
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Salmon Kedgeree with Fennel and A Malaysia Twist Salad

This week, we harvested nice size of leeks. Those leek seedlings were born in Gnomesville given to us by Veggie Gnome last fall. We harvested as well a Florence fennel, purple kohlrabi, some yellow cherry tomatoes from 2 plants and some baby potatoes. Did you noticed our November cooking are speedy and simple. The cook is getting lazy in the kitchen as she is getting busy with writing up her thesis. Have to do lots of reading before you can think and write something for a thesis. I found another interesting fast to prepare dish and less cleaning up to do in the kitchen with this recipe. If you have left-over cooked plain rice this is a good recipe for it as well. This dish is to said originate from Britain.
Salmon Kedgeree with Fennel (adapted from The Australian's Women Weekly-World Table)
1 1/2 cups white long grain rice (We used basmathi or leftover cooked rice about 5 cups)
400 gram canned red salmon
75 gram butter
1/3 cup coarsely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
1 cup sliced florence fennel
2 teaspoons lemon juice
3 hard-boiled eggs, chopped coarsely
(1) Cook rice
(2) Drain salmon, discard skin and bones. Flake flesh.
(3) Melt butter in large frying pan; add rice, fennel, parsley and juice. Cook stirring until heated through. Add salmon and eggs; cook stirring gently until heated through. Serve with lemon wedges.
Note: I mixed in some Pak choi together.
Yup fennel and lemon goes well together.
Another new experiment prepared in our kitchen.
If you don't have green mangoes or other vegetables that usually mix together for a Malaysia typical sambal salad, you can use slice red onion, florence fennel, kohlrabi mix together with pounded shrimp paste and chilli. Season well with lime/lemon juice, salt and sugar. You can also add in some crushed roasted peanuts. It taste so good that I took the picture only when it is left this much. It really taste like Malaysia typical sambal salad. A good appetiser.
Canned red salmon will be stock in the pantry now for busy days.


  1. Leeks look really good thats a vegetable that will be on my list next year. summer there Winter here how cold is it there in the winter?

  2. that rice dish looks good..sedap tak? kalau sedap boleh try...:)

  3. Yum yum yum! Love the photo of your kedgeree. Makes me want to dive in and gobble it all up!
    All the best with your thesis! :)

  4. I make kedgeree quite a bit with smoked trout (the whole ones you can get at Italian deli's) but I've never added fennel - I think it would work really well though - I will have to give it a try.

  5. maryam dah mula makan rice flakes dengan susu.semasa di rumah maryam kena fikir menu yang tak perlu tumis atau goreng kerana rumah condo ni keluasan dapur yg limited.jika tumis yg ada belacan habislah ruang tamu bau belacan:)....leek sedap dimasak sup.

  6. That is one good looking meal. Makes me want some.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  7. Both your rice and salad looks delicious, Diana! Your leeks are beautiful! So geram!! :)

  8. Sorry, but being a non fish-eater, this dish would be a nightmare for me! I'd probably end up just picking the eggs off the top...
    In terms of looks though, I have to agree that it looks very impressive.

  9. Love the rice with thw salmon and fennel. Great ideea to mix those ingredients,Diana.
    Hope to grow some fennel this spring ...

  10. Your leeks are huge! Mesti best masak sup or campur dlm stir fry. The purple kohlrabi has such a nice, intense purple colour, macam tercelup stain (reminds me of crystal violet or Giemsa :-p)

  11. Cathy~It can drop to 2 degree Celcius in winter this year.

    Sonia~If I can afford smoked salmon might be much healthier;-).

    HangKebon~Sedaplah juga untuk makanan express.

    Veggie Gnome~Dreaming of berries.

    Liz~Thank you for the idea. Will try to find it in our local market here.

    Cikmanggis~Menantu allergic belacan ya. Kena masak sup macam tu supaya Maryam pun boleh hirup sikit kuahnya.Rayyan dulu 5bulan dah nutrition suruh bagi banyak butter and olive oil dalam makanan dia nak kasi banyak calori sebab kecik sangat.

    Cher~Our first Salmon Kedgeree dish luckily no left-overs.

    Joyce~Leek like mid 20s weather. But they still survive hot weather though.

    Almutarjimah~Menjilat jari;-).

    Mark~It won't be easy to pick out the salmon out from this dish.

    Dani~Good Luck with fennel next spring. Thank you for your address will try to post it next week.

    Sean L~I had to harvest heaps of leeks cos they were about to flower. Soup, stir-fry macam-macam dah jenis masakan campur.

  12. your salmon dish looks very inviting but hvnt tried sambals with fennels!

  13. Lena~ I think fennel might go well in kerabu dish as well.
