
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Carnation Chabaud Life-Cycle

I have been wandering whether our carnation flowers produce seeds. It should have seeds since in our local seed company catalog there are seeds available. The chabaud carnation that we grow were not originally sowed by us. I bought a punnet from our local nursery when we were really wet behind the ear in the world of gardening. When we started gardening, carnation was one of the first flower that grace our garden. Lucky for us, it thrives in neglect. It dislike the hot summer here though. Commonly, bloom in spring but we have some bloom in autumn or winter due to strange weather. Carnation were growing well side by side with chives in one of our containers previously.
Fresh carnation seeds collected last spring.
Newly sprouted carnation seeds.
Carnation seedlings.
It was much easier to collect seeds from single layer petal carnation than the multiple-layers one. But it will be interesting to see if those seeds follows the features of its parents or diverse.
Looks like a flower bud but it is actually carnation seed pod.
We did not planned to collect carnation at first since we don't know where the seeds are hiding. But my cousin Lenay while she was dead-heading spent blooms stumbled on the carnation seeds hide-out.
Eureka! Eureka!
This plants has been in good mood and give us some flowers to cut for indoors.
Hope you have a Wonderful day this Wednesday.


  1. I am off to look for some carnations.

  2. I've just recently started sowing flowers but have yet to try growing carnations. Yours look nice and make lovely cut flowers, I bet. Hurrah for cousin Lenay!

  3. Cantik sungguh your carnations. Have you tried using the petals in salads?

  4. Very pretty blooms and so nice that you can start so many more.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  5. You are so inspirational! Good for you getting those carnations growing - they are so pretty. You definitely have a green thumb. I don't see an e-mail address for you and wonder if I can pick your brain about my upcoming visit to Malaysia? If you have some ideas for me can you e-mail me at vemvaan(at)gmail(dot)com? thanks, Gillian.

  6. cantiknya:)..boleh makan?(Sean L)..Diana.. Cm masak spaghetti sardin hari ini.Guna resepi Diana.Insyallah nnt Cm letakkan gambarnya.

  7. Aww, carnations, they are just so beautiful!:) Perfect flowers for our beloved mothers ;)

  8. cantiknya bunga carnation! been planning to grow folwers too..tapi taktau la bila nak start....:)

  9. @makcikmanggis: Boleh kalau tak disembur racun. Rasa spicy yg entah, susah nak describe. Sebagai penambah perisa dan warna kepada salad yang boring, hehe.

  10. Beautiful flowers! You have a nice day too!

  11. Wow! It's just so pretty! I love carnation too!

  12. bestnye.... mcm2 bunga blh tanam ;)i wish kat malaysia pun blh tanam jugak, sure akan tanam kat umah..

  13. Gode billeder.
    Smukke blomster.
    Tak for kigget.

  14. Beautiful !!! They smell divine ...
    Have a nice day, Diana !

  15. I love so beautiful pics and inspirational essay on carnations very much. Its vivid pink is really fantastic.
    Carnations is profoudly memorable for you ,isn't it?
    I wonder what plant I grown for the first time when I started gardening
    I'm just turning it over in my mind

  16. I love carnations. Beautiful bloom!

  17. You're amazing with plants...really inspiring to us all. Where I'm quite hopeless with vegetables, I at least make up for it with the fruit trees in my backyard.I do wish to be a better gardener like you, Diana.

  18. Diana, is there anything you can't grow???

  19. Bom~I almost pruned the carnation that have seeds in it and Lenay stop me in time show me where it is.

    Sean L~ I have never had them in salads or any edibles flower yet. Although calendula self-seeds for us all year round. Maybe I should try eh.

    Cher~Wish we have more space to grow them.

    Africanaussie~I will send you and email regarding your visit to Malaysia. When are you going and which part of the country?

    Makcikmanggis~Carnation adik-beradik dianthus boleh makan. Tapi saya tak pernah cuba pula. Boleh dibuat bahan untuk candy.

    Christy~Yes perfect flowers for our beloved mothers. They last longer too as cut flowers.

    HangKebon~Portulaca senang kut nak tumbuh kat Malaysia tak perlu banyak air dan pokoknya tak makan tempat.

    Sonia~They do add colourful colours in our garden.

    Malar~They don't like strong sun so the ones that are in partial shade grows well in our garden or only receiving morning sun.

    Marinahunny~Mungkin kat tempat macam Cameron highland sesuai sangat tanam carnation kut. Sekarang kat sini dah nak panas macam kat Malaysia tapi masih bertahan nak berbunga.

    Landbohaven~Did google translate in correctly-Good pictures. Beautiful flowers. Thanks for looking :).

    Sue~ Unfortunately, our carnations don't have a very strong scent.

    Dani~Maybe I have to plant a row of them to enjoy the scents. Ours are scattered in the garden.

    Kumittyi~I guess its been on our garden for a long time. We are lucky that no pest attack them.

    Quay Po Cooks~They really good for cut flowers.

    Rosie~I have many dead plants at the moment due to the heat. So its not all work out for me. But we do try growing many varieties each season and observe which works best for our micro-climate.

    Mark~ Yes there is. I can't seems to grow galangal, tumeric and ginger well here.

  20. So pretty! I wish mine can grow like yours haha... You have amazing hands. All your plants are growing really well.

  21. Stephanie~ You got a good start with the carnation seeds as it already germinated for you. Hope in a few months later it will bloom for you.

  22. kalau boleh tanam kat kl saya nak macam mana ya? order dengan kmkd ke?

  23. Suka Suka~ Minta maaf sekarang ni benih carnation ni out of stock pula sebab dah bagi kat mak saya. Saya tak pasti kalau di kl boleh tanam melalui benih atau hidup dengan subur atau tidak. Tapi kawan blogger tengah mencuba di KL tengok menjadi ke tidak tanam carnation ini dari benih yang saya kirim.

  24. Nanti saya cuba tanya ya suka-suka...

  25. ada benih carnantion?? saya nak beli.

  26. Ada benih carnation? saya nak beli
