
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Broccoli and Cheese Penne with Garlic and Lemon Crumbs

We have the longest harvest season for broccoli and cauliflower this year. We have been continuously harvesting them since July this year up till now. We still have many plants growing in our garden and hopefully broccoli and cauliflower supply keep on flowing into the kitchen each week. This is our third year growing them. We finally managed this year avoiding a glutton of broccoli and cauliflower to harvest at the same moment. We practice succession sowing for this vegetable and sowing usually begin from mid-March till May. I like this recipe from The Australian Women's Weekly~Gratins and Bakes recipe book that I tried. The taste of crunchy breadcrumbs with creamy garlic and lemony flavour mix on the penne was so good.
Broccoli and Cheese Penne with Garlic and Lemon Crumbs
500gram broccoli ( I only used 250gram mix of broccoli and cauliflowers)
200g penne pasta
3 eggs
1 cup (250ml) pouring cream
1/3 cup (80ml) milk
2/3 cup (80g) coarsely grated cheddar cheese
1/2 cup (35g) stale breadcrumbs
1 cup (80g) finely grated parmesan cheese
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tablespoon finely grated lemon rind
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley

1)Preheat oven to 220Celsius. Oil deep 2 litre (8-cup) ovenproof dish.
2)Cook pasta in large saucepan of boiling water until tender. Add broccoli for last 5 minutes of pasta cooking time; drain. Rinse pasta and broccoli under cold water; drain,cool.
3)Combine pasta, broccoli, eggs, cream, milk and cheddar in large bowl; season. Spoon mixture into dish; sprinkle with combined breadcrumbs, parmesan, garlic, lemon rind and parsley.
4) Bake, uncovered, about 40 minutes or until brown lightly and set. Stand 10 minutes before serving.
Finally transplanted some tomato seedlings this week. 
A few challenger tomato variety and self-sowed tomatoes start to set some flower this week.


  1. Made my mouth water...looks delish!! I'm sure it is especially with your own home grown vegetables.

  2. baked pasta with breadcrumbs, i really love this idea!!

  3. I shall hope for an Internet line which delivers aroma of your cooking.

  4. That looks delicious. You are a very talented cook.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  5. yum yum sedapnya:)Doakan makcik ya..besok kenduri anak makcik.Semoga dipermudahkanNya.Amin.

  6. That dish looks delicious...anything with cheese says "comfort" to me.

  7. We have loads of the Australian Women's Weekly books, from about 25 years ago. They are absolutely fabulous, with some great illustrations. I bet the dish you made was very satisfying - these things are always better with home-grown veg.

  8. I am going to try this this looks exactly like the type of dish my children love.thanks:)

  9. Looks so delicious!
    In my case, my egg-plants keep supplying their fruits so they are served in various ways everyday!

  10. Yummy - your food entries never ceases to make drool every time I read it.

  11. Hi!

    I hope you're having an awesome week! I thought you might like this infographic I helped build about the health, mental, and financial benefits of gardening (

    If you think your readers would like it too, please feel free to use it on the Kebun Malay-Kadazan Girls blog. There's code at the bottom of our post that makes it super easy to post on your blog. It's all free (of course). If you have any questions about posting it, let me know and I'll try to help.

    I don't know where else to contact you so I just posted a comment here. :)


    ~ Janey

  12. That pasta looks absolutely delicious...mmmm. Your broccoli and cauliflower puts mine to shame, what lovely heads you were able to produce.

  13. Amy~It was a satisfying meal and happy meal since it was from the garden.

    Lena~This is the first time, I tried baked pasta with breadcrumbs. Love the texture.

    Rainfield61~I hope someday you can give me a guide to the best spot in ceruk Tekon.

    Cher~ I got lucky first time baking this.

    Cikmanggis~Semoga semua urusan berjalan lancar:). Patut jarang nampak CM sekarang. Busy preparation.

    Sue~I am hoping for some broccoli again to make that dish. Cravings;-).

    Patricia~Nice comfort food :).

    Mark~I have been reserving Australian Women's Weekly books this month from the library. I wish I have some time to browse for second books.


    Joyfulhomemaker~Yes, my kids enjoyed it.

    Takaeko~ I am wishing our eggplants to grow quickly and produce for us. They seems to grow so slow now.

    Sean L~Its the photo trick;-).

    Janealvarado83~Thank you for visiting. I will come and visit.

    Mr. H~That just a few that develop like that. Most of them don't develop big and proper for us this year.

  14. I am very sure it is your TLC cooking, hehe.

  15. Sean~ I would say the freshness helps compare to the bland ones from the shop;-).
