
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Gift for Parents

Our garden/kebun has been very generous this month, although I have very much neglected our garden. Lenay and my brother has gone back to my parents home last weekend. They have brought back some vegetables for our parents. We are happy that we met some of our aim when we sowed seeds in fall for them to grow ready to be pick on the week my brother going back home. Visit Daphne's Dandelion Harvest Monday and see different part of garden in this world that gifted their gardeners who has given so much TLC in return. This week harvest photos are some part of harvest that we had for our parents. I have not taken much photo lately in the garden.
We had beginners luck with Florence fennel this year. Maybe this year is a good year for Florence fennel since I felt Florence fennel are selling cheaply this year in the local market and good size too. We had to harvest most of our lettuces since we had several days of warm weather, they have the sign to bolt.
Parsnip for my parents. First attempt at growing them this year last end summer.
Don't forget to sow some parsnip and carrot seeds this month quickly.
The germination rate was really good here in Adelaide plain.
Beetroots that were grown in container. It was my parent first taste of beetroot and I got a text with a request to post some seeds of beetroot after that.
Purple-podded peas season are almost over in our garden since those plants are dying. Those beetroot that received a haircut from my brother which I had to remind him several time not to trim near the root so much or it bleed.
Sprouting broccoli plants still providing generously.
This sweet potato is for us that were left growing in container over-winter. I was kind of worried that the tubers will rot in winter but I do not dare dig them out cause it was sharing space with Chinese Broccoli which I plan to harvest seeds from it. What a surprise when we dig out this 1.5kg sweet potato out. 


  1. What a great harvest. That sweet potato sure is big too.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. What a beautiful harvest.

    I've grown florence fennel a few times in the past, in pots actually and they've done well. Envious of your home grown goodies. I am hoping to have more growing space next year, so hopefully my harvest will be as big as yours and not limited to the tiny plot and pots in my garden. x

  3. Lovely harvest !
    Now that's a sweet potato !
    Good job .

  4. That is an amazing and delicious harvest. Specially that huge potato.
    Now I want to grow some potatoes too

  5. Fantastic harvest Diana... am salivating over that sweet potato... your beets look good too...

  6. banyak nya hasil... seronok bila bole dikongsi kan?

  7. Great Harvest. Besar sungguh potato tu!

  8. Hello Diana, thanks for your comment on my blog. However, I can't find your email.... : )

  9. Beautiful harvest! 1.5kg? That's so huge!

  10. WOW! That's one crazy sweet potato! Congratulations on another wonderful harvest!

  11. Fantastic harvest! You are really doing great in your garden! Your parents must be extremely happy to receive homegrown veggies, how lucky!

  12. mewah dengan sayur sayuran:) ,Untuk pengetahuan Diana..Pokok kleledek yg Cm tanam mengunakan daun keledek yang direndam hingga tumbuh akar telah tumbuh dengan suburnya.Cm tanam dua jenis ..keledek putih dan kuning:)

  13. MKG dear,
    OMG!!! That's one humongous sweet potato. You can get loads of keledek goreng there. purrr....meow!

  14. So glad you got florence fennel to grow so plump for you! :)

    You are my veggie garden hero Diana!

  16. What a great gift to give your parents - fresh produce from your garden - grown with care. How fun that they got to try beetroot for the first time too.

    That is a a gorgeous sweet potato!

  17. How wonderful that you can share your gardening gifts with your parents. Did Lenay and your brother get to stay long with you before going home? What a treat to have family with you. To bad brother wasn't listening to you very closely about trimming beet roots to closely; it's a small price to pay for such a blessing.

  18. I read that 250g of potato is equal to a bowl of rise.

    Finish up this 1.5kg sweet potato means that we have taken 6 bowls of rise.

    Good morning to you.

  19. Fabulous harvest - I love it that you've introduced your parents to beetroot. I'm particularly impressed with your sweet potato. I have just potted up one that shot in the cupboard and I placed in water til the shoots grew roots. I suspect it may be too cold here though.

  20. Hi Diana, I hope you dont mind but I referenced one of your previous posts in my current one.

  21. Cher~ I did not expected that sweet potato that were growing in container grown big like that. A nice surprise.

    Shaheen~Yes, florence fennel does grow very well in container. We have small space to grow edibles so our veggie bed hardly have time to rest. But we do dig in compostable material back into the soil to replenish nutrient that were previously used. Also, we try our best to practice crop rotation if we can afford it.

    Avocett~Hope that sweet potato is as sweet as it namesake. Have not taste it yet.

    Fer~Potato grow well in pot so I think it is possible to grow them at your balcony.

    Lrong~Here I am wishing some of your harvest like that juicy suika;-). I hope this year we will have good season for watermelon.

    EjaMaria~Gembira bila boleh bagi tanaman sendiri dekat mamapapa. Sebab selama ni mereka lah yang puas bagi makan kat kami.

    Orchid de dangau~Puas rasa dapat keledek ni. Terus rasa nak tanam banyak lagi keledek musim panas ni.

    Wyld Woman~ No worries. I will give my email address later.

    Malar~I usually don't weight my harvest. But I got over-excited with the size of that keledek;-).

    Bee Girl~Thank you. Now I am hoping for some free time to enjoy cooking that sweet potato.

    Joyce~I am happy that I got something for them. The thought that I can give them something that I nurture for months thinking about them just make me happy.

    Makcikmanggis~Saya rasa nak cuba yang keledek ungu tahun ni tapi terpaksa tanam dari ubi. Jenguh pula nak tunggu berdaun pastu siput dah korek pula isinya. Macam tak menjadi, tapi nak cuba juga. Kat Malaysia mesti keledek lagi cepat dapat hasil. Wah tak sabar nak tunggu CM nak masak apa dengan keledek.

    Cat-from-Sydney~Mmmm...puas gak kalau buat keledek goreng ni, tak berebut...hehehe...

    Mrs Bok~ Glad that did got plump. I hope it won't bolt easily as now we enter spring.

    Phoebe~ Oh you make me blush. I have many failures too this season, like peas or kohlrabi.

    KitsapFG~I was so excited to know how they thought about beetroot.

    Jody~My brother stayed for a month. Lenay will probably come back and stay with us next month. He be sure to be more carefull next time :).

    Rainfield61~I wonder now total calories for that 6 bowls of rice;-).

    Liz~No worries. If you don't have any frost at your place. You can already plant them directly to your veggie bed/container after the shoots grew roots. It will have enough time to grow if you plant them early next month and wait to harvest in autumn. I purposely kept some of our sweet potato plant through winter because I wanted to cut the shoots early spring and grow new plants for them. Quicker this way.

  22. Everything looks very nice, but great job on the parsnips and beets! I've tried to grow both of those for two or three years with poor results. You've done well!

  23. So this is the huge sweet potato you were talking about. A real giant. I am also planting mine in containers... Hope mine will be a big as yours... then, I will probably frame it up because too sayang to eat!
