
Monday, December 5, 2011

Spicy Sardine and Spaghetti Bake

We harvested our first Lebanese zucchini for this summer. This is our first time growing 'Lebanese zucchini', so I was not sure what size is perfect to harvest this variety. Did not want it to get too mature or it will stop other fruits to develop. A few leeks and another one kohlrabi harvested this week. 
Our Lebanese brinjal plant that has now experience 3 summers did not disappoint us. We just enter summer and that old brinjal plant has given us roughly 10 eggplants for us. We had endless supply of yellow currant cherry tomatoes last week.
What did we do with the cherry tomatoes?
The second recipe that I enjoyed from this recipe book.
 Spicy Sardine and Spaghetti Bake (The Australian Women's Weekly~Gratins & Bake recipe book)
250g spaghetti
1 cup (70g) stale breadcrumbs
1/3 finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley (used curly ones)
1/3 cup (80ml) olive oil
318g canned sardines in oil, drained
250g cherry tomatoes, chopped coarsely (did not chopped)
4 cloves garlic, crushed
2 teaspoon dried chilli flakes

(1) Cook pasta in large saucepan of boiling water until tender; drain and reserved 1/3 cup (80ml) cooking liquid.
(2) Preheat oven to 220 degree Celsius.
(3) Combine breadcrumbs, parsley and 1 tablespoon of the oil in medium bowl.
(4) Heat remaining oil in same pan; cook sardines, tomato, garlic and chilli, stirring, until tomato begins to soften. Stir in pasta; season to taste.
(5) Spoon mixture into 1litre (8cup) ovenproof dish; pour reserved cooking liquid. Sprinkle with breadcrumb mixture. Bake, uncovered, about 10 minutes or until browned lightly.
Sardines and this yellow cherry tomatoes goes well together.
Rayyan enjoying the pasta.
One funny-looking purple savoy cabbage was harvested.
Two of our 3.5 months grown Royal Blue potato plant were all dried up due to the hot weather. It was a trial to plant potato on our most sunny patch at the end of winter. It grows really fast but the soil is too hot now. Touching the soil on that area is very hot during mid-day. I won't be able to walk on it barefoot. So I have to reluctantly dig the spud out early cause it was supposed to be medium-late variety. There still supposingly  in their baby stage. The trial is half-successful since there were at least 12 medium~large size spuds from each plants. Not bad considering it just been 3.5 months since I planted the seed potatoes. I probably grow this potato variety again because the yield is good even on shorter growing time.


  1. seronok dapat petik hasil kebun kan.Wah rayyan makan dengan gaya yg sungguh menarik hikhik..Tok mama suka dgn sudu tu:)

  2. That recipe looks delicious and I am not even a sardine fan! Ryan definitely looks like he approves too. :D

    Your produce is beautiful this week. Well actually, it is beautiful most every week but you have a real highlight of those eggplants to dress up this week's bounty.

  3. What a great harvest. I have given up on eggplant. Can't find one that will produce here in my short growing season.

  4. I see your harvest, Diana and I'm thinking of summer ... still far away. Great eggplants, lovely cherry tomatoes !
    And such a sweet little boy !
    Hugs !

  5. The salt of the sardines with the tomatoes, I bet was very good!

  6. Your pasta dish looks delicious and so easy to put together. That's a big purple kohlrabi.

  7. For a beginner I"d say you are doing very well! Love that purple kolrabi and all your eggplant. What a lovely harvest you are having!

  8. suka tgk sudu garpu Rayyan tuh! comel sangat! hehehe ;)

  9. Yum, your Royal blue potatoes look great, seems you got quite a good yield after all, I only got 3 spuds from my single royal blue potato plant!!

  10. Rayyan pinjam spoon ... cantik sudu tolong beli untuk my little princess too hehhehhhehehe just kidding...

  11. Good harvest and I love this recipe. Rayyan seems to be loving it. I haven't tried using sardines in pasta dishes. Now I'll certainly will.

  12. hi diana, looks like junior is really enjoying his food. i dont know how a lebanese zucchini or brinjal looks like...anyway first time i see a sardine spaghetti recipe..great to try out. have a nice day

  13. Oh wow look at your harvest already!! Your baked spag looks so yummy.

    I thought of you today because my local organic grocer offered me two polystyrene containers!! I was so pleased! He knew I'd been hunting for them.

  14. Rayyan tells it all... it's yummy!! My brinjal has the same colour as yours but rounder ;-) Happy cooking.

  15. SOunds delicious an easy. I envy your warm weather! The weather here in Sydney is mad. I am wearing my winter pyjamas and a scarf as I type this. Not happy!

  16. By the look on his face, someone is really enjoying his spaghetti

  17. I shall be very happy too if I am the little young boy.

  18. Your veg looks fab! I'm not a big fan of healthy sardines however your dish looks really good.

  19. Hi Diana
    just got the lovely packets of seeds Aled really enjoyed opening the packet and what lovely seeds they are.
    Thank you

  20. The dish looks very tempting! Rayyan look like enjoying every bit of it! He look so good now!

  21. Cikmanggis~Seronok tapi lama juga ambil masa nak petik cherry tomato tu sekarang.

    KitsapFG~It really feel summer here now that we start to harvest eggplants.

    Wilderness~ We grow an early long eggplant variety that produce much earlier than other eggplant.

    Dani~I am searching for new recipe to enjoy eggplant and cherry tomato now.

    Barbie~The combination of the salt of the sardines with tomatoes does match.

    Lynn~We did enjoyed it very much since this is the first time we tried sardine with pasta.

    Norma~It is easy and quick to prepare.

    Mary~We were lucky that our first time growing kohlrabi we had some success.

    HangKebon~Oh set sudu garpu pertama Rayyan. Dah lama dah dari dia mula makan.

    Meeka~With the increasing temperature many of our potato plants has wilted and need to be dig out.

    Apa saja yang boleh dikongsi~Kena cari character cute untuk your princess butterfly kut:) Rayyan punya ladybird.

    Autumn Belle~This is the first time for us using sardine in pasta dishes too.

    Cookingvarieties~Hope you will enjoy it.It seems that lebanese zucchini is a bit ovalish.

    Mrs Bok~Glad that you have a very good local organic grocer to give-away their polystyrene container. Good Leck with polystyrene container gardening.

    Stephanie~Your brinjal sound good to cook in fish curry.

    Shaz~We have hot days and cold night. The temperature gap in a day is so big.

    Sue~Glad that there were no complain on the table with this dish.

    Rainfield61~If the little boy happy, the mother happy too.

    Kelli~I like seafood very much.

    Cathy~Happy that those seeds have arrived at your place. Hope you and Aled have so much fun with it.

    Malar~Its good to see him eating very well an enjoy food very much when we struggle before to feed him.

  22. Delicious looking — I'll have to try making this with spaghetti squash!

  23. diaryoftomato~ Combine with Spagetthi squash sounds good. We are waiting for our spagetthi squash to fruit.
