
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sweet Scented Sweet Pea

Another new spring blooming flower in our garden that we tried growing for the first time this year. I have always been curious why many gardeners are fond to have this plant in their garden. Now I can understand the feelings. Oh this bloom scent so nice in the garden. Doing gardening task near where sweet peas are growing makes pleasant moments. I got these seeds from our local Seed-Savers group meetings early this year so I am not sure what variety it is. Nevertheless, growing them was worth it. Made me happy.
Sweet pea seeds were direct-sowed last fall. I was kind of worried that snails or slugs will munch on the seedlings but it remained untouched. Surprisingly, these sweet peas was not bothered with our clay soil . Looks happy even in partial shade.
Sweet pea climbing on our one and only garden arch which we can enjoy the view from our kitchen window. I found growing sweet pea much easier than our edible peas. Most of our edible peas are not growing very good compare to last year. Many of the plants succumb to disease and dying too early in this season. However, sweet pea is hale and hearty.
I hope legume member live up to its name fixing nitrogen back into the soil.
I still have not decided yet what to replace sweet pea for summer this year.
Any ideas?


  1. You keep the most lovely garden! The flowers, the veggies, the brick and trellis. How lovely! Very nice post. Thank you.

  2. They look lovely. Really nice how they are going up your trellis too.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. I have tried Sweetpea twice in my gardens with no luck. Dont know what I am doing wrong. We had them in the gardens of the old home I grew up in as a child. Loved them and the memories in my garden today would be welcome. I must keep trying to get them in my gardens....

  4. They are doing so well. I bet they smell great. I wish I could grow them here but I never ever have luck.

  5. I love the deep red-coloured Sweet Pea. I'm trying to imagine its scent...

  6. Your sweet pea look really nice. I always end up with sweet pea in a tangled mess. Yours looks very tidy!

  7. Oh I have tried so many times to grow sweet peas and it is just too hot here for them. Do you know that the more flowers you pick the more the plant will produce?. so go ahead and pick lots - it will fill your whole house inside with a lovely scent and the vine outside will be producing more. I am so envious! wish there was a scratch and sniff on blogs :)

  8. cantikknyaa!!!!!Cm impikan taman yang begini rupa.....Boleh ke nak tanam bunga bunga seperti ini di Malaysia?...bunga matahari Cm dah kembang..Cantik..terima kasih Diana.

  9. amat chantek nyer bunga2 di sini
    first time melawat sini (link dr blog macik manggis)
    nak datang lagi bule????

  10. My sweet peas were such a disappointment! They simply failed to take off and remained small and scrawny. Perhaps I planted them to late in the season. Yours are so pretty and I bet they smell divine!

  11. How pretty, I have never grown sweet peas, what pretty flowers. I am thinking about planting some morning glory on a trellis, I saw some in a small town I was visiting the other day, and they looked beautiful. Visiting from Cottage Flora Hop.

  12. MKG dear,
    Continue with the sweet peas purrrlease.... unless you wanna grow the edible ones? Say, sugar snap peas or snow peas? yummm.... purrr...meow!

  13. I am also from Adelaide so nice to meet you. Keep growing your sweet peas they are lovely. Mine are a bit slow this year not like your gorgeous little beauties but heh I'm sure they will get there.Happy cottage flora thursday x jeanett ann

  14. Greetings from an ex pat Aussie in of all places Kansas. Been here over 30 years ago and still miss my sweet peas.
    I think the best choice by far for your trellis this summer are morning glories. They laugh at hot weather and will cover your arch in flowers. If you can find them, I like the Tye Dye series and Grandpa Ott's. You'll love 'em.

  15. Hi from a fellow Aussie!
    I love sweet peas, they both look and smell gorgeous!

  16. Oh Diana they are beautiful! They are looking so healthy.
    I've grown them for the first time this year but for some reason they are all pink!
    I'd love a few seeds from the red one if you save them! I have lots of pink ones!!

  17. They're so pretty. Cucumbers climb a bit and would probably enjoy the nitrogen....beans but that kind of defeats the purpose. Could you trail a pumpkin vine over it?

  18. I really admire your sweet peas. They are gorgeous. Will try planting them this season. Wish me luck!

  19. I just love the fragrance of Sweet Peas! You must be in heaven? thank you for sharing your post at Cottage Flora Thursday's! xoxo, tracie

  20. The flowers are really sweet. Can be a good ornamental plant as well. Nitrogen fixing plants are good for the soil.

  21. You've won an award! Please visit our blog and see what all the fuss is about.

  22. You certainly had great success with your first time sweet peas! Larry

  23. Hi MKG, I know sweet peas are very traditional and pretty and sweet smelling but I must admit I have never seriously considered growing them. But yours do look lush and I love the colours, and if it makes you happy, that is all that matters. cheers, catmint

  24. I love sweet peas. Mine show no sign of flowering yet. Fingers crossed they come out soon.

  25. ish...sukanya tengok...macam mana nak buat...malaysia ni panas...

  26. It is lovely and has grown so high, I wish I could have it in mine.

    Best wishes from Seremban!

  27. For us sweet peas are summer plants but in my opinion a sweet pea with no scent isn't a sweet pea!

  28. It looks great climbing up your arch.
    I want to try growing some too

  29. the flowers are so so delicate & pretty! so is your garden. wish i have a garden like yours but the weather in m'sia is just too hot. you're really a gifted gardener!

  30. Beautiful Arch! You do have a pretty garden!

  31. i have to tell you that this is so pretty climbing on the arch..reminds me of garden wedding!!

  32. oh wow, the sweet peas are so beautiful! I think I'm definitely going to try growing these next year.

  33. Good choice. So pretty... Will it be fine with Malaysia weather? I could love to have some :-)

  34. Definitely one of the most beautiful climbers I've seen! I love darker red and violets colours over brighter ones.

  35. You did good. My last planting of sweet peas didn't work!

  36. hi kadazan malay.. lovely looking sweet pea flowers with striking colors, the best part is, its scented.
    you do have a great garden, noticed you got so many blooms already this summer :)

  37. really beautiful!!!love to see the flowers climbing on the arch...

  38. D, they are beautiful! Must smell so sweet passing under that arbour. Mine didn't survive the snails :(

  39. Hello. This is beautiful and would be perfect for my wedding. How long does this take? My wedding is August 3.
