
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mid-Spring 2011 Harvest

After going through winter, many of our plants are starting to flower. So the ones that shows the sign to flower will have to be pick first. Italian sprouting broccoli still producing many side-shoot sprouts, although the size are getting smaller. Our bloomsdale spinach is not bolt resistance this year. Spring-sowed daikon shows no mercy to me as it wants to join spring flower by giving us flower as well when the roots are still small.
Pest do like kohlrabi, can see the obvious sign of being eaten with many scars on it. Funny-looking parsnips. No beginner luck with purple savoy cabbage this year. Most of them produce small head or bolts. Planted too much rainbow chard last fall. Many of them I left flower in the garden. We harvested some red russian kale last week.
How do you enjoy your Florence fennel?
Harvested most of our over-wintered dragon carrot grown in container inter-planted with garlic and shallots. Bandicoot baby potatoes.
Funny-looking kohlrabi. We sliced them and fried it together with noodles.
Someone was busy again and left the cauliflower and brassica too mature with loose head.
Daikon and Topweight carrot thinnings.
Hope to see whats going in your place after I finished my annual review report.
Wish I can finish it before I fall asleep though.


  1. The carrot thinnings look good!

  2. I'm glad it's not just me that had difficulty producing "proper" Kohlrabi this year. What is it that makes them go long and thin???

  3. My kohlrabi went up instead of out too. I have no idea why. We ate it anyway.

  4. Lovely harvest!
    I enjoy raw florence fennel very thinly sliced. Tossed with thin slices of oranges, bit of lemon juice & olive oil. And rocket, if available. :)

  5. In Greece they roast sliced florence fennel with lots of olive oil, lemon juice and soil and eat it with bread. I always do it this way like my Yiayia (grandmother) does. Otherwise I like it fresh in salad. Its good with radishes and olives in a salad with parsley too! The sour salty olives bring out the sweetens in the fennel and contrasts with the peppery radishes.

  6. patutlah lama diam rupanya Diana sibuk dgn sekolah(agak).Kebun Cm pun dah terbiar kerana sibuk membuat persiapan perkahwinan Angah.Sekarang boleh mula tanam benih benih yg Diana kasi tu.Ceria ceria selalu.

  7. I'm finding that everything is bolting at the moment too - I just noticed today that the radishes are looking suspiciously tall.....those carrots look fabulous for thinnings.

  8. Your garden never stop giving you harvests. Its so interesting and fun to do gardening with rewards. You seem to have endless joy in reaping nothing more satisfying than from own effort. Enjoy your veggies.

  9. Glad to hear to got the seeds :-D I finally saw pattypan squash here at one of the supermarkets (Grocer) but it was really expensive and the condition of the squashes weren't good enough and small. So I didn't get any. Will keep looking haha... Great harvest btw!

  10. bestnya tgk u dah dpt harvest....while i'm still stuck with those seedlings huhuhu (tak sabar mode :P) tgk lobak putih dgn carrot teringat masak mom selalu buat campo those 2 veggies.:)

  11. MKG dear,
    Lovely harvest. Mama seems to have abandoned her lofty ambitions. My siblings just keep munching whatever that sprouts from the pots. sigh.... purrr...meow!

  12. Must admit I'm not a Florence fennel fan.

  13. Wooh, excellent work... wonderful colors...

  14. You always manage to get some excellent harvests from your garden - even when the plants are determined to bolt or otherwise give you some grief! No help for you on the fennel - not something we grow or use.

  15. Tina~ Those carrots supposed to be thin much earlier but I for got about them.

    Cathy@home~ Thank you. Many of them are getting tougher, have to be harvest ASAP.

    Mark~Our kohlrabi the ones that I grow in partial shade or shade makes them long and thin. But the ones that received direct full sun grow nice bulb stem. Even with the ones that receive full sun but were overlap with other vegetables have mix results. So I guess kohlrabi really need to be in front row and in full sun to produce roundish bulb stem. That is my observation of them this year for kohlrabi in our garden. My theory is that if the low stem does not received full sun it will be growing tall and lanky like other green veggies. Since we want them to develop roundish stem bulb, that part perhaps need sufficient light to develop.

  16. Dave~Although it looks not the ones in the shop, it is still edible;). How do you enjoy your kohlrabi?

    Veggie Gnome~That sounds yummy. Orange and florence fennel sounds like a good combination.

    Phoebe~Thanks for showing me another way to enjoy florence fennel. The way you describe it makes my mouth water.

    Cikmanggis~Saya tengah makin sibuk dengan sekolah sebab dah tahun akhir. Tak sabar nak balik tanahair. Wah rasa baru je majlis kenduri tahun lepas anak CM, ada lagi satu kenduri pula masa dekat ni. Take care.

    Liz~Those carrots were supposed to be thin earlier. But it was not one of the top priority in the garden. It looks crowded and they don't have space to grow now rubbing each other, had to thin them. I am having problem with my daikon radish bolting with the spring sown ones. But the other radish still look good.

    Wan~We started gardening since 2009. Finally this year we have garden that provides all year round. However, there are still item that we still not self-sufficient like onion, garlic and potatoes.

    Stephanie~I tested our home-saved seeds pattypan squash this year. The germination rate was rather low. However, I send some to you and hopefully it will be in your mailbox soon. Thank you so much for the seeds. Waiting for the weather to warm up a bit before I try sowing them.

    HangKebon~Good Luck with the seedlings. We are struggling with warm vegetable seeds to germinate, I have to be a bit patient until the weather warm up.

  17. Cat-From-Sydney~I didn't know that cat can be really vegetarian.

    Sue~I am not a big fan of it. But I am learning how to enjoy it by trying different dishes. It so easy to grow them here so it will be on the list to grow.

    Lrong~Wish we have more rain here so the garden can be a bit more productive.

    KitsapFG~Just growing many different variety as we can. Cause we found some work with this year and some dont. Its not the same success and failure each year. Mostly depend on the temperature and rain we have each year.

  18. Hey thanks a lot! You really don't have to. Anyway, let's see if they can grow well here :-D

  19. Although i dont usual like to comment, occasionally i know i ought to. This is 1 of those times, cheers for your excellent post.
