
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Chervil Life-Cycle (Seeds Give-Away)

Chervil is a new herb to us. I was introduce to it by our local seed-saver group meetings. Chervil belong to the same family as carrot. So, last fall was our first time growing them. Although, I am still not quite sure what type of dish is best to use chervil with. I would really be happy to receive advices regarding this. We had so many seedlings last fall because the seed germination was really good and did not encounter any problem transplanting chervil seedlings. Like coriander, I think it is best to start growing chervil at the end summer away from the heat which usually just make them flower really quickly here in Adelaide plain. For summer, probably will be best growing them in shade with moisture which we plan to try.
Chervil seedlings.
I think I read somewhere in a book about herbs that we can enjoy quiche with chervil. I have to borrow that book again because I forgot to copy the recipe.
An attempt of using chervil as a border or confusing pests with its aroma.
A few weeks/months later.
Well, by now I don't think you will be surprise to see how close I grow my vegetables together.
Chervil has grown nicely and plenty available for use.
But I keep on forgetting that we have chervil for use.
So, flower those chervil did when spring came.
After other vegetables were harvested, only savoy cabbage were left for company.
Chervil flower resembles coriander closely.
I did not noticed there was a bug on the flower.
Good or bad bug?
Chervil seeds.
Does chervil seeds are use for cooking as well?
So new to us.
Many questions.
We had at least 15 plants growing last cool season.
Most of the seeds are dried and collected.
So this weekend, we have chervil seeds give-away for 3 gardeners around the world. Our babies will pick the winners randomly from seed sowers of this post.
How was your weekend?
Off to fishing now.


  1. Enjoy your fishing.

    You will have extra dishes later.

  2. This is new to me too... wonder how it taste like...

  3. Cow parsley...mild taste. Do you have the problem of it cross-breeding with the other Apiaceae family like carrots or fennel? Have a good time fishing.

  4. The seed bodies are very interesting and look a bit like the black anther flax lily!
    I think chervil is good with fish and light flavoured meats... But I'm not sure! I've never tried it!

  5. They do seem to grow really well for you. Not sure what it's used for.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  6. wow..very interesting post..
    first time here..amazing space you have..
    wonderful presentation with great cliks..
    Am your happy follower now..:)
    do stop by mine sometime..
    Tasty Appetite

  7. Forgot to ask you, where did you go fishing and what were you hoping to catch? Btw, here's a post as a reply to one of your comments in one of my post: Raindrops keep fallin' over KL. Thanks :-)

  8. This herb has such a lovely daintiness. At first, I thought that chervil might be a form of cilantro, but after looking around a bit on the internet to familiarize myself with it, I see it is completely different herb. One site refereed to it as "gourmet parsley" so perhaps it should be used as parsley is used in cooking. I also saw a recommendation to use it with cooked carrots.

  9. It is a really pretty plant and does remind me a lot of cilantro (except for those seeds). I've never used it myself or grown it.

  10. Chervil is a very delicate herb. It wilts very rapidly after cutting, so we almost never see it on sale. I think it is probably good with fish dishes, or cheese ones.

  11. apakah chervil dalam bahasa Malaysia?..selamat memancing,fligt kami ke Penang pada pukul 7 pagi esok:)

  12. your veggies are close together but always so so incredibly healthy too!!!

  13. hi diana, such a new plant name to me too. pretty flowers, leaves looks like cilantro... thanks for visiting me at my #100 post. have a nice day

  14. Hi Diana, chervil is something new to me too, have read about it, seen it before but have not tried it yet! Interesting herb plant, it looks very pretty too.
    Have a great time fishing! Maybe you could bake or cook your fish with chervil.

  15. I haven't grown chervil but it can be used in omelettes, potato salads, cottage cheese or as a garnish as instead of parsley

  16. Rainfield61~ There were lots of fish. But too small so we release them back into the water.

    Lrong~I think milder than parsley.

    Sean L~The seeds does not resemble closely with other apiaceae growing in our garden. So I think it was safe from cross-hybridise. But dill and fennel flower and seeds look close so I avoid letting them flower together. We were just fishing for fun today because my youngest simply likes fishing very much. We went fishing close to Torrens Island Fishing market site. Plenty of fish but were still not legal size. Every 5 minutes caught some baby salmon trout and mullet but release them back into the water.

  17. Phoebe~I first saw how chervil was used in Masterchef when they were making some fish soupery dish.

    Cher~Chervil is more popular in French cuisine. I don't really know how to prepare any French cuisine so did not have much chance to use those chervil. Although I grow them.

    Jay~Thank you. I look forward on visiting you soon.

    Jennifer~Probably can be use similarly like how parsley is use then. Thank you so much for the info.

  18. Daphne~The flower of chervil and cilantro does look similar and might be mix up if they are blooming at the same time. But the seeds are different.

    Mark~It does wilt easily compared with other herbs. I must sow some seeds now so I can try to use it with fish.

    Makcikmanggis~ Tak pasti dalam bahasa apa dia. Bestnya Maryam dapat manja-manja dengan Tok. Dah mula makan puree ke Maryam?

    Wendy~Planted them together due to space limit and lessen the evaporation.

    Wan~Congratulation again on your 100th post.

    Joyce~Chervil does look pretty in the garden. It will be nice as decoration or ornamental in the garden. Plus bonus for the kitchen use.

    Sue~A nice substitute for parsley. I might try it in omelettes since it is not as strong as parsley.

  19. My chervil plant is going to seed too - I find that they self seed a lot - so you may well find you have it coming up everywhere. I don't need any seeds but I did want to tell you that I tend to use chervil mostly with other herbs - in herb omelette or in salsa verde. I find it mixes really well with other herbs. The classic French Fine Herbes combination is: parsley, chives, chervil & tarragon.

  20. Never heard about this plant before!~ They look like coriander to me!

  21. Liz~ Thank you for the advise on using chervil. The only herbs I have not grown here is tarragon. Must find some to complete the set.

    Malar~The leaves are different. It probably closer to flat-leaves parsley.

  22. You can make a "fines herbes" omelette with chervil, parsley, tarragon and chives. It's mild so can be used in meats to fish to vegetables. The flavour is a bit like anise, as is tarragon.

  23. Khai Tzer~ Very helpful advice. Thank you.

  24. hi, im interested to plant chervil. may i know where can i get the seeds from? thank you :D

  25. You can get chervil seeds at Kebun Bahagia Bersama Blog.
