
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Brinjal Brrrr....

Brinjal are treated as perennials in our garden. 
They take a long time to grow and impatient that I am to wait until late summer to harvest them if grown from seeds. So if I give the chance for the brinjal to survive over winter, I would have fresh brinjal again before summer comes. Last year spring I bought a seedling of bonica eggplant and left them growing over winter in the garden. What surprised us that early spring I found some fruits on it while I was cleaning up that area. Although it should be dark purple, the skin colour somewhat turn stripey and whitish. But the taste was good and sweet.
Who will expect that there are fruit on this bonica eggplant when it look dreadful like this.
I found snail hiding place on this brinjal plant.
Curiously, there were many snail but my greens were left untouched.
At the bottom of this plants new shoot appears.
Holes courtesy of those snails.
This is our Lebanese brinjal plant that has experience 2 winter seasons. In winter, this brinjal plant snuggle together with broccoli plants and dills. It does look a bit sad but it has started producing flowers.
Nice surprise this week.
We found a few baby brinjals on this plants.
Hope blossom on this plants will bear fruit successfully this spring.


  1. It is pretty neat that you can treat your eggplants as perennials. I bet they all do good for you this year.:)

  2. I've never seen that variety before. We have such a hard time growing good eggplants here. The bugs always devour their leaves.

  3. How awesome to have a eatible item return in the garden from year to year. We only have fruit trees do that in our area...

  4. What way do you like to prepare eggplant? I have only made a few dishes but want to try more.

  5. Oh my! I am already salivating just by looking at those eggplants. Mama has many eggplant recipes - paceri, balado, cili belacan, or just blanch and dip in sambal belacan. We also slice them, slap some fish paste on them, steam, then eat as one of yong taufu stuff. Yummmm...... purrr...meow!

  6. We call eggplants aubergines here. We have to grow them in the greenhouse as the weather is too cold for them outside. It took me three attempts, over three years, to get a plant to produce fruit, they can be quite hard to grow here.

  7. Your Winter must be a lot milder than ours. We would have trouble growing brinjals outdoors even in the middle of Summer.

  8. Gosh yours look lovely and healthy, we have bacterial wilt up here in the tropics and have to keep moving solanacea plants. I am trying them in pots now to see if that helps

  9. You do not see eggplants growing here in vegetable gardens. I suspect that our growing season is too short. This is disappointing, as they would be lovely to have fresh from the garden.

  10. You are so lucky to have kept them alive! I'm sure they will pick up quickly now with the warmer weather coming!
    I told my mum about you keeping yours in the ground over winter and she kept hers. I'll have to check how they are going!!

  11. wow brinjal bole survive ms fuyu ye...sugoiii...byk bunga eggplant tu, mnjadi betul!!

  12. We've never had any luck with aubergines although our plot neighbour grew long thin ones fairly successfully.

  13. Hello dear, it has been quite some time since I last stopped here.I stopped blogging for a while hari tu bcoz I was not well.

    Rindunya lama tak tgok your garden!Terung masak kari..I suka!!

  14. Lots of wonderful plants growing for you and they look very healthy.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  15. I tried to get mine through the winter, of 3 one survived. Unfortunately it wasn't the Lebanese one which is my personal favourite. I'm growing Bonica for the first time this year so perhaps that will make it through. We are quite a bit colder than you are though....Glad the fruit are tasting good.

  16. sounds like you need patience to grow brinjals. Although you treat them as perennial plants, i'm suu just cant wait to see it harvest. There are actually white eggplants overhere.

  17. Mr. H~I really hope we have some decent eggplant harvest next year.

    Jody~I found snail really like to munch on eggplant leaves. A few of our eggplant seedling has been attacked.

    Skeeter~We don't have any fruit growing at the moment. So we have to consider eggplant as fruit I guess;-).

    Rosey~ I like to fry them with chilli,or make curry or fried coated with tempura flour. This is stir-fry spicy eggplant that I really like

    Cat-from-Sydney~All that eggplant dishes sounds sangat sedap.

    Jo~I found that the long and early variety ones much tolerant with cold.

  18. Mark~Micro-climate does help a lot to protect our summer veggies in winter.

    Africanaussie~Eggplants does well in pots but I found that it is much more prolific in soil rather than pots. They have such deep roots. Maybe a very deep container will be needed.

    Jennifer~Eggplants fruit can be decorative in the veggie garden. Maybe a glasshouse will help.

    Phoebe~ I hope your mum eggplants are doing well too.

    E-na~Kalau tak de yuki mungkin boleh survive fuyu.

    Sue~The long early variety ones might be suitable for short season.

    TK~I hope you feel much better now. Lama tak masak terung dalam kari.

    Cher~A close up shot will shows lots of holes on it.

    Liz~I found bonica produce much later that the long variety one we grow. Thats good news that one of your eggplant survive.

    Lena~Yes eggplants does take a long growing season to produce. My white eggplant seeds have just arrived from mail and I can't wait to sow them.
