
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Raspberry Picking

Summer has come and its now berry and cherry season here in Adelaide. Adelaide hill will be having many visitors from the city this month as there are lots of sign outside cherry and strawberry farm with 'pick your own' now. We were so happy and excited that Berry Gnome and Veggie Gnome invited us to Gnomesville to pick berries. This is the first time for us to pick raspberries and we enjoyed it very much. This is my favourite spot to sit and just enjoy picking fresh raspberries straight to the mouth within seconds. So much fun.
First time we got to know silvanberries.
After an afternoon snack of nasi lemak and the divine chocolate velvet torte that Veggie Gnome baked, we went to an organic cherry farm to pick cherries. Rayyan and Ilhan is always full pack with energy but they slept in the car on the way back home means they enjoyed the day very much. Cherry season is earlier this year, so it is best to go there as soon as possible. Last year was really late around Christmas and cherry farm had to open for pick your own even on Christmas day.
Some of the berries that we brought home.
Frozen some to make desert when I have time.
Any ideas where to visit this weekend here in South Australia this time of the year?
Planning for some outdoor activities this weekend.
But we don't know where and what to do yet.


  1. eeeeee seronoknya:)tak pernah lihat pokok berry seumur hidup cm ni.pastinya menjadi satu kenangan indah bagi Rayyan dan Illhan

  2. Raspberries and cherries...lovely. Your kids sure are enjoying themselves.

  3. Now that looks like fun, there is nothing better than fresh raspberries.

  4. Lovely making great memories for the children.

  5. syoknyer! belum pernah lagi tengok pokok raspberry.. yg biasa tengok pokok strawberry aje.. itupun kat cameron highland.. hehe.. pokok mulbery pernahlah tengok.. tp tengok pokok yg belum berbuah... hehe.. bestlah dpt bwk balik byknya raspberry... nak buat dessert apa tu? rasa raspberry masam ke manis? mana sedap berbanding strawberry?

  6. Certainly sounds like a good day out! We don't have many Pick Your Own farms in the UK these days, because there are so many rules and regulations that have made it difficult for the small places to survive.

  7. What a fun day. The kids sure enjoyed it.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  8. Oh, this sound so fun, I have yet to join any trip of pick your own fruits. Ya, about the Chinese herbal chicken, in fact, this is very good for women after delivered baby, my mom prepared this for me during my confinement.

  9. **jealous** wish i could join you picking the berries in the farm!!

  10. We've just picked what will be the last of our autumn raspberries - they have kept on this year as we haven'y had any real frost yet.

    We used to go to pick your own farms but now we just pick our own.

    What do silvanberries taste like!

  11. My family also enjoyed picking persimmon fruits as I mentioned it in my blog.
    Your bellies are also beautiful and must be sweet and delicious!
    Picking sweet fruits really can make kids excited!

  12. wow...great post...fresh ones looks divine..;)
    Tasty Appetite

  13. bestnya! i miss berry picking, apple picking dan yg sewaktu dgnnya..kat cni jambu picking selalu la hehehe ;)
    kebetulan semalam pon mkn nasi terengganu style..sambal dia guna ikan tongkol..:) ur kids must've enjoyed their day kan...:)

  14. Berries picking? What an exciting experience!
    Your sons must have enjoyed so much!

  15. Makcikmanggis~Bulan December activity tiap tahun pergi petik berry dan cherry kat sini. Ada juga tanam strawberry kat rumah tapi cukup untuk diorang berdua je.

    Sean L~They sure did enjoy it.

    Mr. H~ Yes first fresh raspberries for us and tasted so different from the stores.

    Cathy~It was much enjoyable for Rayyan this year as he is much healthier and running around.

    Madihaa~Tingginya ada juga rasanya macam pokok mulberry. Tengok intai buku resepi Betty Crocker nak cuba buat desert dengan strawberry. Rasa strawberry dan raspberry ada lebih kurang sama cuma flesh raspberry sangatleh lembut.

    Mark~It is a shame that with so many rules and regulations that makes it hard for small farm to survive.

    Cher~They seem to understand how to pick the ripe berries.

    Sonia~I will remember this recipe. So the next time I am in confinement I got something new to eat rather than the same thing all over again.

    Lena~If I am your jiran, I probably pick cherries for you since you know much better how to make good desert.

    Sue~I was greedy eating so many berries at once that I think it made me confuse which is which. But all taste good.

    Takeko~Yes it is one of good activities for the kids. At least they know where the fruits come from.

    Jay~So divine.

    HangKebon~Oh my hubby mesti enjoy makan nasi lemak style Terengganu tu. Jambu picking pun best juga. Rambutan picking pun sini rindu juga;-).

    Malar~It was an exciting experience.

  16. Yummy!! I'm soo behind on my blog reading but seeing your berries makes me want summer NOW!! Enjoy!

  17. Terliurnya tgok all those berries. Berries ni kat Malaysia mahalnya lah ya teramat sangat. Nak beli pun sayang duit.

  18. That nasi lemak was a real treat! Dreamed of it, too. Sooooo sedap. :) Thank you.

  19. Holly~I am trying to empty some space in our freezer so I can keep some berries while it is in season here.

    TK~Saya pun tak sanggup beli berry kat Malaysia.

    Veggie~ Thank you so much for inviting us over. We are really happy.

  20. ada tak jual pokok raspberry?
