
Friday, October 28, 2011

Carrot and Coriander Muffins

Our fall-sown carrots have to be harvest ASAP as it is ready to grow flower stalk and turn woody. From carrot varieties we sowed in fall, purple dragon flowers much faster than others. The topweight carrot seems more resistance and laid back from flowering which is good since our main aim since last fall onward is to have all year round fresh harvest of carrots. So far so good. The first batch of spring-sown carrots has already grown into finger size. We have try our best to sow carrots every month now since end of winter after 2 months break. With the help from Kitchen Flavours, we enjoyed our carrots by making muffins.
Makes about 11 muffins
300gram plain (all-purpose flour)
1tbsp baking powder
15g caster sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
30g chopped fresh coriander (cilantro) < I add just little for the kids>
170g grated carrot
2 eggs
185g milk
100g oil

(1)Preheat the oven to 180 degree C (fan oven 160 degree C). Grease and flour muffin tin sections or line with paper liners.
(2)Into a large bowl, sift the flour, baking powder, sugar, salt and black pepper. Add to the bowl any black pepper that did not go through the sieve(strainer). Using a large metal spoon, stir in the chopped coriander, then add in the grated carrot and mix well.
(3)In a medium size bowl, beat together the eggs, milk and oil with fork.
(4)Add the egg mixture to the flour mixture. Fold everything together with a large metal spoon until just combined.
(5)Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin tin sections.
(6)Bake for about 25 minutes until well risen and the top springs back when gently pressed.
(7)Transfer to a wire rack to cool a little before eating.
I enjoyed them very much because I don't feel guilty eating it.
No chocolate muffin this time.
But pact with healthy vegetables.
Walking around the garden while enjoying muffins.


  1. Hi Diana,
    Nice harvest of carrots! I'm glad that you have enjoyed the muffins, they are really good eaten warm spread with herb butter! Sorry for not visiting, been busy in the kitchen and occupied with something else. I have neglected my garden shamefully for a few weeks, and it shows! Planning to get back to gardening by next week. Have a lovely weekend!

  2. Wow! It looks really yummy. Can't help thinking about Joyce when I saw your muffins and she has to comment right before me. :) You spent time making nutritious and delicious food. When will I ever get my priorities right?

  3. They really look very good. Nice harvest there.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  4. Nice harvest. Sedapnya...perlu di cuba resipi ni. Terliur betul.

  5. I can't eat leaf Coriander because I'm allergic to it, but those muffins do look good. Maybe I would use Parsley instead.

  6. dalam bakul tu Cm suka tengok karot unggu tu:)tak pernah jumpa kat Msia.

    Muffin yang sihat tapi jika Cm buat rasanya kena skip chopped fresh coriander kerana anak anak tak suka.

  7. Good harvest and very healthy, yummy food. You are a great cook too!

  8. i love that golden brown of your muffins..hmm, alittle black pepper there is also nice!

  9. Beautiful carrots harvest and your muffins look delicious! The photos are making me hungry!

  10. The muffins look good enough to eat through the computer!

  11. I've had coriander and carrot soup but would never have thought of muffins. I love coriander and I love carrot so I should love these too.

  12. Joyce~You cook many good food in your kitchen. I wish I can be a good cook like you.

    Kwee Peng~Oh sekali-sekali aje, I make an effort to cook;-). I don't have many small critters in our garden at the moment to distract me.

    Cher~Thank goodness the muffin did not got burn as I was lost in thought in the garden.

    Orchid de dangau~Resipi dari Joyce memang selalu sedap. Banyak simpan resepi tapi masa tak menginzinkan nak buat.

    Mark~I was thinking of using parsley too instead of coriander. Because we don't have much coriander leaves to harvest but have many parsley to enjoy.

    Cikmanggis~Saya pun kurangkan daun ketumbar sebab takut budak-budak nanti tak mau.

    Autumn Belle~I just cook simple recipe with simple ingredients.

    Lena~I was worried about black pepper in muffin at first. But surprisingly it turn out ok for me.

    Priscillia~I was just lucky that I did not fail baking it on my first time.

    Tina~Reading with tea and muffin will be a nice relaxing time.

    Sue~I think you will like this muffin.

  13. Those are yummy and healthy muffins!

  14. Hi
    I am new here. I live in Adelaide. I am trying to grow Asian vegetables like ginger, okra, bitter melon, snake beans, turmeric in my garden. I need tips from you and your site.


  15. Malar~Healthy and feel like pampering myself once in a while with a treat...hehehe...

    Tim~If it is helpful you can take a look at the label ginger, okra,bitter gourd/melon, snake beans and turmeric from my previous post in experience growing them here in Adelaide. Okra, bitter gourd and snake beans grows really well here. However, I have not succesfully grown ginger and turmeric yet here. I only got small tuber harvest. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

  16. The muffins look great!! Make a cup of coffee to go with it and sit back and relax and enjoy the flowers in your lovely garden!!

  17. yum - I love the looks of these healthy muffins! Knowing me, i'd probably slather them with butter... ha ha!

  18. These are good muffins! Clever idea to ensure your kids have enough vitamins/vege. Btw, that's one table spoon baking powder not 1 tsp right? Love to bake some of these one day ;-D

  19. Petite Nyonya~I wish we have a small table and garden chairs in the garden to enjoy it will leisurely.

    Wendy~They do great slather with butter.

    Stephanie~ Yup One table spoon baking powder. Because it won't rise that much when baking.

  20. That's great! In that case I can also use self-raising flour. Thanks for your confirmation ;-D

  21. Stephanie~ Tell me the outcome of using self-raising flour. I might try that.

  22. Diana,aida here.have been following ur blog since i stumbled accross urr blog when doing research to start my own garden.your stories and pictures really inspire me despite of the challenges i encounter setting up a garden in a very hot weather (am staying in melacca btw).Anyway, are you still selling ur vegetable seeds? Would love to buy some!

  23. Hi Aida,
    I only offer seeds that I have excess in the other blog - Kebun Bahagia Bersama.
