
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Spring Kitchen Garden Patch

In front of our kitchen window there is a small patch about the size of 1 metre X 2 metre square. In fall  and winter, it will be in shade. However spring and summer will be receiving scorching sun in the afternoon. For 3 springs, the type of plants that occupied this patch has remained the same and newcomers has been welcome here as well. Unfortunately, I don't have the photos for 2009 because Rayyan was in a critical condition and we were mostly in the hospital. However, each October for 3 consecutive years celery will be growing on the same spot and somehow one capsicum plants has been growing there for 3 years now.
Year of 2010
Nasturtium climbing on the trellis in the background. Polyanthus and aquilegia became permanent residence. Aquilegia has started to bloom this time around. Cauliflower has been harvested and has been replaced with komatsuna. Can be  found in this patch are self-sowed viola and french marigold. Other edibles grown here are carrots and leeks.
Year of 2011
Somehow this year the growth are rather slow in this patch. Because broccoli has just started to develop curd. Meanwhile, aquilegia has still not produced any buds. Due growing nasturtium last year, there were a few self-sowed nasturtium growing on this patch as well but not as merry as last year. At the back there is a row of foxglove plants growing but still short and I am not really confidant that it will be blooming this year. First time growing foxglove this year which were sowed last fall. Rainbow chard is also growing on this patch, oh so slowly. Cineraria and ranunculus decorates the front. Herbs not noticeable here are chervil, thyme,mint and chinese celery.
Which do you think is better of our spring kitchen veggie patch, 
2010 or 2011?
I would like to hear some of your thoughts.
So I can plan our veggie patch for next fall.


  1. I would rather say 2011 is my favourite.

    It looks neat.

  2. I think your 2011 looks better. It has more depth and color. To bad the edibles aren't doing as well this year. I'm sure they'll pull through.

  3. cantiknya - berwarna-warni... dua-dua pun ok... saya suke bila tanaman penuh begitu... saya tak pandai 'mencampur pokok' macam itu... satu area biasanya mmg saya letak satu spesis pokok je... ;p

  4. sukanya tengokkkkk...!! so colourful!
    I like both of them.. but I pilih 2011 punya sebab nampak lebih byk warna di situ... jenis & saiz bunga serta daun pun lebih besar jadi ia nampak lebih subur... hehe..

  5. the patch this year looks much brighter and colourful!!

  6. If I could vote, it will be 2011. Vibrant colours and more variety. purrr....meow!

  7. Hi MK Girl..beautiful garden....great arrays of colors...what more can i say? ayat jeles ni hehehe...hopefully can get my hands on sowing some flower seeds later...but now, i'm gonna concentrate on my edible garden first...:)

  8. I like both they create very different moods - the 2011 version looks much smaller for some reason. I don't suppose the foxgloves will like hot baking conditions

  9. For me the bright red poppies are the deciding factor. The 2011 version is better.

  10. I agree with Mark, although I'm not sure whether they are poppies or ranunculus?. I do like how the nasturtiums are climbing the walls in 2010. Perhaps a mixture of the two replacing the Cinerarias with more rainbow chard perhaps...

  11. Gosh I like both years. It is a colorful patch for sure. I think if you use the patch for edibles then lean more toward the edibles. If ornamental and edible then go for as much color as you can. There is a lot packed into the spot for sure.

  12. I like the colours of 2011 best, though I also like the way that the nasturtiums have climbed up the trellis in 2010.

  13. Rainfield61~ After transplanting seedlings it look all in order. But after 3 months the plants gain control and a gardener won't know whether she will be have a neat garden or not;-).

    Jody~Those broccoli plants has just started to form curd. At least there still provide food.

    EjaMaria~Dulu saya pun susun satu species satu tempat je. Sekarang ni dah mood campur-campur rojak pula.

    Madihaa~Saya tersalah bajet letak bunga tu rapat sikit. Nasib baik sempit-sempit pun bunga juga.

    Lena~ Maybe because of the help of bright bloom flowers on the front helps to brighten up that area.

    Cat-from-Sydney~Looks like 2011 has more vote;).

    HangKebon~Saya dulu pun tanam sayur je. Sekarang ni teringin nak merealisasikan impian konon-konon suasana cottage garden.

    Sue~Thanks for the reminder of foxgloves. Another factor that worries me is that the brick at the back will also reflect heat to those foxgloves makes them bake more. I think I will sow some tall summer flowers in front of those foxgloves to give them same shade during summer.

    Mark~It looks like poppy but it is actually ranunculas. Hopefully it will come again next year if I leave the bulb there without lifting it.

    Liz~They are florentine ranunculas. Good idea about alternating cinerarias and rainbow chards.

    Tina~Because we have less rain, we tried to plant as dense as we can to retain the soil moisture.

    Jo~I really enjoyed looking at our nasturtium covering the wall.
