
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Cineraria for company

This is our second year growing cineraria. Last fall, we found many self-sowed cineraria in our garden. So we scooped those volunteer seedlings and tried to make it as border plants. Wishing that it will gift us with spring blooms and add colours in the garden after a green winter. I like to try different combination of flower plants with edibles because I can't draw any form of flowers on a canvas at least I can make a design on a patch. It was fun to see if cineraria can be a good companion or not.
Cineraria plants with Nero Black Kale side by side at our semi-shade patch.
On the same patch, last year lay-out.
A few months later,, plants starting to grow and filling the space.
Cineraria as a border and growing with celery.
Have a nice weekend!


  1. We grow cinerarias as houseplants here

  2. These are awesome.. Great captures.. I found you via Ewa's {Flower's On A Saturday".. Stopping in to say hello.. I'm Marilyn via .. Hope you can visit sometime.. Great blog.. :))

  3. Flowers are always beautiful.

    And you have them in your garden.

  4. The color contrast between the cineraria and kale is quite stunning. Such a pretty addition to your garden. Have a great weekend.

  5. Not only are your harvests impressive, so are your flowers.

  6. Great pictures of some beautiful flowers.
    Wishing you a good weekend.
    Hugs Hanne Bente

  7. A good balance between colour and productivity! I spotted the Cavolo Nero in amongst the flowers...

  8. I have never heard of this flower before but they are so pretty. Makes your vegetable garden look more colourful. Happy Spring!

  9. I love the Cavolo Nero mixed in with flowers - I always think it looks fantastic.

  10. it is a canvas, an every changing one - and your flower 'drawings' look divine!

  11. I love the flower/veg borders I have a lot of marigolds but i might add some more flowers.

  12. Was looking at the Italian kale... hopefully mine will grow well this year...

  13. I wanted to ask how is little Rayyan?

  14. Cm suka sangat lihat gambar yang last tu nampak sungguh serasi pokok celery dgn pokok pokok bunga tu...suburnya.

  15. sukanya tengokkkkk............. rindunya nak berkebun mcm dulu2... sejak berpindah dirumah sendiri (apartment) tak berkesempatan utk bercucuk tanam lagi... masa menyewa dulu dpt juga tanam pokok bunga dan sayur2 jenis berbuah.. skrg ni.. sgt rindu nak berkebun!

  16. That's really beautiful flowers!

  17. Sue~ Cineraria starts to bloom end winter here in our garden. I am not sure whether it will bloom well in our vary hot summer here. But I spotted some cineraria plants growing in shade. I leave some just to see whether it will bloom for us this summer.

    Marilyn~Thank you. I will come to say hello.

    Rainfield61~ I feel happy that we have fresh cut flowers to bring inside.

    Mr. H~This is our first time growing kale. I am happy that it grows well and in shade too.

    Kwee Peng~On windy days, to venture into the garden is not easy to move these feet of mine. But the flowers attracts the attention to wander in the garden.

    Hanne Bente~ Hope you have a good week! Thank you.

    Mark~I have not harvested any of that Cavolo Nero leaves yet as we have other edibles that need to harvest much sooner. So I am really hoping that our Cavolo Nero plants won't flower before we get around to enjoy it.

    Ewa~ Those bright colours brighten up our day.

    Cher~ I am getting addicted to mix flowers and edibles together.

    Autumn Belle~Another task added in the garden chores with these pretty bloom is cutting spent blooms;-).

    Liz~The patch with Cavolo Nero kale is one of my favourite spot at the moment.

    Catmint~With these method of drawing requires a lot of patience. But a fun part in it is you never know how it will be in the end.

    Cathy~Your garden look very pretty with those bright yellow marigold. Rayyan is doing really well and a handful nowadays to keep him out of trouble;-). We really have to keep a close eye on him in the garden. If not we won't have anything to harvest as he likes to pull or pluck things that he should not have.

    Lrong~Good Luck with the Italian kale:).

    Cikmanggis~Tapi tahun ni celery tak ada nasib sangat. Batangnya tak berapa juicy dan pahit sebab tahun ni kurang hujan. Celery ni nak air banyak.

    Madihaa~Boleh cuba-cuba tanam dalam bekas. Hanging basket pun nampak cantik dengan gugusan tomato;).

    Malar~They self-sowed so easily. Hopefully next year they make the garden colourful again.

  18. ooh, these are really pretty!

  19. I am happy that he is doing well.

  20. Wendy~ Make cloudy days look like a sunny day in this corner of our garden.

    Cathy~ Thank you dear.
