlock Street~ Hope you have many kohlrabi harvest this coming fall.

    Mr. H~ I like that quote very much.

    Patricia~The plants have beautiful foliage, add a different character in the garden:).

    Mark~Can't wait to harvest kohlrabi again since I already have some ideas coming in my head.

    Africanaussie~My parents always have mango trees in their garden. The daughters always wait eagerly for mango season. Hopefully your mango tree will start to flower!

  19. No plans to grow them yet but who knows - if you rave about them I might!

  20. Really great looking salad!

    Go into your presentations with confidence. You will be the expert after all!
