
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Want More Polystyrene Containers?

If you are living in Adelaide, you can obtain polystyrene containers easily at Torrens Island Market site. The Torrens Island Market is every Sunday and ends around noon. You can come collect polystyrene containers at the garbage late in the afternoon. Not many people around during that time so no need to be embarrass. Only a few people that come fishing is around. If you are lucky you can even watch a pink sunset or dolphins.
A budding fisherman practising his skill.
Rayyan even surprised us on trying to assemble the hook line on the fishing rod by himself while others were fishing which is still too dangerous for his age. Because he wanted one all by himself. He insist on holding the fishing rod by himself.
It always shock me on how many vegetables thrown in the garbage. Some of the vegetables and fruits that were thrown were just a little black or bruise because it does not look fresh and pretty anymore. But those vegetables are still edible. If I have a pet like bunny or chooks, I would have taken some back for them. Because I remembered when my brother had bunnies for his pet, my parents usually bought old vegetables from supermarkets like Giant in Malaysia that has been reduced it price sometime RM1 perbag for his dear pet. So much food waste and people dying of hunger in other part of this world. Polystyrene containers in the photo were full of beans!
Heaps of polystyrene containers on our collection day.
No more space to grow on your veggie patch?
Grow some veggies in polystyrene containers.
Economical and good insulators against those summer heat.


  1. I've heard of people living from the food thrown away in skips - not something I'd want to do but it just shows how much is unnecessarily thrown away

  2. Fabulous sunset photo! What you say about food waste is very true. In our supermarkets we get so many "Buy 1 Get 1 Free" offers, which just persuade people to buy lots more than they really need, and half of it often goes to waste - which is a real shame when you think of all the effort that has gone into growing it and shipping it around the world. Why don't they just reduce the price by 50%???

  3. Lovely sunset photo and Rayyan is so cute, a fisherman in the making.
    I wish I could find some boxs here maybe not looking in the right places

  4. Good thinking and use of those styrene containers to create planting containers. Better than them ending up in the landfill to "not rot" forever. Ryan is an absolute darling.

  5. Beautiful sunset. I'm always amazed what you manage to grow in the polystyrene containers.

  6. Looks like a fun day out with the family...

  7. Did I see you fishing on this trip? Such fun! I hope the containers work perfectly for you!

  8. I took a leaf out of your book 6 months ago and have my chef-husband bringing home polystyrene containers from work :) They're a great size for vegies.
    The food waste is depressing :( It could be composted, at least!
    Lovely photos :)

  9. I've been hunting for polystyrene containers...but no one seems to use them here! Didn't think they'd be this hard to find.

  10. I'm with you. We shouldn't waste food , our things and natural resources. Now What kinds of fish can you catch against The graceful sunset?

  11. Cantiknya pink sunset. Kat sini sunset colour oren je..Teruskan berkebun!!

  12. Lovely sunset! Your kids must love your fishing trips

  13. hi diana, great idea to use plostyrene containers like you did, helps contain the soil better against erosion.

  14. MKG dear,
    Mama has restarted her garden...again! We hope Michael won't sabotage it...again! We tried polystyrene planting too but having six felines in the house resulted in the boxes scratched to smithereens. You won't appreciate the mess they made. purrr....meow!

  15. ada orang mati tak makan tapi disatu pihak lagi makanan dibuang sewenang wenangnya..hmmm...

    wah banyaknya kotak polystyrene ..bagus kitar semula:)

  16. a lot of polystyrene containers you collected back, here i dont know where to find this box, hehehe..

  17. Sue~It was kind of sad to see so much food gone to waste. Many of them still edible with just a few blemish.

    Mark~Marketing strategy trick so we buy more.

    Cathy~Do you have local weekend market?

    KitsapFG~I don't find any difference the durability of plastic pots and polystyrene containers. Both don't rot. But at least we can help recycle those styrene containers.

    Kelli~We can't make raise beds as we are renting. So containers help us to grow more.

    Lrong~It was a fun day:). I was just content watching them fishing.

    Jody~I was just reading by the river. But our boys were happy fishing and playing.

    Hearts_in_asia~Sometime I brought some of the food for composting.Wish we have a pet. Good luck and hope you have fun with polystyrene container gardening.

    Mrs Bok~You can ask from your local veggie grocer or local market. I use to collect polystyrene that were thrown at the back of Asian grocery shop.

    Kumittyi~There were heaps of fish but small so we return them back to the water. Many salmon trout baby.

    TK~Kalau ada nasib bolehlah nampak pink sunset kat sini mungkin ikut musim kut.

    Sean L~The eldest enjoy playing with the sand and water. The youngest likes fishing.

    Cookingvarieties~They do contain the soil well.

    Cat-from-Sydney~I can imagined what happened to the box it is a nice place to scratch. Maybe you can cover the styrene box side with plastic.

    Cikmanggis~Banyak diorang buang kotak dan polystyrene kat market tu.

    Sonia~Maybe you can ask your local kedai runcit to keep it for you.

  18. Very good idea!
    Beautiful pics!
