
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Last End Spring Harvest

Harvest the last cauliflower and broccoli for this year. Bandicoot some Royal Blue potato. There were a few Redland Pioneer bean to harvest and thinking about leaving the rest to dry on the plant. 
Most of the cool season vegetables planted last fall/winter are completely harvested for this year, such as rainbow chards, bloomsdale spinach and florence fennel. It will be officially summer next month.
We finally started to harvest our Nero Black kale since not much is available to harvest this week. Some spring onions, beetroot and baby potatoes. We also harvested some Musselburgh leek grown in polystyrene container. Those leek were long and width at least an inch.


  1. It is so interesting following your garden with us being in opposite seasons. Your cauliflower looks really nice.

  2. Lovely harvest! Well done. :) Hope your summer harvest well be exciting and bountiful, too! :)

  3. wah u did a great job!! sangat lah segar tu harvest !

  4. You've kept an inspiring spring garden this year. Thanks for spurring us on to winter garden efforts, even as you enter into the summer months! Love the broccoli and cauliflower. I'd really like to try the fennel here too.

  5. Seronoknya dapat makan cauliflower and broccoli tanam sendiri! It's definiltely mpossible for me to plant them here..Dua2 tu my fav veges!! Sekarang ni musim banjir here-ubi2 sgt banyak!

  6. I've been having the hardest time with fennel, I just havne't found the right spot or the right timing or something. Your leeks are wonderful looking!

  7. Delightful harvest!! And yummy nutritious food!!! I love the pic on the banner with the beetle and red flowers :-D

  8. The leaves of the Nero kale is interesting - lovely texture and colour. Those beautiful leeks immediately remind me of potato leek soup.

  9. Lovely looking harvest thankyou for the comment you left on my blog I will try that.

  10. I've just planted some Tuscan Kale - I hope mine looks like yours does when it grows up. Those royal blue potatoes look good too. I think I should be able to bandicoot a few of mine from now on - it will be lovely to have home grown potatoes again.

  11. It always amazes me how much you grow in your 'cool'season. Growing never seems to grind to a halt for you!

  12. The veggies look wonderful. Still a really nice harvest.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  13. Another fine harvest and a great way to continue the spring, soon to be summer, growing season.

  14. Beautiful harvest. I always think of chard as a summer veggie though it will grow here anytime that it isn't freezing. But then our summers are probably a lot cooler than yours.

  15. I am always impressed with the variety of items you get from your garden during each of the seasons. This week is no exception! Everything looks very good but those leeks and green onions are particularly nice.

  16. Everything looks so good, but my favorites are the cauliflower- how will you fix it?? and that "black" kale. Must find some seeds for next year!

  17. What do you think of the Cavolo Nero? Some people find its taste too strong (not me!). I grow a variety called "Black Tuscany". Is that the same one as yours?

  18. That's a lot of harvest! Fresh from garden to the kitchen! Yummy!

  19. Your harvest is very inspirational. Well done!

  20. That's plenty of harvest!
    I am so jealous, Because I can harvest only leak and a few green pepper now.

  21. such productive harvests! is the flesh of those royal blue potatoes yellow?

  22. I'm really in awe of you and your garden! Such bountiful harvest! Absolutely drooling over your leeks! Did you grow them from seeds or bulbs?

  23. That's quite a collection of vegetables. What can you plant during the summer months?

  24. Gardener on Sherlock Street~It is also interesting for us to watch what is happening in opposite season.

    Veggie Gnome~At the moment, the summer vegetables seems to grow so slow. Wish they could grow quicker.

    Beaty~puas hati makan sayur segar sendiri.

    Jody~I hope you have plenty harvest from your new project. Fennel only does well in our cool season.

    TK~Ubi2 mesti kena gali cepat-cepat sebelum reput tak? Lagi-lagi musim tengkujuh sekarang.

    Mary Hysong~For us fennel is better to grow during fall since we have really hot summers. Our spring fennel planting don't look as good as our autumn ones.

    Stephanie~The beetle on chinese spinach flower.

    Sean L~The leaves of Nero kale does not wilt as easily as Asian greens.

    Cathy~I hope your eggplant will get through your winter safely.

    Liz~Many of our potato plants are starting to wilt possibly they hate it when the soil become hotter now.

    Sue~We are lucky that it is possible for us to grow all year round depend on the vegetable variety. Micro-climate does help a lot.

    Cher~We will probably be relying on our frozen vegetables soon.

    Mr. H~Can't believe it today it is already officially summer here.

    Daphne~Chard seedlings that I sowed 2 months ago not growing at all which I suspect it does not like our warm weather here.

    KitsapFG~Leeks seems to grow so slowly that the one we sown during fall is just that size close to summer.

    JGH~ I think I mix cauliflowers into many kind of dish. Sometime I add in cauliflower into Thai dish- Tom Yum. I will post something about that black kale next week.

    Mark~I think it is similarly like yours by looking at your photos. I found Cavolo Nero does not wilt that easily. Need longer time to cook. I prepare it like the one you did with polenta.

    Malar~Mungkin bulan depan dah tak banyak sayur segar. Kena pakai yang frozen stock punya agaknya.

    Kelli~ Congrats on extending your harvest season!

    Rainfield61~ The plant not happy these days due to the hot hot hot sun.

    Kumittyi~Leek and green pepper is very good. How do you prepare them?

    Lena~Yes the flesh of those royal blue potatoes is creamy yellow.

    Joyce~ We usually grow leek from seeds.

    Norma~We grow warm-loving veggies such as pepper, sweet potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes and the cucurbit families.
