
Friday, December 16, 2011

Salmon and Green Bean Potato Patties

Many of our potato plants gone yellow and wilted. So had to dig and find spuds. Although I do wish that they grow much longer, rather than finding so many tiny little spuds. Because many of the plants are rather young. Yesterday, pull out some dragon carrots and purple top turnip as well.
Not many edibles to harvest from the garden at the moment. So we have to depend on our frozen goods. We are trying to use up our frozen beans from last summer which should be more than 9 months sitting in the freezer now. So we found this recipe to enjoy those fresh potato and carrot with some of those frozen bean. This is our first time joining in Robin's Thurday's Kitchen Cupboard.
Salmon and Green Bean Potato Patties
(adapted from The Australian Women's Weekly~The $ Smart Cook)
150 gram green beans
800 gram potatoes, chopped coarsely
20 gram butter
1/3 cup (25gram) finely grated parmesan cheese
1 egg
415 gram can red salmon
1/3 cup (35gram) packaged breadcrumbs
vegetable oil, for shallow-frying
3 medium size carrot (coarsely grated)

(1) Boil, steam or microwave beans until tender; drain. Rinse under cold water; drain. Chope coarsely.
(2) Boil, steam or microwave potato until tender; drain. Mash potato in large bowl with butter, cheese and egg until smooth.
(3) Drain salmon; discard skin and bones. Add salmon, carrot and beans to potato mixture; mix well. Shape salmon mixture into patties; coat in breadcrumbs. Place patties on tray, cover; refrigerate 30 minutes.
(4) heat oil in large frying pan; fry patties, in batches until browned lightly and heated through. Drain on absorbent paper.
A very very very simple lunch.


  1. Looks like a wonderful lunch to me. I love Salmon though.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. Wow, this is a wonderful recipe. I am copying it right now. I sure wish that we had some salmon in the pantry.

  3. wow...drooling dish of yours...cant wait to try this tempting dish..:)
    Tasty Appetite

  4. Wow delicious...make my mouth watering ;) So difficult to find good Salmon here, should try with other fish. Thanks for sharing this special recipe.

  5. Maybe the smallness of your potatoes was caused by lack of water? I find that potatoes need a LOT of water if they are to develop well. The tubers do continue to grow even when the foliage has died down too, so you don't have to dig them up straight away.

  6. You are really a great gardener, cook, wife, daughter, mom and student. Wow so many 'kelebihan'!

  7. Looks like a tasty dish - I never thought of adding green beans to fish cakes.

  8. your patties sounds good to me, with cheese too..yum!

  9. Those sure look good and I bet they were nice and moist with all the vegetables in them. I am sure the potatoes will continue to grow after the plants turn yellow. My smaller ones the size of a golf ball or so I slice and dehydrate or sometimes can them.

  10. The salmon patties look delicious, that's very good use of frozen beans and potatoes.

  11. nampak pun dah tahu sedap!garing dan ranggup..betul tak hehe...gud nite n sweet dream:)

  12. Yum! That looks amazing. I bet the eggs complimented things nicely.

  13. That's quite a lunch. Great use for canned salmon, love the combination.

  14. Cher~I love Salmon too. Fresh salmon here is so expensive.

    Robin~Hope you will enjoy it.

    Jay~This is nice for a bentou (lunch box).

    Orchid de dangau~Maybe it works with other fish as well. Let me know too:).

    Mark~Probably lack of water and the soil probably to hot for them as well. I still have some plants that the foliage has died down and will let it stay like that for a while. Hope we get bigger tubers.

    Autumn Belle~I am actually rather slow;-).

    Sue~It is easy to trick the kids to eat more greens with this patties.

    Lena~Ah yes cheese can make us become addicted. I was thinking of adding more cheese next time.

    Wilderness~It is moist inside. Oh I did not know that we can can potatoes.

    Mac~We need more space in the freezer. So the last frozen summer beans must be use ASAP.

    Makcikmanggis~Luar garing dalam moist.

    Jody~ I think next time I should add some minced herbs like parsley too.

    Mrs.Pickles~We enjoyed it very much.

    Norma Chang~ We have to make canned salmon some space in the pantry. As we seems to be using it more in cooking nowadays.

  15. sebelum kerja wat terapi mata dulu.....

  16. L liked this dish very much.
    I have never mix potatoes and beans before.
    Speaking of beans, I only added them to misosoup or curry or salad ,and boiled food.
    My recipe with beans increased, thanks to you.

  17. My name as~ Harapnya mata segar bugar dah.

    Kumittyi~This patties good for bentou as well. If I had used Japanese breadcrumbs (panko) it will have been much crisper.

  18. Thank you very much for some precious advices.
    Today,I cooked this dish for dinner.It was very easy to cook, very delicious.My son ate it up quickly,but I somewhat felt a lack of taste. The reason is probably because I used some raw salmon instead of can red salmon you wrote.I should have added more salt.I will try it again.

  19. Kumittyi~ I have not tried with fresh salmon yet. But I am happy that your son enjoy it. Maybe you can season it with pepper and salt.
